Flying To The Moon

How vast the sea is, this is something that all people sailing on the sea cannot deny. Just knowing that such a beautiful scenery exists, and just knowing that there is such a great existence in the world will make people extremely excited. So countless men set sail, so careerists rush to gallop on the sea!

However, there are things in the world that are more exciting than the sea, and there are things that can inspire human beings' desire to conquer more than the sea.

That's the sky!

Far wider than the sea, far more mysterious than the sea! Human beings have always longed for the sky. Flying has been a dream of mankind for millions of years. There has never been anyone who has not longed for the sky! There is no doubt about this!

However, compared to the sea, the sky is even more out of reach. Compared with the journey to conquer the sea that can be embarked on with a small sailboat, it is difficult for anyone to fly into the sky, even if There are moves such as the Moon Step, one of the six moves, that can allow short-term flight, or various devil fruits that can fly. However, even so, the mystery of the sky is difficult for humans to touch.

However, on this day, unknown to everyone in the world, a group of pirates embarked on a journey to conquer the sky.

"Wow!!! So high, so high, so high, so high!!!"

A woman named Serena lay on the side of the boat, looking excitedly at the blue world below.

"It's already higher than Sky Island, right?"

Serena smiled and said, "It's almost time to fly to the outside of the world!!!"


"Ha, musician,"

Vlad smiled, "The world is so big! Even if you fly here, you are still a hundred and eighty thousand miles away from leaving the world!!!"

"The world is really amazing,"

The chef standing with the musician sighed, "I never thought I would be able to come to a place like this one day!"


Vlad smiled, "What the hell! Although it is indeed wonderful, there will be even more wonderful things waiting for us in the future!"

This world is really wonderful. Vlad thinks so more than anyone else. After all, these people who have been living in this world certainly don't know what space is. They don't know that there should be no air in the universe, so Vlad, who came from another world, felt a particularly wonderful feeling. Only when the contrast was clear like this could he feel that the world was different!

Yes, even though he had flown out of his planet, even if he had flown into the universe, Vlad did not feel any lack of oxygen or any difficulty in breathing. This world is really amazing. Got it!

"Hey, Captain, where are we going?"

Poking out from the cabin was Baby-5, a professional maid of the Fire Dragon Pirates and a guest helmsman. This woman couldn't understand why Vlad didn't seize the opportunity to expand his status after getting the position of the Shichibukai. power, but turned around and flew into the sky.

"Well, it's a very interesting place!"

Vlad smiled like this and pointed forward!

"Don't you think that the moon might be a great place? As a pirate, don't you want to take a look at that place that has been floating above our heads?"


The chef raised his head and glanced at the celestial body that was already very close. The moon in this world is indeed not far from Blue Sea, and a smile appeared on his lips. On this ship, the one thing that will never be lacking is interesting adventures.

"The moon? The moon!!!"

The most excited person was of course musician Serena, "Do you really want to go to the moon?"

"Yes, yes, there are huge secrets hidden on the moon!"

Vlad smiled, turned around and said, "Hey, God, are you excited?"

The man called by Vlad, the god Enel, was sitting cross-legged on the bow of Vlad's exclusive dragon-headed ship. Without a glance, he looked at the celestial body that was getting closer and closer, and his face was slowly filled with excitement!

"Hey, Fire Dragon!"

Enel suddenly turned around and said, "Fire Dragon! Let's fight!"


Vlad looked a little surprised, "Fight?"

"I told you so!"

Enel stood up, and electric light began to flash on his body, "I will definitely ascend to the infinite land as a god!"

"It's just like you said!"

There was a flash of lightning, and Enel appeared on the deck. His face was serious, and he did claim to be a god. Vlad then thought that this man had not drunk a drop of wine today.

"It is my lifelong wish to go to the infinite land. I have nothing to hide. Indeed, this is my dream!"

Enel's hand flashed with electric light, and his whole body was enveloped in dazzling electric light. "To be honest, I was quite excited when I heard that you were going to the infinite land, or the moon!"

"But, Fire Dragon, but, Vlad,"

Enel tilted his head, "Just like this is not enough. I must ascend to the infinite land. This is true, but I want to ascend to this place as a god!"

"Because it's been agreed!"

Enel said, "I have to reach this place as a god!"

"So, give it back to me!"

"Give me your identity as a god!"

"Although I have long foreseen that such a day will come!"

The chef stood up straight and said with some distress, "But I didn't expect it to be in this place!"

"Eh? Do you want to fight?"

Serena looked around in confusion, "Mr. God, are you going to fight with the captain? Why? There is no reason. Aren't we all partners? Why are we fighting!"

"What are you talking about? Stop being so foolish! Serena!"

Her tone was not good, and she looked very cold. Naturally, the person speaking could not be someone else. Naturally, it was the maid Baby-5 who had never had a good impression of Enel. A faint air flow began to surround her body. The temperature began to rise quietly, "This guy is not our partner, never has been!"


The only person who didn't speak was Vlad himself. He looked at Enel quietly and didn't speak!

"Come on! Vlad!"

Enel took a step forward and said, "Bet on the name of the God of Sky Island, come and compete with me!"


"That's enough!"

Vlad spoke slowly.

"Captain, give the order!"

The maid's eyes were cold and she said, "This guy is an enemy now!!"

"Maid, go sail the boat!"

Vlad said so.


The maid looked a little surprised.


Vlad said softly.


Not very cheerfully, the maid entered the cabin.

"God of the Sky Island? Well, I don't really care though!"

Vlad smiled, "But if you want to fight me for this, then I will accompany you!"

"Just let me see how much progress you have made in such a long time!"