The Sea Of The High Heavens

The ocean was a very mysterious existence for humans. It was close to twenty years after the era of the great pirates. The sea was also mysterious for the increasing number of pirates.

The sea was not merciful. The sea did not sympathize with humans. She gave humans countless substances, but at the same time, she would also unceremoniously swallow human life. For the sea, no matter how powerful humans were, they were just passing clouds. Only she herself existed for eternity.

For the pirates who lived on the sea, the sea was so awe inspiring. If they were careless, they would be destroyed by a ship. Especially for some people who ate the secret treasure of the sea and the devil fruit, the sea was like a taboo existence. They could not easily touch it.

It should be like this. For the ability users, the sea was an untouchable place. However, just above Jaya Island, a few thousand meters high in the sky, there was something that stunned everyone.

White Ocean, although its name was the sea, its essence was actually the clouds. It was a cloud called the sea cloud. It was mixed with the rock material brought by the volcano and formed the sea cloud and island cloud that Sky Island was unique to. The sea cloud that could sail like the sea and the island cloud that could be used for people to live or even grow. It also produced the unique cloud culture that Sky Island had. It was truly an unimaginable mystery for the people of Blue Ocean.

Although the sea cloud was not just a cloud, and white ocean was actually not a sea, it was not too different from the sea. Especially for people with abilities, it was no different from the sea.

Therefore, Vlad felt very bad now. He had not swam for a long time. Thinking carefully, the last time he swam was on the island where he got the Fire Dragon Fruit. After becoming an ability user, he naturally had no experience of swimming.

He was powerless. He had no strength in his entire body. He could not even move a finger. Vlad had never experienced this kind of powerlessness. Even when he was very young, the blood of his mother, who was unwilling to admit it, still filled his small body with abundant strength.

"As expected!"

Vlad thought to himself, "I can't even use a bit of energy. I really envy those transmigrators who aren't afraid of water!"

Vlad had long changed back to human form. The sea water was not the ability to skin and seize people, but it would make the ability user not have the strength to activate the ability. It was difficult for Vlad to even move a little, let alone maintain the huge fire dragon form.

Vlad laid on the top of the submersible that was rapidly breaking through the sea clouds. It was a good decision to protect the submersible under his stomach. Vlad happened to be stuck in the concave groove in front of the submersible and would not be separated from the submersible.

Thanks to Vlad's super high speed flight before entering the sea clouds, the momentum of the submersible was still strong. Maybe there was a chance to break through the sea directly.

There were fish swimming around. Although it was a cloud, it was not much different from the real sea. There were countless Sky Island and some marine life living here. Life was so great. This world was so wonderful. Every place had something touching.


Vlad's expression was extremely excited. It seemed like he wanted to shout loudly, but he was currently holding his breath, so he could only agree.

It was a huge octopus. Its fat body was no different from his compatriots on the sea. Its huge tentacles were waving wantonly, as if it had noticed a small submersible vehicle.

"Aiya, this is bad!"

As Vlad thought this, he could clearly feel that the speed at which the submersible rose had slowed down, and it was no longer as fast as before. "What should we do next?"

Vlad was not in a hurry. Instead, he looked at the giant octopus that was quickly approaching with interest.

He could even see the roulette shaped teeth in the mouth of the octopus.


"The octopus little meatball seems to be very good?" Vlad thought about it.

The thick tentacles directly extended towards the submersible, and the dense suckers on it looked extremely horrifying.


The submersible accelerated, and a series of bubbles emerged from its tail, instantly pulling away from the octopus.

Vlad could see very clearly that through the glass in front of the submersible, he could clearly see the maid holding a cigarette in the cabin with one hand on the rudder, and the other hand still had spare time to flick ash.

She looked very cool.


Vlad did not speak. In fact, he could not speak either. He only revealed a brilliant smile through the thick glass.


The maid replied with the same brilliant smile.

Vlad trusted his companions very much, so as an ability user, he dared to rush directly into this white ocean.


White, no matter where one looked, it was white.

This was a white ocean. The white clouds were like waves, rising and falling under the breeze. This was a beauty like heaven.


The sound was like a fish flying out of the water. The aircraft that was not too big instantly broke through the clouds and appeared on the surface of white sea.


Vlad, who had instantly escaped from the sea clouds, was no longer in a weak state. Although he had not fully recovered, there was no doubt that he could now move freely again.

"Isn't this coming up?"

The violent wind appeared on the surface of White Sea in the blink of an eye. Vlad flapped his wings wantonly like a crimson bolt of lightning, dancing on the surface of the sea.

"Ha, I didn't expect to actually come up here!"

On the submersible vehicle, the maid crossed her arms around her chest and looked coldly at the huge fire dragon soaring in the sky like a hyperactive patient. Her tone was very excited. Is this White Sea? It's really amazing! Is there really a sea made of clouds?

"And it's a few thousand meters above the ground!"

The chef continued, "Is this work of nature?"

"It's so beautiful!"

The beautiful musician girl looked around excitedly. She had never seen such a beautiful scene before. "Is this ocean in the sky?" she asked.

"Is there such a beautiful scene in the world?" she asked.

The woman named Serena took out a violin from somewhere. She had a beautiful smile on her face. "Then the name of this song is..." she said.

"The Sea of the Heavens!"

The white ocean that stretched to an unknown place floated in the sky. There were still unknown people living on this ocean, struggling. Just thinking about it, one would feel that it was a very touching thing. You would think, ah, there was actually such a place here? It turned out that there were people here too! People's emotions came from their cognition. It was precisely because they came to such a place that they felt a different kind of touched.

Serena made a song.

Just like the clear wind brushing against the face, the faint sound of the zither rang out on the surface of the sea. It was as gentle as the waves in the white ocean, making people unconsciously feel a sense of pleasure.

The giant dragons in the sky were dancing. The white ocean that stretched to an unknown place was stirring up waves under the wind. The musician named Serena was playing on the small diving device.

It revealed the smell of the wind, the breath of the clouds, and this song was called,

The sea of the high heavens.