Drakzen’s Interruption

After healing the two demonoids who were half-death in the settlement, I made my way to the area where Vespera and Drakzen were fighting.

They had gotten out of the settlement into the adjacent fields, which were wholly burnt to a crisp from all the destruction their attacks generated.

When I looked at Vespera, she was quite beaten up, with a drop of blood coming down her head and mouth and the bottom of her dress somewhat ripped apart.

Drakzen was in his half-demon form, which was the one I was most used to seeing at this point.

"Ah, I ran out of time… How unfortunate," said Drakzen as he saw me arriving.

"What the hell do you think you are doing?" I asked in a low tone of voice laced with anger as I stood next to my companion.

"My job, of course. Gathering powerful beasts," Drakzen replied indifferently.

"So, you thought you could take my companion from me?" I asked again with my eyes sharpened against Drakzen.