Two-Tailed Beast and Eight-Tailed Beast

In the battle between Kushina and Killer Bee.

Nine-Tails Chakra and Eight-Tails Chakra are like two huge ocean waves colliding violently at this moment.

There were only two of them, but the commotion they caused was like a great army of thousands of men and horses fighting each other.

And even now, the two of them, who had the support of the Biju, still did not show any signs of exhaustion. Not only did the Biju Cloak not weaken, but it also became even stronger.

On the other hand, the terrain under their feet seemed to have been baptized by artillery shells, and it was already full of potholes.

If this continued, no one knew when the Pillar Battle would end.

But right now, they were only one part of the entire battle.

The Cloud Ninjas on the main battlefield was defeated, and Kushina and Killer Bee, who were not too far away, naturally noticed it.

There was no need to say much about the former's mood, but Killer Bee no longer had the heart to continue his singing.

Not only that, he was also ready to retreat, knowing that the general trend could no longer be reversed.

As a tailed beast, the eight tails in his body were a huge strategic weapon for the village.

Right now, his safety was not only related to himself but also to the Cloud Ninjas.

Especially when his own side had already been defeated, he had to preserve more strength.

Thinking of this, the usually serious face of Killer Bee was already full of seriousness.


The enormous eight-tailed form that looked like an octopus suddenly appeared in the battle arena. It was the complete tail transformation of Killer Bee.

Turning himself into eight tails, not only did he still have self-awareness, but he could also perfectly display the powerful Chakra and terrifying power of a Biju.

Only after becoming a complete-tailed beast could he freely control this change, which was also his strongest state.

Kushina, who was also a tailed beast, could not do it.

There were many ways to retreat.

It was undoubtedly the stupidest way to leave the enemy behind.

The best thing to do was to make the enemies in front of him unable to catch up.

This was what he had to do now.

The situation was urgent, and he commanded the eight giant octopus tails to attack Kushina. At the same time, he was busy dodging the small tail beast jade quickly condensed from the mouth of the eight-tailed bullhead, which was full of destructive energy.

Although it was less powerful than normal bijudama, the speed of condensation was fast, and it could be used continuously, which was undoubtedly what he needed the most at the moment.

Continuous bijudama!

Soon, Killer Bee took the opportunity to spit out continuous bijudama at Kushina's position. Along with a loud explosion, thick smoke covered everything in front of him.

"This should be a good thing, you stinking fox woman! Yay! Ah!"

In the end, he couldn't help but sing.

Just as he was about to leave, suddenly!

Five golden Chakra chains rapidly extended out from the thick smoke where Kushina was. It was the Diamond Seal!

Compared to the first time, the number of seals that Kushina was using at full power was the limit she could reach.

Taking advantage of the fact that Kiara wasn't paying attention, the five chains quickly wrapped around the eight tails.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Under the increasingly tight imprisonment of the chains, the eight tails that Killer Bee transformed stubbornly resisted. The few tails that could still move continuously slapped the ground, wanting to shatter the chains.

However, at this moment, with the Nine-tailed Chakra cloak and five chains stretching out from his back, Kushina, who was like a tail beast, rushed out from the thick smoke.

Rip pull!

With a tug from her, the fox-like sharp claws directly cut off one of the octopus tails that Killer Bee couldn't dodge in time.

Following that, the Vajra Chain behind her suddenly pulled and pulled down the head of the eight tail. Then, she quickly rushed in front of the eight tail and threw out a heavy punch.

"Damned octopus, man, calm down!"


The head of the eight-tailed bullhead, which Killer Bee transformed, sank into the ground.

However, Kushina still did not vent her anger. She punched again and again,

Her mouth was even angrier,

"I told you to call me an idiot!"

"I told you to call me a coquettish fox!"

"I told you to say those who ran off to the sky and sang!"


"Also! I told you to say that my chest is small!"

The mouth of Killer Bee was really hateful.

Especially in the first battle, she always said some strange and unpleasant words to pollute her voice, and she even dared to complain about her figure.

What to say? Compared to Tsunade, it was bean sprouts and the like.

Thinking of this, Kushina got angry.

Tsunade is too much of a foul.

I have a perfect body!

How did you become a bean sprout in front of an octopus-like you?

The more she thought about it, the angrier she became, and she punched again.

After this punch, the Eight-tailed beast in front of her could not hold on, and its transformation quickly dissipated, finally returning to its original form.

The latter had already been knocked unconscious by Kushina.

Kushina stepped forward and used the Five Elemental Seal to temporarily seal Killer Bee's body.

From then on, the battle ended, and the Eight-tailed Jinchūriki was captured alive.

At this time, Kushina was finally able to relax. She put her hands on her hips and laughed, "How is it, Kurama? I told you that we are the strongest combination of the Jinchūriki! Hahaha!"

In the sealed space in Kushina's body, Kurama raised his head slightly and snorted in response.

It couldn't be bothered to pay attention to this silly woman.

However, to be able to beat this cow ghost, its mood was very good.

Although they were both tailed beasts, Nine-Tailed didn't think that the other eight were only qualified to be compared to themselves.

Even if it was a human pillar, it could only be the strongest on its side.

Now the facts proved that it was true.

It was not in vain that he had taken the initiative to lend Chakra to this woman.

Kurama closed his eyes in satisfaction.

Kushina hummed a little tune as she grabbed Killer Bee with one hand, wanting to bring him back to contribute.

However, she did not know that the octopus tail she had cut off before seemed to have dissipated, but it actually went underground.

"If I were you, I wouldn't be able to celebrate so quickly, Kushina."

At this moment, Yuki walked out.

Just as Kushina was about to establish a victory, and when Yuki's main body was busy blocking the Cloud Ninjas, his Wood Clone had already arrived. Without any help, he watched the battle from the side and naturally noticed the Killer Bee's tail.

The fact that Sasuke Uchiha had burned a lonely thing left a deep impression on him, and naturally would not let Killer Bee escape like this, so he stood up and reminded him.

"When did Hokage Sama arrive? And what did he mean by that?" Kushina looked at the sudden appearance of Yuki with surprise and confusion.

"Just arrived. In addition, I mean that an eight-tailed beast can survive with a broken tail. Kushina, you just cut off one of his tails."

After explaining, Yuki used an instant movement technique to arrive at the ground where Broken Tail was hiding. His feet stomped on the ground.

Click, click, click.....

The ground instantly cracked open.

Inside, the tail of an octopus was clearly visible.

And among them, the terrible Killer Bee quickly squeezed out.

"This time, I can't let you run away. The Cloud Ninjas's Eight-Tailed Jinchūriki!"

Yuki immediately made a move.

On the side, Kushina was stunned to see another Killer Bee appear; how could she not understand that she had been deceived?

Her face became extremely hot when she thought about how she did not know and laughed.

At the same time, the Kyubi in her body was also very annoyed.

Therefore, the ashamed and annoyed Kushina quickly put on the Kyubi Chakra cloak and started to move again.

"What bad luck!"

Killer Bee, who had always been confident in his escape method, had an ugly expression on his face.

At this time, his condition was far worse than before, but right now, there was not only the Kyubi Jinchuriki but also the new 4th Hokage.

"I really can't escape this time!" Killer Bee sighed helplessly.

That was indeed the case.

Under the joint efforts of Yuki and Kushina, he was soon unable to hold on and was finally caught.

Five Elements Seal!

When Kushina cast the seal again, she was no longer as high-spirited as before.

If not for Yuki, she would have made a fool of herself.

It was easy to imagine that if she knew nothing, she would bring Killer Bee back and proudly announce to everyone that this was the Eight-Tailed Jinchūriki she had personally captured. However, how embarrassing would it be when she found out that it was not the real person?

Fortunately, none of this had happened yet.

Thinking of this, Kushina glared at Killer Bee again.

It was said that the understanding of the same kind was deeper.

But that was not the case for her.

Compared to the dream of everyone in the Ninja Realm working together to wipe out all the evil in the Ninja Realm together.

Kushina was not interested in that.

For her, her husband and baby were the most important things in Konoha.

After reappearing and grabbing the real Killer Bee, Kushina looked at the fake Killer Bee and asked: "Lord Hokage, how should we deal with the fake one?"

"Of course, I brought it back. There are a lot of Jinchūriki in there, and Konoha can study it." Yuki stepped forward, and with a press of his hand, the fake Killer Bee quickly broke through his disguise and returned to an octopus foot.

Yuki picked it up and then left with Kushina.

From then on, the Eight-Tailed Jinchūriki was captured.

On the other side, when Yuki's Wood Clone came to the battle arena with Yugito, he found that the battle here had ended.

"Hokage sama!" Holding the unconscious Yugito in one hand, Shisui Uchiha respectfully said.

"Well done, Shisui!" Yuki praised.

The two tails are already weak among the tailed beasts, and Yugito is not a perfect human master. Although Shisui was asked not to use other gods, he could still suppress him with Susano.

As for escaping, it was really difficult to do so in front of people with the name "Shisui of the Body Flicker".

As a result, the two tails and the eight tails were all captured. In addition to the death of the Cloud Ninjas and the surrender, it could be said that the bottom pants were almost gone.

As for whether the bottom pants were in the end, it would depend on Minato.

If he could capture the 4th Raikage, who was the leader of the Cloud Ninjas, then Yuki would not mind stabbing the other party who had lost all of it again.