Make a Bet

"The Shikkotsu forest contract scroll is placed in the clan's collection vault. I naturally want to contract it. By the way, Tsunade, don't you know about this?" Yuki looked at him with a puzzled expression.

Tsunade's eyes fluttered, and she coughed twice. "Of course, I know!"

She had long forgotten where the contract scroll was, but she knew everything about the wine cellar of the Senju Clan.

Yuki chuckled.

He was already used to Tsunade's teasing.

So he teased, "Why are you free to come to the Shikkotsu Forest today? Are you chased out by the debtors and have nowhere to run?"

"Nonsense!" Tsunade seemed frustrated and retorted loudly, "I'm not looking at a live slug. It's too lonely to stay alone in the Shikkotsu Forest. Occasionally, I will especially come over to chat with it to relieve my boredom. Living slugs, don't you think so?"

A small slug that was the closest to it popped its head out from the tree trunk and considerately agreed, "Yes, every time Tsunade comes, she will chat with me for a long time."

Hearing this, Yuki curled his lips. "What about the little girl who has been following you? You came, what about her? Don't let those adults kidnap her and sell her."

"They don't have the guts," Tsunade said subconsciously.

The next second, she realized that she had slipped up, so she gave Yuki a fierce look and immediately threw away the jar, lying flat and telling everything, "If something happens to silent, I won't talk to them about morality. They are not that stupid, and they know my bottom line."

Indeed, although Tsunade always owed a debt, she was still one of the three ninjas of Wood and Leaf. In terms of physical strength, she could not be provoked by those who opened casinos. Besides, although she owed a lot of debt, she still could repay the debt. However, this time might be longer than the agreed time.

This was also why the casino never rejected her and was even known as the "legendary big fat sheep" in the gambling world.

In terms of wine, Tsunade was naturally extremely inferior.

But in terms of gambling, although this person had always lost, there had never been a situation where she flipped the table and used her strength to suppress others.

At this time, seeing that her background had been exposed, Tsunade no longer forced herself to hold on. She licked her face and came to Yuki's side. She stretched out her arms around his neck and pulled him in front of her with incomparable heroism. She smiled and said, "Yuki, lend me some money to pull!"

"No money!" Facing Tsunade, who hit him with a ball, Yuki, who could only feel the unbearable suffocation between his nose, struggled for a few seconds before he snapped.


The skill he had never gotten tired of before failed today.

Feeling unreconciled, Tsunade increased the strength in her hands and persevered: "How can there be no? Not to mention that the elders of the clan had given the clan's property to you for safekeeping. Just your monthly salary of the Hokage is also quite a lot. Lend me a little! Don't worry. I won't leave you with interest!"


White smoke rose from Tsunade's chest.

The next second, Yuki's figure appeared from the side.

Although the touch was excellent, he would suffocate to death and have to use this move if this continued.

Yuki rubbed his red nose and retorted, "What about the interest? I haven't seen you pay back a bit of money for so many years! Do you want me to be cheated many times? But..."

He paused for a moment and suddenly pointed to something. "If you really want to talk, I can give you the position of Hokage and the assets of the Senju clan. At that time, you can spend it however you want, but are you willing?"

Tsunade suddenly became silent.

If she really wanted to, it wouldn't have been Yuki who had inherited all of this, and she wouldn't have been unwilling to return to Konoha until now.

Because she knew all of this was a heavy responsibility.

She didn't think that she had the ability, nor did she want to bear all of this.

"Forget it, forget it! Miser!"

Tsunade waved her hand helplessly.

She gave up on the idea of borrowing money.

After a while, she looked at the Hokage's robe on Yuki and asked curiously,

"How is it? How does it feel to be the 4th Hokage?"

"Not bad, but there are too many restrictions. Don't you see that I, the Hokage, have nothing to do every day and come here to learn Senjutsu?" Yuki answered truthfully.


Tsunade was aware of the affairs of the upper echelons of Konoha. She was also clear about Yuki's current situation. However, after all, he was her teacher. She could only comfort him,

"The more the third-generation teacher goes, the worse his energy will be. You are still young, don't be discouraged. In any case, he can endure until he dies."

Hehe, you didn't expect this, right? That person is still alive and kicking after more than ten years. If not for the help of your fellow disciples, who knows how long he would have been in power?

Yuki, who was thinking this in his heart, responded to Tsunade on the surface.

Anyway, he already had a plan to trip the three generations in his heart, and it would be implemented soon. It was not convenient to talk to Tsunade about this now.

After that, Tsunade avoided this awkward question and asked another question, "I heard you say that you are practicing Senjutsu?"


"Can you do it? Don't become the shortest Hokage in Konoha?"

When the Primary Instruction arrived, Yuki had just finished his cultivation, so she did not see his performance when he was cultivating.

Even she herself had failed. She did not believe that she, a person she had beaten up in the past, could successfully cultivate immortal arts.

"Just because someone can't do it doesn't mean others can't!" Yuki retorted.

However, when he saw that Tsunade still did not believe him, he rolled his eyes and continued, "Why don't we make a bet? The bet is whether I can cultivate immortal arts?"

When she heard about the bet, Tsunade's eyes suddenly lit up, and she said, "Alright! Then I will bet that you will not succeed in your cultivation, and the bet will be ten million taels."

"Alright! Then I'll bet that I can succeed." Yuki smiled and nodded, "As for the bet, I don't expect a poor guy like you to take out one or two. Then, you can do one thing for me unconditionally."

"It's a deal!" Tsunade said impatiently, afraid that Yuki would go back on his word.

In her opinion, Yuki would fail. Ten million taels would definitely be in vain. Naturally, she had to complete this bet as soon as possible.

As for the bet she lost, she did not care at all. Even if it was unreasonable, so what? In any case, it would definitely not be realized.

However, this person had selectively forgotten that she would definitely lose if she made a bet!

The only exception was when bad news appeared beside her.

However, the latter did not have any conditions!

Looking at Tsunade's cheerful appearance, Yuki smiled as if he had seen a fish in a pot.