0 Hand Blood Inheritance Problem

The following time, Yuki returned to Konoha and asked his subordinates to prepare a food table. There was also a large amount of wine that Tsunade had told him about. They packed together and brought it to the Shikkotsu forest. It was a meal with Tsunade, whom he had not seen for a long time.

The relationship between them was not very good because of a certain matter.

However, with the death of Nawaki and some elders who could barely breathe in the past died one after another. The famous Senju Clan was now left with only one man and one woman. No matter how big the grudge was, it had all disappeared.

At this moment, the two casually crossed their legs and sat facing each other. The food in the middle has not touched a few chopsticks, but most of the wine brought by Yuki has gone.

Most of them entered Tsunade's mouth.

"The stubborn old man died three months ago, right?"

After taking off her long coat and wearing a kimono, Tsunade suddenly asked with a red face after drinking.

Although Yuki didn't drink much, his mind was a bit muddled. After thinking for a few seconds, he realized that the one Tsunade mentioned was the last elder of the Senju Clan. However, this old man who was active in the first generation could not resist the passage of time. He swallowed his last breath.

This happened before Yuki traveled through time.

He nodded and casually asked, "Elder Mamoru passed away three months ago. What's wrong?"

Tsunade was silent for a while. Then she filled their cups with wine in one hand. After touching them, she asked, "Did this stubborn old man say anything before he died? At that time, you should be by his side."

Yuki, who had just been burned to the point of bursting with anger by the strong liquor, did not overthink it and directly said what Mamoru said in his memory, "What else can that person say? Isn't it just that he wants you and me, the only two Senju clansmen, to get married together and then give birth to a descendant with an incomparably pure bloodline to continue the Senju clan? Do not be like when the Konoha Village was first built, allowing Senju to marry outsiders. Later, the Senju bloodline became thinner and thinner, and even the number of people with the Senju bloodline decreased yearly. He said that he did not achieve his goal when he was alive and would not be able to rest in peace even if he died."

At the end of his speech, Yuki's mind finally woke up. His body stiffened, and he looked at Tsunade with a nervous expression.

He suddenly remembered that this matter made the two of them especially tense.

Speaking of which, this was also many years ago.

At that time, Tsunade was young and rebellious. She, who was already a female tyrannosaurus, heard that Mamoru was the leader of the clan, and some clan elders who were still half a foot into the coffin at that time wanted her to be with the little devil. After hearing the news that Yuki would get married in the future so that the Senju Clan could continue with a pure bloodline, she was so angry that she rushed in and beat up all the clan elders.

What a joke!

How could she marry a little brat that was so much younger than her?

As for the Senju clan, under the influence of the third-generation teacher, even the first generation, and the second-generation Hokage, her thoughts tended to the entire Konoha Village rather than a single clan.

In any case, only two or three kittens were left in the Senju clan. What happened in the past will not be the same in the future.

Tsunade had always flatly refused and even vented her anger on Yuki from the beginning to the end. Only then did she remember the latter being smashed from time to time.

Yuki was still young at that time, so he naturally bore a grudge against Tsunade.

Of course, as time passed, the past grudges also turned into precious memories. The two of them no longer cared about it. Even after exchanging blows from time to time, there was no malice in it, but it became a habit.

However, in the end, this matter still existed. It was okay if he did not mention it, but it was awkward when he mentioned it.

Sure enough, after listening to the story of Yuki.

Tsunade's already red face was even redder with anger.

"That damned old bastard! He is already restless before death! He still died with grievances? Does he want to meddle in my affairs?"

At that time, it was because of the constant obstruction of these old fellows that made her and Kato Dan, who she had a good impression of, stopped before their official relationship. The two of them officially interacted when the latter died in battle.

It was the same now. It had been so many years, but before she died, she still did not forget to use this trick on herself.

Thinking about it, Tsunade still did not understand and punched the ground.


Next to her right hand, a huge hole was formed under her punch.

Looking at this, Yuki couldn't help but drop a drop of cold sweat on his forehead.

After noticing that Tsunade was looking at him with eyes full of killing intent, he panicked and hurriedly said, "I also think that Elder Mamoru is old and confused. What era is this, and he still needs to be old? Shouldn't he be freer to love?"

When he saw that Tsunade's expression had calmed down, he breathed a sigh of relief and continued, "Besides, the two of us are more than ten years apart. I don't want to marry an old man who is older than me."

He babbled.

Noticing that Tsunade had changed her face so quickly, Yuki quickly braked and made up for it. "What I mean is that Elder Mamoru and the others are wrong from the beginning. They simply hope that the Senju race will continue to maintain and grow stronger. Then, they should not keep staring at the two of us! The purity of the bloodline is secondary. On the contrary, they encourage us to keep reproducing the next generation. For example, if I marry dozens of women at once, in less than two generations, our Thousand Hand race will definitely grow again!"

"Oh? I didn't expect that! Yuki, you have the idea of opening a harem?" As if it was the first time she met Yuki, Tsunade opened her eyes wide and looked at him with a smile that was not a smile.

"No, no, no! I am just giving examples to refute the views of Elder Mamoru and the others. It is not true." Yuki quickly denied it.

"Hehe!" Tsunade smiled coldly, her expression quickly turning from clear to gloomy, "So, you want to find someone younger, which is why you disagree with the views of those old men. Is it because you dislike an old woman like me?"

When she said the word "old", Tsunade emphasized her tone and clenched her fists, making cracking sounds.

Obviously, just now, Yuki's casual but more realistic words had deeply hurt her, making her still brood over it.

Yuki was stunned.

He never thought that the outline would make so many twists and turns.

Now he did not know what to say.

In Tsunade's eyes, she was looking down on this old woman.

If she agreed, wouldn't it contradict her retort just now?

With a headache, his mind quickly moved, and he managed to think of a suitable answer. "Actually, it is absolutely wrong for Elder Mamoru and the others to arrange a marriage. However, if I really want to find a marriage partner, it is not the kind that outsiders force. Tsunade, you are definitely the best choice. Who asked you to be the most attractive? Haha!"

This should be fine.

He stood on Tsunade's side to refute the actions of Elder Mamoru and the others and also specially complimented the former's charm. He was definitely the goddess in his heart.

This time, he did not dislike the other party.

Yuki praised his own intelligence.

However, he did not notice that the expression on Tsunade's face was becoming more and more strange.


The next second, the explosion in the Shikkotsu forest was even more intense, and thick smoke and dust rose.

In the forest, there was the exasperated voice of Yuki. "Tsunade, what are you doing, you crazy woman?"