Warrior Slaves

After opening the backdoor of the theater, we carefully walked inside while keeping our "search" spell active. That way, we would know if someone was getting close to us.

The room was dark, but it didn't take long for us to spot the first cell with people inside.

It seemed to be a young couple, probably around 19-20 years old, and as soon as they saw us, they sat against the far corner of their cell, with the man holding his arm in front to protect the woman.

"We are not here to hurt you…" Melina said with a sweet tone of voice.

I noticed that they had two bowls with rice and vegetables in them, which looked too good to be in their cells.

Without saying a word, I poked Melina on the shoulder and pointed at the bowls, leaving her puzzled as to why that was there.

The man, seeing that we were eyeing their food, quickly grabbed the two bowls and dragged them with him to the corner—a sign to stay away from his food.