
As a contract partner who would fight side by side with him in the future, Living Slug performed a cordial exchange with Yuki and also fulfilled his duty as a contract. He carefully told the latter about his various abilities.

In addition to the top-notch medical power renowned worldwide, the former also had the ability of tongue sticky acid, splitting technique, visual sharing, and so on.

Among them, the offensive methods of tongue-sticky acid were the techniques Orochimaru tacitly approved to kill him.

And because Living Slug was a mollusk, pure physical attacks were ineffective against it.

All of this was only a part of the strength displayed by the other party.

After all, regardless of whether it was Yuki or Tsunade, they were only a tiny part of summoning live slugs, unable to let them use their full strength.

I wonder if Hasirama Senju can do it at his peak.

Yuki shook his head. Although the cells in that body could be said to be a bug, in the face of this enormous living slug, he wanted to summon all of them. Perhaps in an instant, all the chakra in his body was sucked out, and the cells in the pillar couldn't replenish it in time, so he died.

The topic was pulled back.

At this time, Yuki brought up the most important purpose of his contract with the Psychic Scroll.

"Cultivate immortal arts?" The living slug was not surprised by the gentle female voice.

As long as one knew about the three holy places, one would naturally be interested in the immortal arts that differed from the chakra system. However, there were very few that could be cultivated in the end.

Living Slug did not refuse this. He patiently said, "If Lord Yuki wants to cultivate, I will not refuse. However, Lord Yuki, please know that different from Mount Myoboku and Ryūchi Cave, the immortal human arts in the Shikkotsu forest are not suitable for cultivation. In the past thousand years, only Lord Hashirama has succeeded in cultivating it. Even Tsunade had to give up after cultivating for some time. Because cultivating immortal arts is also dangerous. If you are careless, you will be assimilated by natural energy and die."

"I understand." "But just because Tsunade can't cultivate doesn't mean I can't."

Although they were of the same race, Yuki and Tsunade were not very close regarding blood relations. After all, the Senju Clan was big in the past, with many branches.

If one were to talk about it seriously, he and Tsunade, who was more than ten years older than him, could be considered the same generation, so they only called him by his name.

The live slug did not care about this but was surprised by Yuki's self-confidence. "Oh? Why does Lord Yuki think so?"

Yuki spoke the truth.

He clapped his hands together. In an instant, the ground with him as the center was like an earthquake as thick trees suddenly sprang out one after another.

Soon, with a loud rumble, a large green forest appeared in the originally snowy forest.

"Senior Hashirama can cultivate the wet forest's immortal arts. Presumably, it is because his life force is far stronger than others with the Wood Style." Standing in the middle of the group of trees, Yuki said with confidence, "Now that I also have Wood Style, the probability of successfully cultivating immortal arts is also greater."

"Wood Style!" The living slug sighed.

At this moment, it looked at Yuki again, as if it saw through the other party again that old friend who was invincible in the Ninja Realm but still had a kind and big personality.

"If that's the case, then Sir Yuki might succeed in cultivating immortal arts." "I agree to Sir Yuki's request. So, should I start cultivating immortal arts now?"

Yuki was about to agree, but after paying attention to the time, he realized that he had been gone for a long time, so he changed his words. "I won't do it today. I still have to go back and give some instructions. Starting tomorrow, I will take some time every day to study immortal arts in the Shikkotsu Forest. Next, I'll have to trouble you, Live Slug."

"It's no trouble. If Lord Yuki is here, he can help me relieve my boredom." The live slug said happily.

"Oh? Tsunade doesn't come often?" Yuki asked curiously.

Living Slug: "As for her, she spent most of her time drinking and gambling. Even if she came to Shikkotsu Forest, many reasons were to avoid the debtors chasing after her."

This was indeed in line with Tsunade's style.

Just the debt bills that were sent to the Senju Family every year with the signature of Tsunade, the previous Yuki received countless stacks.

In the beginning, he helped to pay back some, but when he saw that the debt bills were still sent to him, he gave up on this idea.

After all, no matter how rich the assets left behind by the Senju Clan were, they still couldn't compare to the other party's extravagance!

For this reason, Tsunade, traveling all over the country, or should he say that he was running away, had specially sent a letter back to scold him for being disloyal.

Now, Yuki thought about it again and only wanted to say that he had done the right thing.

Also, the elders of the Senju Clan did have good taste.

They chose to hand over the inheritance of the Senju Clan to him instead of handing it over to the more legitimate Tsunade.

Other than thinking about men and women, they also knew the influence of Tsunade's personality.

If they handed it over to the latter, with the style of the spoiled girl, it would not be long before the Senju Inheritance would disappear.

At this time, Yukicouldn't help but think of the added vine beside Tsunade - silent.

He didn't know if this little girl was lucky or unlucky to have such an unruly adult at such a young age.

Thinking about it, her childhood must have been very colorful.

After a moment of silence, when Yuki was about to make a seal and leave, he suddenly thought of something and put his hand on the live slug.

"By the way, live slugs, please help me keep the Wood Style a secret."

"Do you want to keep it a secret from Tsunade?" The living slug quickly thought.

"Yes, the Wood Style matter can not be exposed because of some things. In addition, compared to the live slug, if you tell me directly, I look forward to her reaction when she accidentally hears it." Yuki had a gloating smile on his face.

Thinking about it, as the grandson of Hashirama, he did not inherit the Wood style. After hearing that he knew the Wood style, the emotions on his face would definitely be rich.

"I see. Although we are contractors, since Yuki proposed to keep it a secret, I will keep my mouth shut in front of Tsunade. In addition." The living slug's tone also brought a touch of expectation, "At that time, I also want to see Tsunade's reaction."

"Don't worry! When that day comes, I will especially remind the live slug you."

Yuki smiled and said his last farewell. Then, he turned into a cloud of smoke and left the Shikkotsu Forest.

Looking at the spot where the former had disappeared, the living slug moved his body slightly and smiled. "What an interesting contractor!"