The Man Called God

For Nagato, after experiencing the death of Yahiko, knowing and mastering the legendary eyes of the Six Paths Sage through a man named "Madara" and knowing how powerful he is, his thoughts have already changed. A great change.

After abandoning the weak and incompetent Nagato, who had watched his best friend die but was powerless, he was now known as a "god".

Since he was a "god", he naturally had to act as a "god".

Sasori naturally had no so-called feelings.

However, seeing that the other party had been working hard in the organization and was a good subordinate, he chose to save him because he still had more than half of the Biju captured and lacked manpower.

In addition, he also wanted to take this opportunity to give Konoha a warning.

"A big land that doesn't understand pain cannot pay attention to the pain they inflicted on the small land. It's time for the big land to feel pain." "The one chasing Sasori is Tsunade, one of the three Konoha Ninjas, right? Then let her feel pain. Only in this way can Konoha become stronger."

Hearing this, Uchiha Obito slightly frowned.

Listening to Pain, it was obvious that he was preparing to rescue him and wanted to make a big deal out of this matter.

He disagreed and said, "Can you expose Pain's strength now? You must know that only two of the nine-tailed beasts have been brought back now. If people in the ninja world understand Akatsuki's strength, I will think about it later." Capturing Jinchuriki is even more difficult."

Pain looked at "Madara" and calmly said: "Rock Ninja, Konoha has a deep guard against Akatsuki. Although I don't know why, Akatsuki is now exposed to the world. If you don't want to be targeted by these villages, you must show strength to prevent these big powers from attacking you. You must know that the Fourth World War is getting closer and closer."

Half of his life was spent in the war, and he had a clear understanding of the current situation in the world.

Konoha's ambition grew increasingly over the years, and the other four big lands naturally wouldn't surrender.

The two sides would inevitably experience a great war.

When the elite forces of both sides were endlessly consumed in the killing, it was also the best time for Akatsuki to carry out the tailed beast Weapon plan.

But before that, what Akatsuki had to do was to preserve himself.

Onoki acted out of the norm and took advantage of Akatsuki. Konoha suddenly aimed its blade at Akatsuki. They all knew the danger of this organization that did not belong to the five big lands. They planned to eliminate this power that was outside their control before the official war to avoid unnecessary accidents when the war came.

And what Pain had to do was to let these forces fully realize how powerful the power of Akatsuki was.

Before the war was inevitable, he wanted to let these big lands understand how serious the consequences of attacking Akatsuki would be.

In the case of paying and returning, and with real enemies, those in power knew when to stop.

At this moment, after learning what Pain was thinking, Uchiha Obito was not surprised.

After all, those who can deny their Moon's Eye plan and instead figure out the Ten-Tails weapon to deter the major powers and use "nuclear weapons" to achieve peace, in their bones, advocate using violence to control violence.

Just like now, he wanted to show off his strength to deter Konoha.

But could Pain deter Konoha?

The worried Obito reminded him: "You have to know that Tsunade is the wife of the 4th Hokage, and the 4th Hokage has mastered the Flying Thunder God Technique. It is hard to say if he will act personally next time."

As for Yuki Senju, that had left a deep impression on him. Even now, he still had more than enough time.

After hearing this, Pain had a rare interest. "The power of Wood Release? Speaking of which, Mr Madara, you once had a battle with Hashirama Senju in the Final Valley. In your opinion, is the power of Wood Release stronger, or is the power of the Rinnegan stronger?"

Uchiha Obito's face froze under the spiral mask.

As a fake, how could he know about the battle experience of the Final Valley?

Although Madara had taught him much before he died, no one was willing to tell others about this defeat.

Apart from himself, The only Wood Release he had seen had some of it. However, after that, he rarely used the power of the Wood Release. Only on the night of the Kyubi did he personally witness the power of the Wood Release under Yuki Senju.

Wood Release and Rinnegan were strong.

Uchiha Obito really couldn't guarantee it.

However, when Hashirama defeated Madara, he didn't open his Rinnegan. Although defeated in the end, he was dragged to the end of his life.

In his opinion, Rinnegan should be better.

Obito replied to him.

He said, "In that case, what is there to worry about, Mr Madara?"

Seeing this, Obito could only sigh helplessly in his heart.

Could he say that what he was worried about was not Rinnegan but Pain himself?

After all, the latter was not the true master of the Rinnegan and could not unleash the full strength of the Rinnegan.

In such a state, dealing with Yuki Senju was almost equal to Hashirama Senju. To be honest, he was very uncertain.

It was just that now, the fully-winged Pain was no longer listening to him like before and even became more suspicious of his identity over time.

In such a situation, Uchiha Obito couldn't stop him.

At this moment, looking at the chess piece in front of him, who was praised as "God" and was gradually out of his control, the face of Uchiha Obito under the mask changed in an instant.

The powerful power of Rinnegan blinded the pain.

If the other party continued like this, it would be difficult to guarantee that the plan of the eyes of the moon would be smoothly completed.

Shouldn't he change?

Uchiha Obito hesitantly watched Pain set off, but he still didn't decide in the end.

At this moment, Black Zetsu's voice sounded in his ear: "Master Madara, are we still going to do the plan?"

When Obito returned to his senses, his eyes flashed with a complicated light, and he finally nodded heavily: "Yes! Has Kakashi's position been confirmed?"

"Of course!" "Speaking of which, the other side is far from Sasori's escape route. Master Madara, if you take back your Sharingan, you can also go there to take a look." Zetsu smiled and said.

As for the real identity of Master Madara, he was naturally very clear about it.

"This is better!"

Before this matter with Sasori, Obito's original plan was to find Kakashi and take back the Sharingan that belonged to him.

The reason for this was because in the face of the world, that was becoming more and more difficult to deal with, and in the future, he would have to face the extremely powerful Senjutsu Yuki and the huge military strength of Konoha behind him. With only one Mangekyo Sharingan, his strength was already unable to keep up.

Only with the two Mangekyo Sharingan would he be able to deal with all of this.

For this reason, he would rather remove the last bit of memories that belonged to Obito from Kakashi.

To create Rin's world, even if he completely negated his former self, his former companions, and his previous ideals, he would not hesitate to do so.

"Let's go now. I hope that when I arrive, Pain won't leave me a mess." The moment Uchiha Obito's voice fell, his robe spread out, and he disappeared from the tower.

On the side, White Zetsu was smiling in anticipation, and under Black Zetsu's urging, his body slowly sank.


Sasori had planned to meet with Kabuto on the God's Crossing Bridge, located on the west side of the land of fire, not too far from the land of rain.

With Sasori consciously running to the land of rain, judging by the ninja's speed, it would not be too late for Pain to arrive.

At this moment, in the most common forest in the Fire Land.

In the chase that had been going on for dozens of kilometres, the sounds of fighting could be heard from time to time.

Of course, he had to do a full set of acting.

Sasori's escape journey was very difficult.

No matter where he set up the formation, he could not escape the shadow of Konoha's professional tracking team behind him.

Even if he wanted to use the puppets to create traps to delay the pursuers, it was a joke under a pair of eyes.

Not only that, but the attacks from the various ninjutsu of Konoha's assassination team had also destroyed the few puppets he had left.

Until now, only his original body was left with a spiral slash.

"I hope that someone from the organization will come and save me."

At this moment, Sasori, whose life was in danger, still had no trace of fear on his face.

What he feared was not death itself but that the Eternal Art would also disappear after he was killed.

"I wonder if there will be anyone who can inherit his art in the future." Sasori raised his head to look at the sky and suddenly thought of something.

At this moment, a distance of less than a hundred meters behind him, Tsunade, who was chasing after the Anbu with a small slug on its shoulder, made a vague "ha" sound.

In the previous chase, the Anbu, who had always been well-preserved, was responsible for harassing Sasori. She did not make a move.

Because of this, the consumption from the battle with Sasori had already been restored.

She could catch up with Sasori and kill her if she was serious.

Unfortunately, she still had to follow the plan.

Tsunade shook her head helplessly and opened the map to look into the distance.

The bottom line of the mission that Yuki gave her was that the target could not leave the land of fire.

Therefore, she should take action seriously if Sasori was about to pass through the border, even if no one came to rescue her.

Now, it seemed that their group was less than ten kilometres away from the border of the Fire Land.

In the following time, seeing that the distance from the border was shortened by half again, Tsunade shook his hand and said: "It seems that Yuki's plan has failed."

After saying this, just as she was about to speed up and deliver the last blow to Sasori not far away.


Under the blinding sunlight, a figure with a black background and a red cloud flew over from the sky.

Tsunade stopped and smiled,

"Finally, I'm here!"