Chapter 6: Fire and Desire


She slammed the door behind her, and I couldn’t help the chuckle that left my lips afterward. I half expected her to storm back in and resume yelling. I wanted her to. I wanted to watch the way her nipples peeked through the padded bra she wore underneath the tight top of her dress. I wanted to enjoy the view of them bouncing as she flung her arms in the air in frustration.

I sat behind my desk and turned on my desktop. I had left such precious information slipped between my fingers. Hearing that Fredrick didn’t have a son or successor, I immediately ruled out the idea of the man having any child at all. I wanted to search her name, but I couldn’t, at best I’d get results of his current or ex-wife and neither of them was as intriguing as finding out about his daughter.

There was a small knock, Carlos’s signature signal before the door opened and closed behind him. I could feel the fear radiating from him. He was back to his regular self unlike when Miss Williams was here.

“How can I help you, Carlos?” I asked.

My eyes hadn’t moved from the blinking cursor on my search engine. I wanted to find out everything about her. I wanted her name, address, hell I wanted her relationship status. I needed to know whom she deemed worthy of having her heart and her time.

“I wanted to apologize, sir, for Miss Williams. I tried to get her out, but I can’t touch a woman,” Carlos explained.

“No need to apologize, but if you want to make it up to me then find out her name. I know Fredrick is very private when it comes to his family but leave no stone unturned. Find her,” I demanded.

He nodded and left the office. Fredrick was good, but I was better. I would call in every favor I had to find out who she was, I needed to know. I had never been this obsessive or out of control for a woman before. The sheer thought of her has my d*ck jumping with excitement and I had to get a handle on that.

The door to my office opened again and this time I raised a brow. Carlos wasn’t going to return until the task was complete, and he never entered without knocking. I looked up from my desk and had to stop the groan that nearly left my mouth.

Her heavy perfume choked me and while it was normally bearable, today it was the worst smell that had ever come across my nose. I peeked over my eyelids at Christina and gave her a strained smile. There was no reason for her to be here. We had an arrangement; the only time that I would see Christina Wright would be if I needed an escort to a party to keep the vulture women away.

“Christina, to what do I owe the pleasure?” I asked.

“I keep telling you to stop being so formal with me, everyone already knows we’re dating,” she said, dragging out the word dating.

Christina was my fake girlfriend. She was famous enough in the social scene that people would believe that I would date her, but nowhere near my profession to ruin my brand in any way. She was a family friend and did me a mutual favor. She escorted me to things and I did the same in return to keep up with the public appearances for the both of us.

“Fake dating, but that doesn’t answer my question. Why are you here? In my office?” I asked.

We respected each other enough to not make random pop-ups, especially during work hours. She wasn’t supposed to be distracting me from my work unless it was related to an upcoming event that more than likely slipped my mind.

“You’re no fun.” She pouted and sat on the edge of my desk.

Christina was a very attractive woman, but I had never found myself attracted to her. We had one sexual almost-encounter years ago, but that had been the closest either one of us had ever been to sleeping together. Christina’s father had been close to mine. I’m sure before my father passed away, he had plans for me to marry her. If he were alive, I’d tell him over my dead body.

“I have work to do, Christina, so you’re either going to tell me why you’re here or get out.”

I didn’t have time for her childish games, but I also didn’t have time for Carlos to walk into my office with the information I asked for and pique Christina’s interest. As much of a socialite as she is, she’s also a big problem and a big a*s thorn in my side.

“The annual banquet is coming up. You’ve missed the past couple of events with me and rumors are starting to circulate,” she explained.

Of course, rumors were starting to circulate. I had been so obsessed with work that I missed a few photo opportunities with her, and I truly didn’t care. I hated gathering with other rich people just to discuss who was richer. It was always a pissing contest, and their conversation was rarely stimulating to my mind.

Why miss a day of work for something that won’t help me advance my business? However, there had been a few times when I encountered people who had sinking businesses and were willing to sell pennies.

“I heard that Fredrick Williams will be there,” she teased.

With that I became a fish caught on her line. She must’ve heard about my offer to buy Williams Corp, but my mind could only travel to… her. Would she be there? Would she be invited? Should I take the chance and go in hopes of seeing her?

“I heard you gave him a very generous offer,” she continued.

“Who told you that?” I asked.

She chuckled and hopped off my desk as she pulled down the mini skirt. I didn’t understand why she wore them and then tried to act modest as if her a*s cheek hadn’t been hanging out for hours before her slight alteration to its length.

“People talk, Ares, and they talk a lot. So, will I see you at the banquet?” she asked.

A smirk was placed on her lips as I looked up at her. As much as I wanted to decline the offer, I couldn’t. I had to go to see her again. I had to learn her name and everything else about her.

From the moment she left my office, everything else seemed to pale in comparison. I couldn’t focus on work because I was too busy focusing on the memory of her. How sweet her voice sounded even while she was yelling. The way her cheeks turned red as she found herself more and more flustered. I wouldn’t be able to get her out of my system until I saw her again.

“Give Carlos your dress color and the date, I’ll be there.”

I knew I was going to regret this decision, but I couldn’t stop myself. I hated how out of control she made me feel and act. I’m used to having structure and control. I’ve always been in control and just one encounter with her and I’m finding myself spiraling.