The Crystal Ball of The Third Generations

In the Hokage's office.

The previously empty place was now full of ninjas.

However, compared to the previous panic situation, everyone was much calmer.

And all of this was naturally due to the third-generation leader, Hiruzen, who was still old and spicy.

The latter sat in Yuki's seat, smoking his cigarette while looking down at the Shikkotsu forest contract scroll on the book table. He couldn't help but sigh in his heart. Even if it was a lonely noble Ninja Clan, their foundation was still strong.

It must be known that he had spent a lot of effort to make his apprentice Jiraya and Orochimaru contract the holy land.

Among them, most of it was because of their own quality that they opened the door of the holy land.

Unlike Tsunade, who quickly took out the contract scroll of the Shikkotsu forest and succeeded so easily.

Now, it was Yuki Senju's turn again.

It was truly enviable!

But even so, Hiruzen has no greed for this contract scroll.

His personality was hesitant and weak, greedy for power, but it was undeniable that he was still very high in personal integrity alone.

If this were Danzo, he would have already greedily taken it into his pocket.

Just as Hiruzen took another puff of smoke, he suddenly felt something and quickly stood up, flashing to the side.

In the next second, white smoke appeared from where he was.

When the latter dissipated, Yuki's figure appeared in everyone's sight.

"Lord Fourth!" The other people in the room shouted in joy.

"I've made everyone worry. I'm fine. I just went to chat with my recently enlightened companions. Everyone, please disperse." Yuki smiled.

Everyone said in unison, "Yes!"

"I'll have to trouble Third Generation Chief this time." Then, Yuki expressed his gratitude to Hiruzen.

The latter waved the pipe in his hand and said indifferently, "It's not a big deal. Just explain it to them. In addition, congratulations, Yuki, the slug -- immortal is an amazing existence."

Yuki said humbly, "The living -- immortal is indeed amazing, and his personality is very kind and kind. With this person here, not only me but Konoha will also be of great help if they encounter any trouble."

"Yes!" Hiruzen thought of the powerful healing ability of the slug and couldn't help but nod.

Then he thought of Tsunade, who was also a contractor of the Shikkotsu forest and sighed: "Unfortunately, Tsunade is not in Konoha right now. If there is any trouble, the two of you can work together. With the slug's ability, the immortal can reduce the losses to the minimum."

Yuki was silent.

As for why Tsunade didn't want to come back, Hiruzen in front of him was well aware of it.

In addition to taking a break to recover from psychological trauma, I'm afraid there are still some things unwilling to face Konoha's upper echelons.

It was the same for Jiraya.

The two apprentices were not willing to return to Konoha. Some things that happened in the village made them feel estranged.

In the future, to clean up Konoha's mess, Tsunade had no choice but to return. Of course, Naruto's mouth also played a certain role.

"Well, then, I won't disturb you. When you are old, you always like to remember the past!" At this time, Hiruzen said goodbye.

"The third generation is still old and strong." Yuki laughed as he bid farewell.

Halfway through, he suddenly thought of something, full of anticipation. "Right!" "Lord Third, when will you lend me the crystal ball in your hand? I've already mentioned this to you many times."

The so-called crystal ball was naturally a tool used by the old man of the third generation to peep at Naruto in the original version.

In fact, there was a more professional way to open it, which was called the telescope technique.

Yuki had been eyeing this thing for a long time.

Since it could watch every drop of Naruto from thousands of miles away, then if it was moved to its place, such as taking a bath, cough, cough, cough, cough!

Originally, Yuki thought this was the standard for the Hokage, but he did not expect Hiruzen to take it away.

This was why he had always asked for it.

However, it was obvious that the latter did not agree.

He saw Hiruzen instantly become angry and jump over the wall. He shook his head vigorously and said, "No, no! Cough, cough. I told you before that the crystal ball is broken and has not been repaired. Now it seems that it is very likely completely impossible to repair. So, Yuki, don't think about this thing anymore."

The crystal ball was his life root; every time he was alone, the former would bring him great satisfaction.

How could he give it away?

Even if he was beaten to death!

Without waiting for Yuki to reply, Hiruzen immediately took an extremely fast pace that did not match his age and immediately left the former far behind.

"Tsk ---" Yuki looked at the back of the latter and said with disdain.

As expected of the teacher who taught the three great disciples of pornography, gambling, and poison. He was so old, yet his heart was still not old.

Even if beaten to death, he would not believe the crystal ball was broken.

There is one more reason to overthrow the three generations in power.

Yuki proudly returned to his office.

Unfortunately, there was no shadow of the famous "Intimacy Heaven" novel, and Jiraya was still in the process of collecting materials. Otherwise, he really wanted to see how good it was to be praised by Kakashi and sold crazily in all countries.

Or he sent a message to urge Jiraya?

As the 4th Hokage, Yuki naturally had a channel to contact Jiraya.

However, if he really wanted to use this channel to deliver this information, he would probably be scolded to death!


It was still too floating!

Seeing that he could cultivate immortal arts, Yuki felt he was about to forget it.

The scene of Hashirama Senju crushing the nine tails in Sage Mode had left a deep impression on him.

Once he learned it, he didn't need to compare himself to Hashirama. After all, the Human Clan had fought and cultivated for so many years, and he had only cultivated for so long.

But it was enough as long as he had forty to fifty percent of his ability.

In order to calm down, Yuki took out another very familiar novel, "Be Strong and Persistent".

It was the work of Jiraya that he always remembered.

It was just that because it was a common story of a small character becoming a big hero, once the sales results were very bad, it stimulated Jiraya to walk the path of a real love action master.

It was said that this book in Yuki's hand was recommended to him by Minato when he was chatting with him.

The latter was a loyal fan of this book, and even his unborn child was ready to name the novel's protagonist.

Yuki opened the novel's first page and watched the protagonist enter the stage. His eyes were intense.


With the appearance of this unexpected person, what would this person's future become?

He was really looking forward to it!