Chapter 5: A Burning Flame


I slammed the door shut behind me. That was the infamous Ares Bateman. He was sexy, his broad shoulders begged for me to wrap my arms around him, and his chiseled jaw made my mouth water as my tongue itched to lick him up and down. The frustration I felt only intensified my anger and my craving for him.

His voice was deep and sent my traitorous p*ssy into a throbbing mess. No man had ever had that type of control over me before. What made him so different? Was it because he was a d*ck? Did that quality turn me on just as much as it infuriated me?

I groaned and shook the thought out of my mind as I walked away from his office. My eyes spotted the snobby assistant, Carlos, sitting at his desk watching me like a hawk. I matched his gaze and gave him my middle finger; he and his boss could gladly f*ck off.

His eyes grew wide with shock before turning his attention back to his desktop screen. I laughed to myself as I continued my way out of the building. It hadn’t been at all like I expected. I hadn’t been to any offices outside of my father’s and the experience was worth it.

Ares had a different vision than my father in terms of style. My father’s office was well-lit and full of long glass windows whereas Ares’s office was darker. He settled on black furniture, and he even had blackout curtains in his office. He was either a very private person or a vampire and had to avoid the sun.

I made it to my car and entered when my phone went off with a text message from both of my parents and Alexa. Could this day get any worse?

My father was considering selling the family company and worst of all, he wanted to sell to a complete a*swipe. Ares Bateman’s offer was probably the best offer that my father would ever receive, but it was also the priciest.

My father would do more than just give the company a new CEO. Ares Bateman was going to buy it and destroy whatever legacy my father and grandfather tried to build. He had no regard for other people, and though that’s what made him a great businessman, it made him a terrible person.

I started the engine and pulled off the curb, driving to my house. I had no idea what I thought I would be accomplishing by storming into his office, but whatever it was I didn’t even come close. I spent most of my time trying to keep my hormones in check and the other half trying to plead my case.

The photos online of him didn’t do him any justice, and he normally had a pathetic blonde hanging on his arm. I didn’t hate blondes, but Alexa was a blonde and the hate naturally migrated to everyone with blonde hair.

I stopped the car in my driveway and exited. My parents had helped ensure that as a child I needed nothing and that as an adult I would have the proper channels to accomplish whatever I wanted. One of the things my parents prepared for my adult life was my own home. They believed that the best way to keep our family from hating each other was for everyone to live in their own homes.

I unlocked the door and entered, leaning my head against the door. F*ck, leave it to me to be attracted to the enemy, but could you blame me? Those dark brown eyes, the color of milk chocolate, and his muscles rippled through his black button-down.

I moaned as the rush of warmth traveled throughout my body and down to my core. After one encounter this man had me turning into a puddle of lust. What the hell was I going to do now that I had waged war on him?

I didn’t mean for our conversation to end the way that it did, but with my anger and the now-rising issue of my horniness, I didn’t have much of a choice. I needed to get the hell out of there while also remaining firm on the whole purpose of my visit.

I hadn’t planned on arguing with his assistant, but he asked for it. He kept whining about how I needed an appointment and then as soon as we got in front of Ares, he wanted to act like he was tough. I smelled that fake macho man persona a mile away. Odds are, he did it to impress his boss and I respect it in a way. I’d respect him more if he stayed true to himself though.

I pushed myself off the door and tossed my purse on the long rectangular table that sat a few feet away from the entrance; it’s where I always placed my purse or keys at the start and end of every day.

As I continued throughout the house, I lost an item of clothing with each step into a new room. It wasn’t the smartest thing to leave a trail of clothes throughout my house, but it was my house and the more I let my mind think about Ares, the more I needed to relieve the tension between my legs.

I opened the bathroom door and turned on the showerhead. I would never subject myself to a cold shower, but a nice steamy hot shower, while I masturbated, seemed like a good option. I had to shower anyway since my parents and Alexa requested that we have a family dinner tonight.

My mother had been so over my father that she attended his wedding reception, but she decided to skip the wedding. I, against my better judgment, was forced to be there since I am my father’s last living relative.

I placed my hand under the water making sure it was the right temperature before I stepped inside. The water was the perfect temperature. It was the same temperature as my skin, scorching hot with a sexy godlike man on my mind. Whoever created that man just wanted to torture me.

Ares and I ran in the same social circle yet neither one of us had ever run into the other and based on his reaction to me being a Williams, he had no idea that my father had a child. My father kept his personal life just as it should be – private.

My father hated the cameras, my mother used to tease him that he wanted to be rich but was too shy to put himself out there and my mother wasn’t wrong. To the world, he was the big scary wolf and to me, he was the short-tempered, unphotogenic, workaholic that I called Daddy.

With his shyness came a certain protective nature that came over him when he met my mother and intensified later when he had me. I wasn’t surprised that he didn’t know who I was, but I was surprised that he didn’t seem to know that I existed.

Stepping into the shower I allowed the warm water to cascade over my body, my hands trailing over me as I closed my eyes. As much as I wanted to deny it, I was attracted to that pompous a*shole, and currently, all I could think about were his hands replacing my own. The strong grip that he would have on my throat as he held my body close to his chest, his fingers trailing down to my aching wet p*ssy and thrusting his firm fingers inside of me.

Lord, what was this man doing to me?