Chaos (3)

"Self-destruct? Did he decide to die with him out of anger?"

"It means that the structure of operating the aura was similar to self-destruction. At first glance, it seemed that only some auras were controlled to explode."

"Was that possible?"

"It is not that difficult. It's a matter of explosive power versus aura consumption. It is a useful tool for a king who has a lot of auras to overflowing."

Seo Moon-yeop stuck the monster spear into the ground and sighed.

"The black monster must be dead, right?"

"I think he lived. But it will be a matter of time."

Pietro did not believe that the black dragon could fully withstand the explosion, assuming that the king had raised it up instantly.

Pietro opened his mouth.

"We have three options. Returning to the first imperial tomb and fighting together with the black monster who might be alive. Wait here and fight when the king appears. To return to the ground, prepare again, and fight."

Seo Mun-yeop pondered for a while before answering.

"The first is the most hopeful. Let's go."

Pietro nodded and put his hand on Seo Moon-yeop's shoulder.

It was not a sign of intimacy, but to share the space movement.

Dig! Pod!



The black dragon ran amok.

But the king never let go of the nape of his neck.

It was a narrow victory.

Gathering a large amount of aura, it caused an explosion, and quickly attacked the staggering Black Dragon, biting its neck.

The guy had a body that was strong enough to not get fatally injured even from the explosion, but even for him, this nape was a vital point.

If you get caught here, you can't turn your head to bite the opponent.

The black dragon struggled to shake off the king. The king was also shaken here and there by the fierce resistance, but he did not let go of his persistent biting neck.

The deadly venom inside the guy's body flowed through his fangs, but it didn't matter. Purifying the deadly poison with an aura, he continued to tighten his jaw.

'It was fortunate that I had a lot of useful knowledge.'

Among the knowledge absorbed by the soul of the first high-ranking priest was the concept of self-destruct.

I didn't understand that he was trying to attack the opponent until he died himself. It's over when you die, but you're going to hasten your own death?

The concept of self-destruction was reinterpreted by Wang in his own way. It became a fairly useful means of attack, and with it the king was determined to defeat his enemies.

And now, it has served its purpose.

The victory was won by the king.

The black dragon, which was hit by an explosion and bitten in the vitals, was slowly losing strength.

It was then.

The king felt the distortion of time and space behind him.

'The troublesome guys are here.'

Dig! Pod!

As expected, Pietro and Seo Moon-yeop appeared.

Seo Moon-yeop rushed at him, unfolding his spiritual body image.

"You bastard! Let go of my friend!"

As he tried to attack from behind, the king, who felt the pain of the spiritualized weapon, left the black dragon and stepped aside.

The Black Dragon, which was freed thanks to this, also hesitantly retreated.

-friend? Why is that guy your friend?

Even in the midst of this, the king couldn't bear to ask questions.

Seo Moon-yeop canceled the spiritualization of the weapon to save the aura.

"I'm kidding. Don't you know the joke?"

-I do not know.

The king tilted his head.

"Tsk tsk, all the intelligent beings I've met so far are far from joking."

- I don't know the concept of a joke, so I can't answer.

In the meantime, the black dragon hurriedly turned around and rushed toward the gate.



Gate is gone.

Of course, he wasn't the king who would let the black dragon run away.

The Black Dragon tried to escape through another gate, but they all disappeared.

With nowhere to run, the Black Dragon only then harbored a vicious spirit and glared at the king again.

"You are pitiful. Why don't you let it run away?"

-You tried to kill me, but why are you pitiful?

The king also responded to Seo Moon-yeop's nonsense.

"I'm kidding, man."

- Just kidding. It's a concept that's not easy to understand.

"I'll teach you in an easy-to-understand way, so let's get one hit with this."

Seo Mun-yeop grabbed the spear and rushed at it.

The king also moved at the same time.


The direction the king moved was towards the black dragon.


The black dragon also roared and confronted it.


The two giants collided again, creating a roar.

This time the black dragon was pushed back. It was definitely a hit.

When the king aimed for the neck again, the black dragon defended it by shaking its head from side to side.

In the meantime, the king swung his tail and attacked Seo Mun-yeop.


Seo Moon-yeop, who saw in advance with the amplified analysis, succeeded in dodging by jumping with all his might.

However, the wind pressure created by the tail pushed the body backwards.

Dig! Pod! Pod!

Three magic circles appeared.

The three overlapped and the patterns of each other were connected like a circuit.

Magic circles caught the king's head like a net.

It was Pietro's tactic to help the black dragon.

- You make something interesting!


The king shook his head violently and tore the net.

Then, fiercely charge at the black dragon.

When the black dragon, pushed by the momentum, hesitates,


The king made a quick U-turn and looked at Seo Mun-yeop.

He opened his mouth and poured out the souls of the monsters.

The souls of the monsters screamed and poured into Seo Moon-yeop.

"Damn it!"

Seo Moon-yeop unfolded weapon spiritualization and stabbed and killed the flocking souls one by one.

chump chump chump!

A series of stabs like a storm.

The spear annihilated one soul with each strike without missing.

However, Pietro's expression as he watched the situation was not good.

'In this way, this side gets tired first.'

It couldn't last long by killing the souls one by one. It was because the two had to fight while saving their Aura as much as possible.

On the contrary, as if the king had finally found the best way to fight, he poured his soul into Seo Mun-yeop and engaged in a hand-to-hand fight with the black dragon. It was possible because the black dragon was weak.

While Seo Mun-yeop struggled with the spirits, Pietro continued to devise countermeasures.

'Even if I fight again later, if I can't destroy this, there's no chance of winning.'

Pietro studies the souls of monsters while using his brain to full capacity.

In the meantime, Seo Moon-yeop's aura, which maintains weapon spiritualization, was still being consumed.

Seo Moon-yeop did not follow through because he noticed that Pietro was preparing a countermeasure.


At last, Pietro moved.

He made a net with 5 magic circles and collected the souls.

At the same time, like lightning, a small gate leading to another dungeon was opened next to it.

Then an amazing phenomenon happened.

The souls caught in the net all flocked to the small gate.

The souls rushed through the gate like a procession of refugees and disappeared into another space.


The king, who was in the middle of a scuffle with the black dragon, reacted.

A strange phenomenon in which all the souls that were poured out disappeared.

-How did you do it?

Curious, the king opened his mouth once again and poured out the souls.

Pietro set up a net this time to attract the spirits and opened the gate to send them out.

As soon as the attack was dispelled, the king became wide-eyed.

- Amazing. Did you momentarily cut off my control?

"Everybody wants to get away from you."

Pietro answered briefly.

The net temporarily hindered the binding power of the king.

Then, for a moment, the spirits, freed from the King's control, fled through the gate. All of them were captured by the king and suffering in a spiritual prison. He didn't want to go back to that position again.

-You're funny too. In particular, I will leave you by my side without killing you.

The king now had enough time to talk to this side even while fighting the black dragon.

"Then me?"

-You die.

"It's sad."

-Is that even a joke?

"You learn well."

Even though he dares to fight himself as a king, Seo Mun-yeop is a naturally virtuous man without any fear.

The king did not hide his displeasure.

-He's the one I don't like.

Seo Moon-yeop smiled.

But deep inside, I was in serious trouble.

'This isn't good.'

Thanks to Pietro figuring out a countermeasure against the spirits, we started fighting again.

However, Seo Mun-yeop has already exhausted his aura.

I can still fight more, but if you ask me if I can hold out until I defeat the king, well.

The black dragon is also exhausted, and will die if the king takes a big blow at any time.

Pietro was okay with Miss Aura, but he was always an assistant. The decisive blow belongs to Seo Moon-yeop.

'The estimate is not right.'

Does that mean you're leaving?

Then the next battlefield was on the ground.

On the surface, the King will not appear alone. In earnest, the entire earth will become a battlefield.

'What do we do?'

Seo Moon-yeop felt conflicted.

There was no hope of winning at this rate, but the disaster that humanity had to deal with was too great to back down.


Meanwhile, the fight between the king and the black dragon intensified.

The king fiercely bit the black dragon and drove it into a corner.

The fighting spirited Black Dragon is now on the brink of defeat.

The black dragon was considered an unexpected ally to Seo Moon-yeop and his party, but the result went according to the king's plan.

The king had the confidence to defeat the black dragon regardless of Seo Moon-yeop and Pietro's interference, and the king was right.

[How about retreating?]

Pietro's voice echoed in my head. He spoke secretly to Auror so that the king would not hear.

Seo Moon-yeop also replied with an aura.

[Isn't this opportunity a waste?]

The existence of a black dragon that opposes the king.

It was such a waste to give up the best chance to win the fight with fishermen.

Where else could there be an ally who would stand against the king like the black dragon?

[I agree, but it's already too late. Even if you keep fighting, it's only a matter of time, and you lose in the end. Besides, the place is not good either. In a dungeon where space is limited like this, the entire area is the king's attack range.]

[That is also true.]

[Now that you know how to attack the king, you will be able to fight better next time.]

[But we also found a base.]


Seo Moon-yeop made a decision.

[Let's retreat. But I can't do it without one thing.]

[Are you going to injure me? Their resilience is far superior to ours.]

Pietro was negative.

But Seo Moon-yeop smiled.

[Other than that.]

Pietro waited silently for Seo Moon-yeop to explain what he thought.

Seo Moon-yeop asked.

[Yes, you. If I die, can I take care of the body and run away?]

Pietro immediately recognized Seo Moon-yeop's meaning.

[Right. Alright, I'll take good care of the corpse.]

towards the end of the conversation.



The black dragon's painful scream erupted.

The king will bite his neck again.

The location was no better than before.

just below the chin.

It was a hard part to shake off even if you resisted.

The image of the king biting deeply while giving strength to his jaw was ferocious.

"I told you not to hit my friend!"

Seo Moon-yeop charged again, transforming into a weapon.

At that time, I wondered if the king's yellow eyes were looking behind him.

and the next moment.

The king suddenly lifted the black dragon he was holding and threw it back.

It was in the direction of Seomunyeop. The black dragon's huge body fell on Seo Moon-yeop.

But Seo Moon-yeop did not stop.

He was charging faster with his monster spear pointed at the king.

'Amplification, agility!'

Seo Moon-yeop momentarily accelerated faster than Wang expected.


The black dragon's body crashed to the ground.

An enormous amount of dust rose.

The dust hid Seo Moon-yeop's body.

I didn't miss the moment when my view was blocked. Seo Mun-yeop quickly turned sideways in the dust and escaped the king's expectations.

Soon, Seo Moon-yeop jumped through the dust from the side.


Weapon A spear of a spirit-embodied monster pierced the king's torso.

- Aaaaa! this guy!

The king roared in anger.