Heaven's Gate


Vlad landed heavily on the submersible. The not-so-big submersible swayed and almost flipped over.

"Be careful, captain!"

The maid barely managed to stabilize her body and then shouted angrily, "This ship can't stand your antics! We can't fly like you!"

"Sorry, sorry,"

Vlad laughed. Although he was apologizing, in fact, he had no intention of repenting. This person was extremely stubborn. "What a great song!"

Vlad looked at his musician with bright eyes, and the expression on his face was very excited. "What is the name?"


Serena smiled faintly and put away the violin. She replied softly, "Sea of the High Heavens!"

"A temporarily written song. It's still a little rough."

Serena was still a little embarrassed.

"Is that so?"

Vlad said, "Then let's play it again after it is perfected!"


Serena nodded gently. Having seen such a beautiful scenery, she was not worried that she would not be able to write a classic music.

"Then, since you are already on white ocean,"

Vlad looked around and smiled. "It's time to set off for the real Sky Island!"


"Isn't this place?" the chef asked doubtfully.

"Of course not,"

Vlad casually replied, "This is white ocean who is seven thousand meters away from the ground. The real Sky Island is on white ocean."

"white ocean?"

Serena tilted his head.

"Yep, that is the cloud sea that is three thousand meters above white ocean!"

Vlad looked up at the sky. The white clouds were not difficult to observe.

"Three thousand meters? This is white ocean who is seven thousand meters away from the sea surface. In other words,"

The chef did not sound excited. "Is it really ten thousand meters? It is really hard to imagine that there is such a place in the world. There is an island ten thousand meters away from the sea surface. There are still residents on it. This is too, too dreamy!"


Vlad laughed. "What is this? There are more fantastic things here."

"Let's sail. Maid, I don't need to take you up this time!"

"I have found the way to white ocean." Vlad nodded.

"It's better to be more reliable this time!"

The maid held a cigarette in her mouth and jumped into the cabin. The submersible slowly began to move.

White ocean was very vast. It was not easy to find a place where there were people. The so-called punishment of flowing clouds was to exile the prisoner to white ocean, so that he would drift until he died or simply fell into the blue ocean.

Fortunately, several people flew up from Jaya Island. The sea of white ocean was not a remote place. Vlad could easily find the breath of people with his sight and smell.

"Well, Mr. Captain, is that also a cloud?"

Serena suddenly exclaimed, looking very surprised.

Vlad followed her line of sight and looked over. Clusters of solidified clouds on the white sea surface protruded out of the sea. They did not move at all under the waves. There was a clear difference between them and ordinary clouds.

"Oh, that,"

Vlad crossed his arms and said casually, "That's the island cloud, the foundation of the empty island!"


The eyes of the woman named Serena lit up. She was really curious.

"Don't be too excited. There will be countless of such things in Sky Island!"

Vlad smiled. Although he knew what it was, he was actually very interested in it.

It was something that he had never seen before.

"Oh, Mr. Captain, is that a gate?"

Serena shouted.

"Yep, that's right, of course it's a gate!"

Vlad looked at the gate that was already getting closer and closer. It was like a starfish, and he said unhurriedly, "Of course it's a door. This is the Door to Heaven!"

"The door to the Holy Land in the Sky!"


"There is actually such a beautiful building in such a place. The sea is indeed the most amazing place." The chef said.

"Of course, chef,"

"The so-called sea navigation is the process of constantly discovering new and beautiful things."

"Captain is so cool!"

Serena was very excited.


Vlad was very proud.

The Heaven Gate was the only way from white ocean to go to white white ocean. Through Sky Island's specialty, the Cloud Road, they crossed three thousand meters and went through white ocean to go to white white ocean.

Granny Amazon was a very old woman. She had long passed her youth. She had a short, stooped figure, wrinkled cheeks, and her hair was combed into two strange little balls. Of course, the most eye-catching thing was the small wings on her back.

"Hello, Captain, is this old lady an angel?"

Miss Serena looked very surprised. She looked at the short old lady without blinking.

"No way?"

The chef was equally surprised. This usually calm man was a little surprised. "Is there really an angel on Sky Island?"

"An angel? Where did this angel come from?"

"This is Sky Island!" Vlad laughed.

"Do you want to go to the upper level of the Kingdom of God?"

This old lady asked.

"Kingdom of God?"

The chef muttered to himself.


"I want to go, I want to go! I want to go!" Serena's eyes lit up.

"Is that so?"

The old lady named Amazon smiled warmly. "Then please pay the entrance fee. Each person has one billion extol coins!"

"One billion?"

Serena was shocked. No matter how he looked at it, this amount was a bit too shocking. One must know that even Vlad only offered a bounty of 750,000,000. This was already a famous pirate.

"Don't panic, curious miss."

Vlad smiled, "Extol coins are different from Berry coins. One billion coins is probably equivalent to one hundred thousand Berry coins!"


"That's good. Four hundred thousand is not much." Serena heaved a sigh of relief.

"Oh, there are four people?"

The old lady was keenly aware of Serena's words.


Vlad smiled. "I don't plan on paying!"


"Why?" Serena was surprised. "Mr. Captain, if we don't pay, we won't be able to enter the country."

"Please, Miss musician, we are not law-abiding people. We are pirates, pirates!"

Vlad was a little disappointed. How could there be pirates who were willing to pay entrance fee?

"But -"

Serena was a little hesitant.

"It doesn't matter. You can enter even if you don't pay!"

Granny Amazon said in an amiable manner.

"Eh? You can go in even if you don't pay?"

Serena was truly shocked.


Vlad, who already knew what kind of place Sky Island was, naturally had no intention of being surprised, "Then I'll have to trouble you! Take us up!"

"Take care!"

There was a smile on Amazon's lips. It was a smile that made people feel cold all over.


From the sea of clouds under the submersible, two hard pliers suddenly stretched out and caught the submersible directly. A huge shrimp carried Fire Dragon Pirates' submersible.

"Enemy ?"

The chef pulled out his kitchen knife and looked at Granny Amazon coldly.

"No, don't be agitated, chef,"

"This thing is called a fast shrimp. It's something that will bring us up." Vlad smiled.

"That's right, this gentleman is right."

Granny Amazon looked at Vlad in surprise. She didn't expect that Vlad actually knew the specialty of Sky Island.

"Then, let's go!"

Vlad laughed loudly.

"Let's go!"

Serena was also very excited.


The shrimp was worthy of its name. Even if it was carrying a submersible, it could quickly sneak in.


"It's to inform the guys on the top, right? Illegal Immigrant -"