Vespera’s Emergency

After Melina launched Vyrazul into the palace's throne room, I quickly stood up and flew to their location to make sure that the devil was killed.

Vyrazul was lying in the palace's throne room with a cut that went vertically across her face all the way down to her gut.

She was slowly regenerating her wounds, but Melina was ready to end the fight and jump down into the throne room. 

However, just as she jumped down, I felt two different powerful presences coming toward us at high speeds, making me perk up and scan my surroundings.

I turned my head, and all I saw were two shadows passing by quickly and crashing beside me.

It was Yoru holding Minotaur by one of his horns after making him crash down with the back of his head, destroying another part of the roof and landing on the other side of the throne room.