The Relationship Between Heaven and Earth

As for Konoha's Sannin, Orochimaru, and Tsunade, apart from knowing they were very powerful, they also knew that each had contracted the legendary Three Great Holy Lands.

Mount Myoboku, Dragon Tunnel, and Shikkotsu Forest.

In the past, the Psychic Beasts from the Three Great Holy Lands had left a deep impression on Konoha's enemies.

Sasori was not unfamiliar with this, as his partner was a good player.

He had also killed several of those damp and disgusting dragon-hole vipers.

He didn't feel anything before, but when he looked at this sea slug from the Shikkotsu Forest, just looking at its huge body, he undoubtedly felt a lot of pressure.

However, Sasori's understanding of sea slugs was only on the surface.

If he knew that as a rare healing-type psychic beast, with the support of a large amount of immortal chakra, the sea slug without Tsunade wouldn't be afraid of any poison, not to mention that its physical attacks were ineffective. Its ability to constantly split was completely the nemesis of his puppet army. He probably wouldn't continue fighting.

This was also why Yuki had Tsunade come to deal with Sasori.

It was not only because she was strong against the scorpions but also because the slugs were strong against the puppet army.

Just like now.

Under the command of Sasori, hundreds of red-robed puppets held poisonous blades that covered the sky as they charged downwards. The acid technique from the slug's teeth spat out from their mouths and instantly corroded a dozen puppets.

Seeing this, Sasori frowned slightly, and the hundreds of Chakra lines extending from the Rebirth Core quickly trembled. The puppet army immediately scattered, and they pounced towards the most obvious target sea slug, from all directions.

The latter didn't intend to dodge and only continued to spit out sticky acid on his own.

After paying the price of multiple puppets melting and seeing many puppets finally rushing forward, Sasori's eyes flashed with a fierce light, and he immediately gave the order to attack.

In an instant!

Hundreds of sharp blades stretched out from every part of the puppet army's body, ruthlessly stabbing into the body of the bullet-like sea slug.

Spike stab.

The sound of the sharp blades stabbing into its body and continuously brandishing them rang out the following time.

Along with it was the poison on the blades that continuously invaded the sea slug's body.

However, the instant the poison entered the slug's body one after another, green energy filled with life energy like an ocean surged out from the slug's body. With a splash, all the poison was completely wiped out.

Also, when the puppet army brought hundreds of cracks to the slug's body, the completely painless slug even conveniently stepped on it.

The slug had a huge division!

In an instant, countless small-sized slugs split out from its main body and surged towards the surrounding puppets like waves.

"This is..."

Sasori frowned and immediately commanded all the puppets to continuously wave the blades in their hands, cutting off the incoming slugs one by one.

However, all of this was useless.

Not only did the cut sea slug not die, but it also split into two like before.

In such a situation, the faster the puppets cut, the greater the number of sea slugs that split apart.

In the end, the wave of sea slugs that were several times stronger than before swept over, and many puppets were instantly submerged, turning into a puddle of liquid in the sea slugs spitting acid.

Sasori, who saw this scene, was silent for a few breaths. He no longer hesitated and withdrew all the remaining puppets. At this moment, two huge spiral slashes stretched out from his waist. While spinning at high speed, his speed was much faster than before. He first released many smoke bombs before him, then immediately turned around and fled without thinking about anything else.

He had to run!

If this continued, he would have no chance of winning at all.

No wonder Konoha only let Tsunade deal with him when there was an ambush in advance.

It was because the other party's various abilities restrained him too much.

Especially the Psychic Beast Slug, who was not afraid of gambling or physical damage. For his biggest trump card, the Red Secret Skill, the Hundred Machines, it was completely Heaven and Earth.

Under the situation where the 3rd Kazekage Puppet with the magnetic escape was destroyed, there weren't many methods to deal with the slug. Sasori, glaring at Tsunade from the side, could only choose to run away regardless of anything.

For him, pursuing the path of eternity, his destruction was undoubtedly the last thing he wanted to see.

At the same time, after seeing Sasori turn around and run away, Tsunade, who was deliberately slow, let out a sigh of relief when the former didn't notice.

She was really afraid that this blockhead would want to fight her to the death.

She could only tearfully accept the other party's head if that was the case.

This situation was undoubtedly the best.

Next, she would see if newcomers would take the initiative to bring it to her mouth.

"Someone come!"

Tsunade stretched out her hand, and a group of Konoha's Anbu waiting outside suddenly appeared beside her.

"Target: Red Sand Scorpion, chase!"


Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

The Anbu team followed Tsunade and chased after Sasori.

Among them, one of the Hyuga Ninjas rolled his eyes and constantly reported the location of Sasori.

Chasing, especially not chasing, was a technical job.

Because of this, the Anbu team that Tsunade came with had the White-Eyed Ninja, and the others were also good at tracking.

Soon, with the departure of the two main characters, the previously bustling battlefield was completely silent.

Only Kabuto was left alone, watching the scene of the battle.

"What a wonderful battle." He pushed up his glasses and sighed with emotion.

After meeting up with Sasori, his task had been completed, and the task of chasing Sasori did not include him in the list.

So, what should he do now?

He thought about it for a while.

Speaking of which, he still had some days to go on vacation, so he might as well go back and accompany Yakushi and the others.

He had said they would meet again in Konoha, but he didn't expect things to go so smoothly.

The little girl next to Yakushi would be very happy to see him return so quickly.

Kabuto smiled and left in the direction of his arrival.

As for the mission of Tsunade and the others, he was not worried.

It had to be known that behind the teacher was a great god keeping an eye on him.

A few minutes later.

On the battlefield where Kabuto had left, no one was already left. A snow-white Zetsu was slowly rising from the ground.

Looking at the scattered puppet fragments around it, it scratched its head and said, "I didn't expect Sasori to be forced to this extent. I have to inform Madara and Pain as soon as possible."

After saying that, White Zetsu quickly sank into the ground and immediately transmitted the information.

The information network with countless White Zetsu as the information transmission was very fast.

Just as the team led by Tsunade was hunting Sasori, and the puppets in his hands were destroyed one after another, his current situation was quickly transmitted to Obito and Pain, who just came back.

"It's another trap! Looking at Konoha, it seems like they are targeting the Akatsuki now." Obito slightly frowned.

They let someone like Tsunade attack.

He didn't understand why Konoha didn't focus on the four big countries but instead focused on the Akatsuki organization.

It must be known that the tailed-beast Capture Plan had just been implemented recently. In the past, in the eyes of outsiders, Akatsuki was just a secret bounty organization.

There were at least dozens of such existences in the whole world.

Could it be that the guy in the middle of the flight reported the secret?

Thinking of this, Uchiha Obito nodded slightly.

For the first time, he found that the ability of immortality was not a good thing for both sides.

At the same time, in a secret laboratory in Konoha, the severed head, still separated from his body, couldn't help but sneeze several times.

Then, he looked at his own body that was being studied by a group of white coats not far away and complained,

"Hey! You, Konoha guys, it's fine if you don't help me connect my head and body, but at least you have some merit in your heart. At least cover me with a quilt in such a cold environment!"

"Ah-choo! Look! It's so cold that I even have a cold!"

Let's not talk about how Konoha's researchers would answer the friars.

Returning to the Rain Village Tower, Pain, who had also heard the news, put down the spoils of war he had brought back from the Earth Land on his shoulder and asked, "Who are the members of the Akatsuki organization closest to Sasori?"

On the side, Black Zetsu replied: "Juzo and Kisame are currently active in the Water Land, so they can't make it in time. The only one who is close to us is Orochimaru."

"Hehe ---If we let Orochimaru help us, I'm afraid that even if Sasori is alive, he will bring him back to die." White Zetsu smiled and said.


Everyone here knew about the conflict between Orochimaru and Sasori.

If the other party helped him, he would agree to it. If he came to the scene, he would laugh at the underground hand, and there would be no evidence of his death.

With the other party's many years of experience in Konoha, they must be very experienced in this area.

"Then let me bring Sasori back." At this time, Uchiha Obito said.

Although he had other things to do next, now that the Akatsuki organization had opened the tail beast capture, they desperately needed manpower.

Sasori's ability was much better than others, and she had been more dedicated to the Akatsuki than others.

This was related to the Moon Eye plan, and now was not the time to personally rescue the members of the Akatsuki organization.

However, his idea was rejected by Pain.

The latter looked at the person who brought him to the ground, wearing red armour and unconscious. After that, he said to everyone:

"This time, I will personally go."