The Promised Place


The electric light is flashing, and the long dragon made of huge thunder and lightning flashes high in the sky where no one can see,


"One hundred million volts!!!"

Enel turned into a bolt of lightning and flashed in the sky, "Thunder Dragon!!!"

The huge dragon is far more powerful than when it fought Vlad before! The body size alone has already doubled!

"One hundred million volts?"

Vlad flapped his wings, his eyes full of interest, "He's much more capable! This boy Enel!"

The two of them were in space, far away from the Fire Dragon Pirates' ship, the Platinum Draig. The ship had already carried the remaining three people to the moon under the control of the maid. Although it was built from treasure tree Adam, it is still far from being able to withstand battles of Vlad and Enel's level. Although it is extremely strong, it is actually just a ship.

"However, it's still far from enough!!!"

"Victory is not that simple!!!!"


Flames spurt out!

"Enil, I heard it's great there!!"

"Infinite land, if it is there, if it is there, if it can be reached there -"


The huge Thunder Dragon shattered with a bang. Even a Thunder Dragon with 100 million volts was powerless in front of the terrifying body attached to Vlad's powerful Armament Haki!


Vlad's speed was astonishing, and there was still a faint smoke lingering around his body. The hard fight with the dragon just now left his body a little numb, but the real damage was really not much.



Vlad suddenly stopped his body. Before he could rush to Enel's side, the guy had already turned into a bolt of lightning and flew away. Even with Vlad's terrifying speed, he could move almost instantaneously with Enel. There is still a big gap between the same elemental moves.

Vlad was surprised that the guy from Enel appeared far away in an instant.

"Super strong! Vlad!"

The strong electric light on Enel's hand began to gather, "After so long, I am not the only one who has become stronger, right?"

"However, I will never lose!"

"Thunder gun!! Hundreds of hits!!!"

Enel waved his arm, and strong electric light was released in his hand. The terrifying electric light instantly turned into lightning spears, and blasted directly towards Vlad!


Vlad twisted his neck and smiled, "What's the point!"

The attack power of this blow is far behind the previous Thunder Dragon. It is basically impossible to cause any trouble to Vlad with this move. So, what is Enel thinking?


Vlad flapped his wings, and flames shot out of Vlad's body like a real storm, more explosive than the waves and more turbulent than the strong wind!

The terrifying flames met countless thunder spears. The two powerful forces stirred up each other, and the bursting storm directly emptied everything around them.



When Vlad was extremely surprised, Enel's body suddenly appeared in front of him. It was so weird that Vlad didn't react at all!

"Two hundred million volts! Discharge!!!"

The extremely strong electric light began to flicker on Enel's body, and hit Vlad's body from almost zero distance.

"You're careless!! Vlad, it's a simple thing for me to transform into thunder and lightning, right?"

Enel thought, "Even you, you won't be intact under a powerful electric shock of 200 million volts, right?"


Thunder and lightning suddenly exploded, and the dark dragon man shuttled out, the electric light jumped on his body, and the huge fist directly hit Enel's face. Enel turned into a bolt of electric light and was directly hit. Vlad flew away.


Without any time interval, Enel had already flashed behind Vlad. His face was protected with Haki. Even if Vlad's attack was so sudden, this man could react with his observation Haki. 

"Thunder Halberd!!!"

Enel held his hands and swung them downwards. At this moment, strong thunder and lightning suddenly gathered in Enel's hands. The thunder light shimmered, and the halberd condensed in his hands as if it existed as an entity.

"Hey, Thunder Halberd?"

Vlad did not look back, but he had clearly foreseen Enel's attack. "Then for me——"

"Explosive Flame Sword!!"

Platinum-gold flames soared into the sky! The huge flaming sword appeared directly in Vlad's hand. Vlad twisted around, with a fanatical smile on his face, and slashed past Enel!


A huge explosion exploded in the deserted void, and a bolt of lightning was directly blown away by the huge explosion. The fiery red shadow followed closely behind, chasing in the direction of the lightning's flight!


The huge lightning beam hit Vlad's head head-on. Vlad didn't pause at all and directly shattered the lightning, but Enel had already moved further away with his speed.

"So strong!"

Enel transformed into lightning, and his strength and speed were far beyond the reach of ordinary people, but Vlad was no ordinary person, his strength was terrifying!

"Vlad is so strong! Although I don't want to admit it, this guy is indeed stronger than me, a god!"

"Hey, Enel, you don't know how to run, do you?"

Vlad smiled, "It's impossible to defeat me like this!"


Enel stopped and breathed a sigh of relief slowly.

"Enel, it would be great if we were gods! If we were gods, we would only bully others, right? It's great. It's great. As a god, you can do whatever you want every day, right? Even if you don't have wings, it won't matter, right? "

"The title of God must be mine!"

"Then take a good look! Vlad! My power! The power of this King of Gods!!"

"Twenty million volts! Thor!!"

Terrifying lightning shot into the sky!

"Enhanced - Five Billion Volts - King Thunder!!!"


"Wow, this is the moon!"

Stepping on a barren ground, the girl named Serena looked a little disappointed, "It's not what I expected at all, there's nothing!"

"Yes, is this where the captain wants to come?"

The chef looked a little puzzled, "I really can't see anything special about it!"

"It's also where that bastard wants to come!"

The very unhappy maid girl had a cigarette in her mouth, "Why do two of us want to come to such a barren land?"

"Are they still fighting?"

Serena looked at the sky and could faintly see the flash of lightning in the sky.

"It should be over soon, right?"

The chef said, "To be honest, I'm surprised that Enel's strength can last until now!"

Enel is very strong, and the chef knows this very well, but he is also very aware of Vlad's strength. Enel will never be Vlad's opponent.



A bolt of lightning fell from the sky and instantly hit a place not far from several people.

"Oh, it's over!"

The chef is calm.


With such shouts, a huge dragon man fell from the sky.


The chef was extremely surprised, "You look like this? What happened?"

"Well, that guy Enel has developed a very powerful trick!"


From a huge pothole not far away, a man named Enel slowly climbed out.

"Is this, is this the infinite land?"

He looked around in confusion, sweats slowly falling from his face, "How-"

"It's deserted?"