The Ultimate Battle

We spent a long time on the platform, and Zhiguang Laozei has been floating in the air watching us. I don't believe he did nothing during this time while waiting for us to deal with him. He must have been thinking of ways to deal with us too. So when I stepped on the Biji Bell and held the Four Symbols Divine Weapon and Liuying Immortal Sword, rushing towards him, I saw that he was playing with a bunch of blue flames in his hand.

"Ghostly Fire, how about it? Isn't it beautiful?" Zhiguang Laozei moved his ten fingers around while squinting at the constantly rotating flame and said to me: "You must have already noticed it right? The Xiyin Tomb and Jade Basin Formation are both existences that I couldn't bear to destroy. So you're preparing to rely on terrain to deal with me, aren't you? You think I dare not use my full strength against you because I'm afraid of breaking the formation?"

"So you're ready to use this Ghostly Fire against us then? This flame will burn our souls but won't damage the formation, right?" I asked in a deep voice.

"That's right," Zhiguang Laozei coldly laughed after hearing my words as he looked at me: "You surely understand my power by now. Although I haven't made any moves yet, just one palm press later would bring down Heavenly Fire upon all of you. None of you can escape from being burned into corpses by my ghost fire burning your souls."

"If that's so powerful why wait until now?"I sneered.

"Heaven rewards good deeds; besides, I don't want things between us escalate completely out of control either."Zhiguang Laozei looked at me saying:"You should know there is no deep hatred between us really.So, if you're willing to reconcile and hand over the Four Symbols Divine Weapon obediently, I won't hurt your companions."

"Do you really think there's no hatred between us?"I frowned at him and asked.

"Where does the hatred come from?" He smiled and asked.

"Do you know why I was able to easily subdue Ganjiang Sword's sword spirit?"I looked at Zhiguang Laozei and asked.

"Why?"He asked puzzledly.

"I'm not entirely sure myself. But according to Fengyun Sanren's words, I should be Moganshi reincarnated. Haha! Moganshi died in your hands, moreover, you betrayed him. Just based on this point alone our enmity is already deep."I laughed.

"So it seems that this matter can't be negotiated then right?"Zhiguang Laozei also laughed after hearing my words as he looked at me: "Have you ever thought about it? Actually, I can just leave now. If so, none of you will have any way to deal with me; furthermore,you cannot stay here forever either because once leaving this place,you'll become fish meat for me.So fighting against me doesn't benefit any of you."

"If you can leave then why don't you go?"I retorted:"Do not forget that if you leave now,I will immediately destroy both Jade Basin Formation and Xiyin Tomb.Then let's see who suffers more losses.Moreover--"

At this point,I couldn't help but look deeply into Zhiguang Laozei's eyes before saying sympathetically:"You are afraid to leave Mount Modu altogether aren't'you? You even dare not step out of the mountain body itself,right?"

" actually figured that out too?"Upon hearing my words,Zhiguang Laozei was surprised:"Wasn't it Wuwang who told all these to you?"

"I don't need him to tell me. I already guessed it myself.The five thunder tribulations of the mountaintop Thunder Pool were not caused by Wuwang because he was just your puppet from beginning to end, oh no, more precisely speaking, he was your substitute who took on the thunder tribulation for you.Because of this substitute,you have such a high level of cultivation but never really encountered any thunder tribulations yourself. All those thunder tribulations were attracted and absorbed by that substitute.However,it's a pity that now the substitute has been destroyed so your own heavenly calamity has officially begun."

At this point,I couldn't help but laugh a little before looking at Zhiguang Laozei with some sympathy:"The No-Thunder Heavenly Calamity ah,Zhiguang Laozei.Even though you have an extraordinary level of cultivation,I'm afraid there is no guarantee that you can safely pass through it,right? Originally,you planned to use Four Symbols Divine Weapon against the heavenly calamity and directly shatter through space into heaven.But unfortunately,the Four Symbols Divine Weapon is not in your hands anymore.So let

"Young man, I have been waiting for this day for 2,500 years. It was not easy to get the chance to ascend. Can't you be a good sport? You should know that with your innate intelligence and young talent, you will also have a chance to ascend in the future. So if you can help me achieve my goal, I promise that after I enter the heavenly realm, I will work hard and when you arrive there too, I will definitely assist you in making a name for yourself in heaven. What do you think?" The old man of Light looked at me pleadingly.

"Empty promises are easy to make. Why don't you just pass on all your power to me? How about that?" I sneered.

"Alright then, since it's come down to this, don't blame me for being heartless! Take this - Hellfire!" Enraged by my words, the old man of Light shouted fiercely and waved his arms causing blue-white flames to burn wildly.

"Be careful! It's ghostly fire from the underworld; don't let it burn you!" Seeing this situation unfold below us, I warned JIETOU and others while throwing off the old man of Light. Then flipping over him with my sword drawn outwards towards our descent.

"I'll destroy your tomb first before letting you dream about ascending into heaven!" With one cold shout from me as elemental energy shield blocked off ghostly fire while Four Symbols Divine Sword and Liúqíng Immortal Weapon transformed into meteorites falling straight down onto central platform atop tombstones.

This move was made with full force; without any accidents happening under normal circumstances even if we couldn't destroy entire royal tombs but could still break apart several boulders disrupting its aura field.

"Don't do it!" Upon seeing what I was doing next,the old man of light screamed uncontrollably forgetting about controlling his ghostly fire. He flew towards me in pursuit.

"Extreme Cold Freeze, stop!" With an angry roar, the old man of Light clawed at the air with both hands and under full force, the temperature in the air instantly dropped to freezing point. Then a pair of ice-blue claws suddenly appeared on either side of my body and struck out towards me like lightning.

"Burning Heaven's Fury, cut it open for me!" Seeing those icy ghost claws coming at me,I roared furiously as I quickly activated Ling Tai Secret Art; all chaotic energy condensed onto Liúqíng Sword which then expanded hundreds of times its size into a giant mountain cleaver that hacked down upon those icy ghost claws.

"Sizzle - Crack!" Although those cold ghostly claws were powerful but they still shattered instantly under Heavenly Fire's incineration. Taking advantage of this opportunity,I continued to charge downwards preparing to give that royal tomb ultimate destruction.

"You guys can't destroy my plan!" Just when I was only tens meters away from tombstones,a figure suddenly blocked my path.The speed of old man light was so fast he managed to intercept me before I landed.I felt a little panicked by this sudden turn events and couldn't help but grit my teeth while swinging sword fiercely towards him.