Chaos (4)

A blow that caught the enemy by changing direction in the dust.

The weapon spiritualization attack caused pain like burning, so the king was enraged.


The king attacked only Seo Mun-yeop, leaving the black dragon he had defeated.


The whole body was crushed like a mace.

Seo Mun-yeop looked at it as an amplified analysis and got out of it in advance.

Then, he opened the spiritual form of the weapon again and took a shot.



The king was on edge. He wasn't hurt, but the pain pierced his soul.

still alive When I was hit by the emperor and ran away badly, I was afraid of this pain.

- I will never let you live.

The king glared at Seo Mun-yeop in earnest and flicked his tongue.


He twisted his body from side to side and started crawling.

The king approaching in an S-shaped curve.

Seo Moon-yeop felt a thrill as the king's life force poured into him.

'It's scary. I think I'm going crazy.'

I giggled.

this fear. I've felt it countless times since childhood. She barely lived, but when she came to her senses, she was back in the dungeon holding a weapon.

Come on.

kill me once

Seo Moon-yeop took a light step backwards and observed the king's movements.

at some point.


It wasn't a preparatory move, but I could feel it.

Seo Moon-yeop moved immediately. In a brief instant, the king followed suit.


The king bit off the spot where Seo Mun-yeop stood and tore it apart.

Seo Mun-yeop jumped up and was leaping through the air.

The tail flies in succession.

It was to hit him floating in the air.

At that moment, Seo Mun-yeop sent a figurative language to the king.

Then he twisted his body to perform mid-air motions.

Shoot Aaaaaaa!!

The tail just barely passed in front of my eyes.

A cold sweat ran down his spine.


The king was bewildered.

-Are you missing?

It was because of the figurative language sent by Seo Moon-yeop.

The visual image of flying in the air was sent, and the person himself turned and turned in the middle.

The king, who thought he hit it right, was surprised when he missed it perfectly.

Seo Moon-yeop cast weapon spiritualization again.

The king, startled, lifted the coil and rolled himself into a circle. Seo Moon-yeop was scheduled to land in the middle of the coil.

'I'm sorry, but this situation was also practiced in simulation.'

The experience of fighting a giant snake was helping.

Seo Moon-yeop was able to immediately transform into a spiritual body and fly away.

Several times in the middle, the king attacked and tried to swallow it, so I had to avoid it by flying left and right.

-That's quite right. Aren't you pretty good at avoiding small subjects?

"Are you pretty nimble for that size?"

Seo Mun-yeop did not lose and countered. It was because the king's way of speaking, as if his efforts were imaginary on an insignificant subject, bothered him.

The king looked down at Seo Mun-yeop as if it were strange.

-That's strange. Are you still undecided whether you can win or not? Obviously you can't beat me But why are you fighting? You don't even try to run away.

"Because I am the only human being who can defeat you."

-You're here to fight on behalf of mankind.


-You are the only human who can defeat me...

The king looked carefully at Seo Mun-yeop and smiled.

- It's just refreshing to see it again. Are you saying you're the only one with a chance of winning?

The king looked again to see if there was something special about Seo Mun-yeop, but it seemed insignificant.

Of course, the weapon spiritualization hurts a bit, but that was it. Because this human didn't have the strength to strike a life-threatening blow like the emperor did.

- Again, that's no fun. Now you've lost interest.

After the king finished his words, he began to gather aura.

'Could it be again?'

When Seo Moon-yeop remembered the self-destruction, he was startled.

But not this time.

The king opened his mouth and let out an aura.

The aura turned into flame.

Seo Mun-yeop crouched down and put his shield in front. He put an aura on his shield to block the pouring flames.


His shield prevented him from being hit directly, but his entire body seemed to burn with heat.

I resisted the flames by wrapping an aura all over my body, but still, the pain that seemed to be slowly ripening came over me.

"Turn it off!"

gritted it

The range of the flames was so wide that there was nowhere to escape.

Even though the hot deterioration put pressure on his whole body, Seo Moon-yeop did not lose his concentration. When his concentration is scattered, the aura also dissipates and becomes ashes in an instant.

'If you transform into a spiritual body, you don't have to worry about getting burned. But not yet.'


Even in the midst of death, Seo Moon-yeop held the monster spear until the end and aimed for the decisive timing.

Breathing flames, the king was drawing closer and closer.

The growing fire proved this.

'When I get close enough, I'll give you a big bite.'

Seo Mun-yeop, who has a mental power that far transcends humans, persevered to the end.

Eventually, the king's head came closer.

'just now!'

Seo Moon-yeop looked at the king's movements with an amplified analysis.

It was confirmed that the king's head did not move for the next few seconds.

Seo Moon-yeop transformed into a spiritual body.


The moment his entire body turned into a spiritual body made of aura, he was freed from the hot flames.

Seo Mun-yeop flew straight at the king's head.

The flames rather became a veil that covered the king's eyes.

Seo Moon-yeop appeared through the flames.

It was time to stick it between the eyebrows.


A fleeting moment of doubt.

The king's agility is much higher than his own.

If you have confirmed yourself coming out of the flames, you should react, but there is no movement.

The yellow eyes looked at him and somehow seemed to smile.

That was all I could think of in an instant.

The king's tail flew from behind and attacked Seo Mun-yeop.

It was a blow that came from a place invisible to the naked eye, so even the amplified analysis eye couldn't see it.

- Big!

Seo Moon-yeop let out a miserable scream.

Physical attacks are impervious to it in its spiritual state, but it can be swept away by the huge torrent of aura flowing through the king's body.

The river of aura flowing through the tail the king swung was at the level of smashing and scattering even the spiritual body.

Even after the spirit body was forcibly released, Seo Moon-yeop's body was blown away and slammed into the ground.


Seo Mun-yeop's consciousness was cut off.

It was death.


- Is he dead?

The king looked down at Seo Mun-yeop's body, which was relaxed and drooping.

It felt like life had been cut off.

- He's dead. It was a pretty strong opponent. It was one of the few creatures to wound the king's body.

The King's yellow eyes smiled at Pietro.

-That's an honorable enough thing for a tiny creature. isn't it?

Peter was speechless.

However, as promised, he was only measuring the timing to quickly take Seo Moon-yeop's body and run away.

'Now soon.'

Pietro felt nervous when he saw Seo Moon-yeop's body.

Seo Mun-yeop was immortal.

It would be difficult for the king to find out that 'immortality' was activated and revived.

Seo Mun-yeop's intention to deliberately die in front of the king to catch his guard is gone. It was a tearful effort to increase the odds even by 0.1%.

'So get up. I wish I had enough rest.'

Pietro said to himself to someone lying still behind the king.



The black dragon, which had been fallen, rose to its feet. Surprisingly, his body, which had been battered, appeared to have recovered somewhat.

The black dragon attacked the king like lightning. As he was about to bite his neck, he avoided the king and bit him halfway down his torso.

- This guy!

the king groaned.

The king turned his head and bit the black dragon's body in the same way.

I wanted to hold on without letting each other go, but the black dragon left first and withdrew. He had an amazing recovery speed, but he was still weak.


Pietro moved through space and approached Seo Moon-yeop's body.

I put my hand on top of my body and re-opened the space shift.

The destination was above ground.

Dig! Pod!


Korea University Hospital.

It was the place where Seo Mun-yeop, who returned after 17 years, was hospitalized.

Dig! Pod!

Two people appeared in front of the front door of the emergency room in the middle of the day when it was busy.



The paramedics, who were taking out a patient from the ambulance that had just arrived, were surprised by the appearance of the two.

The doctor who came out to receive the patient in the emergency room also put on a dazed expression at the appearance of the two.

Pietro and Seo Moon-yeop. As a World Cup hero, he was a famous figure recognized by the entire nation at a glance.

Pietro chinned Seo Moon-yeop, who was knocked down by the doctor.

"It is a patient. Attach a superhuman doctor with healing powers."

"I-I know how to do it. He, but he's dead! Seo Moon-yeop is dead!"

cried the doctor in panic.

Seo Mun-yeop was dead with his neck twisted. Seo Moon-yeop, the hero of mankind.

The eyes of the people around him gathered.

All of them were shocked to see Seo Mun-yeop, who was dead and in a state of disrepair.


A news report with shocking subtitles at the bottom was being aired on TV.

-Today, at 2:00 PM, Seo Moon-yeop appears dead in front of the emergency room at Korea University Hospital, giving a shock. Seo Moon-yeop along with his teammate Pietro Anella ······.

There was a patient in a single room who was watching the breaking news with a puzzled expression.

"Change the subtitles. Resurrected."

It was Seo Moon-yeop himself.

Korea was already excited, and breaking news was spreading to foreign media around the world.

Seo Moon-yeop, who returned as a corpse, caused a stir at the hospital. Fortunately, after belatedly recalling that Seo Mun-yeop was immortal, the hospital staff calmly moved him to a single room and attached a superhuman doctor with healing powers.

However, when Seo Moon-yeop's life did not return after a while, everyone was embarrassed.

Fortunately, Pietro was calm.

Life doesn't come back easily, but I sensed that the aura was still active inside my body, so I decided to keep an eye on it.

As a result, it was resurrected in exactly 3 hours and 47 minutes.

"It's been a while since I came back to life."

"I know. Have you had your heart pierced before and didn't die? But it's strange that he stayed as a corpse for 3 hours and 47 minutes."

A few years ago, in a test when registering an avatar, Seo Moon-yeop showed Saler-bun that he would not die even if his heart was pierced.

So I tried to pretend to be dead with the aura as low as possible. However, at the king's blow, he really became a corpse.

"It was the principle of amplifying immortality and transforming into a spiritual body, so this must have something to do with it. Immortality may not have functioned temporarily due to the shock of being forcibly released while in the spiritual state."

"I was pretending to be dead, but I really had a near-death experience."

Seo Moon-yeop quietly cursed.

Pietro told him how he had died.

It was said that he was beaten to death without knowing anything because his tail flew off the back of his head.

An attack that unfolds out of sight. This was the only weakness of the amplified analysis plan.

Breaking news continued on TV.

- Meanwhile, the World Battlefield Association is attracting attention by announcing that it will make a major announcement regarding the death of Mr. Seo Moon-yeop.

As soon as she heard the news, the queen seemed to start moving.

Seo Moon-yeop sighed.

"It's going to be a real mess."