Raikage's Decision

Yuki had a good idea.

If this battle could be captured alive or directly killed by the 4th Raikage, then the upper echelons of the Cloud Ninja would undoubtedly be swept away.

In addition to the destruction of ten thousand Hidden Cloud Ninjas, it wasn't that they couldn't directly attack and expand their battle results.

Although Hidden Cloud Village still had a lot of troops left behind to guard against the Rock Ninja, and there were even many border troops left behind to guard against them, under the situation of a group of dragons without a leader, how much strength these people could exert was a big question.

Now, in the hands of Yuki, there were still five thousand Konoha Ninjas that could be used.

Compared to the first time, although a thousand people were lost, most were injured and needed rest.

Only two or three hundred people died in battle.

This was undoubtedly a very small number of casualties in the past wars.

When Konoha calculated the casualties and reported them to everyone, many Konoha Ninjas who came from the second and third battles were surprised.

The reason was that apart from the fact that the entire frontal battle did not last long, it was also due to Tsunade.

If not for the latter's treatment method, many Konoha Ninjas would have died in battle instead of only being injured.

This battle undoubtedly reflected the importance of Tsunade, the medical ninja's ceiling, to Konoha and the Ninjas.

It was no wonder the latter had left the village early and stayed outside for ten years without returning. However, after the 3rd died in battle, everyone in the village first thought of welcoming Tsunade back and letting her be the 5th Hokage.

Just today, he had saved so many lives, but in the second, third, and even other times, under Tsunade's medical Ninja system, how many Konoha Ninjas could save their lives?

Even the ambitious Danzo could only rationally suppress his ambition when facing Tsunade and did not cause any waves during the election of the 5th Hokage.

However, she was famous in Konoha.

Of course, in terms of the biggest contributor to this battle, it was still the current Yuki.

After all, he had killed more than two thousand Cloud Ninjas, taking up more than half of the total number of Cloud Ninjas. This was enough to explain everything.

Five thousand Konohaf Ninjas, apart from guarding the Cloud Ninjas, occupying crucial points along the way, logistics support, and so on. In the end, they could only mobilize three thousand people, but with the help of Yuki, Tsunade, Minato, Shisui, and Kushina, it was fine to attack Hidden Cloud Village.

However, the premise of all this was that the 4th Raikage did not escape.

The 4th Raikage had a great reputation in Hidden Cloud Village. It was not only because of what he had done but also because of the political inheritance of his Raikage.

If this person were allowed to go back, under extremely high prestige, he would definitely be able to awaken the fighting spirit of his subordinates, integrate the Cloud Ninja, and even the entire power of the Thunder Kingdom to contend against it.

At that time, what Yuki and the others were facing was no longer just the Cloud Ninja but also the entire power of Hidden Cloud Village, the entire power of the Thunder Kingdom, and even the other villages that were under the cold of their lips and teeth.

Even if the great generals of the Ninja Realm were to be fully activated again, it would be different.

This was not a good thing for Konoha at the moment.

After all, if that were the case, Konoha would face a one-on-four fight simultaneously.

In addition, even if the Cloud Ninjas could not win in the face, with the home advantage, the prestige of the 4th Raikage could definitely turn the entire Cloud Ninjas into zero and use the real ninja's multi-faced attacks to fight against Konoha.

If they dragged on for too long, it would undoubtedly cause a lot of trouble for Konoha, and it would even affect the future plans of Yuki Senju.

In the end, the price was not directly proportional to the harvest, but the gains did not make up for the losses.

Of course, if the other party was killed or captured, then there was no harm in Yuki increasing the results of the battle.

After all, a group of dragons without a leader, their morale greatly fell, and they did not have enough weight to stand up, but it was very easy to defeat the Cloud Ninjas.

At that time, even if they could not permanently occupy Cloud Hidden Village, they would return after plundering wantonly.

There was no doubt that he had gained a lot.

In the end, the key to everything was to look at the 4th Raikage.

Unfortunately, all things in the world cannot be decided by personal will.

In the remote battlefield far away from Konoha's Cloud Ninjas.

Minato, who was pinned with high hopes by Yuki, was frowning as he looked at the 4th Raikage.

From the looks of it, Minato was undoubtedly much better, and there were few injuries on his body.

On the other side, the 4th Raikage looked a lot more miserable.

Not only was his body dripping with blood, but there was also a bloody hole in his abdomen, and his right arm was also limply falling down. It was obvious that he was at an absolute disadvantage in a fight.

It was just that Minato was not in a good mood.

Not only because of a group of nearly a hundred people but also because the Cloud Ninjas, who looked very flustered, had inadvertently come here. After discovering the 4th Raikage, they rushed up as if they had encountered a pillar of support.

It was also because his Immortal mode time was over.

Although Minato, who did not rely on Immortal mode to fight the 4th Raikage, was not at a disadvantage, defeating the latter with his powerful body was easy, it was difficult to kill him.

Minato sighed slightly. He felt he could not catch the big fish in front of him today.

The truth was indeed so.

The arrival of the Cloud Ninjas, who escaped from the battlefield, not only increased the strength of the 4th Raikage but also brought him the bad news that made him feel like he was in the abyss.

"What did you say? The Cloud Ninjas lost!"

The 4th Raikage used his only powerful left arm to pull the Cloud Ninja to his face, his voice full of disbelief.

However, the next words of the Cloud Ninjas made him realize the reality.

"Lord Raikage, the Cloud Ninjas are really defeated!"

"That Konoha Hokage is really scary! The colossus he summoned was dozens of times larger than the eight tails beast, and with just one move, more than a thousand companions were gone! How can this continue?"

"At that time, the army had no command, so they could only run independently. It seems that the Dodai's Lord is also in danger."

"It's the same with the other two Jinchuriki."

"Lord Raikage, let's go! The remaining Cloud Ninjas can't live without you!"

"Yes, Lord Raikage! If we don't go now, reinforcements from Konoha will come."

"We can't let Konoha enter the Land of Thunder!"

"Lord Raikage, the war is not over yet. We have to rely on you!"

"Lord Raikage, let's go!"

"Lord Raikage."


Listening to the persuasion of the group of Cloud Ninjas who were obviously afraid of being beaten, Ei, the 4th Raikage, closed his eyes in pain, and his body could not help but tremble.

It was not fear, but sadness, but anger.

A grand army of ten thousand Ninjas!

Hidden Cloud Village was the essence of the entire Land of Thunder.

How did it disappear so quickly?

There was also his brother, Killer Bee, who he regarded as his own elder, the pillar of strength held by Yugito and so on.

What the Cloud Ninjas said was already ominous.

So even the officials of the Cloud Ninjas and the two most important ones were gone?

Then what was left of the Cloud Ninjas?

Ei really wanted to return to the front battlefield. He would risk his life to bring back all the important people to the Hidden Cloud Village to make up for his guilt in this battle.

Even if he couldn't return them, he should have died in that land with a group of Cloud Ninjas.

However, in the face of the painstaking efforts of the Cloud Ninjas under his eyes, he also knew that the Cloud Ninjas in the future would be a critical moment for him.

In the end, Ei, who had always had a bad temper, finally stopped being willful. His eyes were bloodshot as he looked at the people around him. Drops of blood dripped from his clenched left hand.

He buried his dignity deep in his heart and raised his sense of responsibility at the very front. He said heavily,

"Let's go!"

The group of Cloud Ninjas quickly wrapped the 4th Raikage tightly in the centre, and without even looking at Minato, they desperately ran towards the Land of Thunder.

Seeing this, Minato could only shake his head.

Now that he didn't have much Chakra, he knew he couldn't keep the Thunder Shade he wanted to leave.

However, he still had to collect some interest.

Therefore, the next time, with the Flying Divine Thunder Technique, Minato, who was on the left and right side of Ei's team, would occasionally harvest the lives of a Cloud Ninja.

However, even so, after suffering a crushing defeat, Ei, who had matured a lot in an instant, still gritted his teeth and ran at a fast speed.

The Cloud Ninjas, who had clearly escaped from the battlefield and had long lost their spirit, instantly changed into a different person. From beginning to end, they remained silent as they guarded the former, willingly exchanging their own lives for their leader to return smoothly.

This was the embodiment of my reputation as a Village Shadow.

If the 4th Raikage hadn't been taken away by Minato, even if later he showed his power, the Cloud Ninjas would not have collapsed so easily.

This was also the reason why he was willing to consider the current situation of the 4th Raikage.

Unfortunately, he couldn't get what he wanted in the end.

After chasing for twenty to thirty kilometres, Minato stopped. He looked at the remaining Cloud Ninjas. Although they were enemies, his eyes were full of admiration.

It was time to go back.

The exhausted Minato swallowed another grain pill and recovered some of his Chakra. He looked behind the rock not far away and shook his head. His whole body disappeared in an instant.

In the next second, Hidan, whose mouth was covered by the elder, finally broke free from his hand and said unhappily, "Elder, why did you stop me just now? Didn't you see how powerful that person was? If you can convince him to join the sect, then the True God will be very happy!"

The elder of the Evil God Cult gave Hidan a deep look.

He didn't know if the latter was really stupid or if he was too devout towards the True Gods to have such thoughts.

However, when he thought about how the other party had received the blessing of the True Gods not long after he joined the sect, he thought that it should be the latter.

"This kind of person can not be persuaded." After the elder gave a simple explanation, he looked in the direction the Cloud Ninjas had escaped in. Ma Hanshi sighed; the Cloud Ninjas had lost!

"Since the Cloud Ninjas have lost, shall we return to Hot Water Village? It must be known that the inheritance there has finally improved!" After carefully feeling depressed, Hidan perked up and asked.

The elder shook his head hesitantly. "Now that the Cloud Ninjas are gone, the Land of Hot Water belongs to Konoha. Let's see how the Hokage deals with the village first."

"We have to wait again!"

Hidan sighed helplessly.

Great True God, I'm really sorry, but your glory will have to wait a little longer.