The kingdom needed liberdad

I stared into the fire, waiting for the man to come out but my hope began to fade out as the fire spread. I wanted to avenge my father's death and avenge my village but he was nowhere to be scene. Eventually, people stopped coming out of the fire. I sat down and stared up at the sky. I couldn't even get revenge for what he'd done. Then a woman came into my view. She had blue eyes and black hair, something I hadn't seen before outside of 1 man. "Why are you sat here" she asked.

"The man I wanted to kill, he hasn't come out of the fire yet" I responded sitting back up.

"He's probably dead by now, no one's coming out of the fire anymore" she said, "Why did you want to kill him?".

"He killed my father and massacred my people, I'd finally found him but now he's dead". I clenched my fist at the thought but there was no longer anything I could do.

"So what are your plans now?" she asked. I took a moment to think about what I could do now but nothing came to mind, I had no education to get a good job and I didn't plan on living life as a dog.

"I don't know" I said shaking my head. She went silent for a bit before asking,

"Have you heard of the legendary man?". I nodded saying,

"Of course I have, everyone in my home kingdom has".

"Then how about you become the second legendary man, how about you give your life a goal". I paused to think. I'd never gave it thought except for when I was a younger child. I stared at her before saying,

"How will I of all people become the legendary man?"

"I'll help you, I'm his descendant so I know how to make someone" she responded quickly. I was surprised but then I realised what she was telling me. I could be remembered even after my death if I became the legendary man and I'd be loved and rich.

"Then sure, I wanna be the legendary man" I said. I stood and turned from the fire as there was no longer anything in it. "Where do I start?" I said finally facing her directly.

"You'll have to find a way to be loved by the people, then after you gain allies the rest will be much easier". I nodded. I already had plans of revolution in Hauri. The upper classmen treated the citizens as dirt. The kingdom needed liberdad.