chapter 34: power up!

After 5 days,

Alex opened his eyes that was glowing with profound wisdom he originally thought it will take atleast a week or more but it seems he had underestimated his comprehension ability in less than five days he had comprehended 3 legendary grade techniques

his eyes turned towards the blue screen infront of him

[ comprehension of divine cultivation method (first part) ... 63%]

[ comprehension of infinite weapon demon art

(first part) .... 54%]

[ comprehension of celestial footwork (first part) ... 57%]

his eyebrows contracted as he stared at the values

"hmm... I'm sure I have completely comprehended all three of this techniques then why is the completion rate low? "

the system didn't respond as Alex pondered before concluding

"is it because of my lack of practical experience? "

[ yes, although host is currently strong in theory thanks to your abnormal comprehension ability but your body needs to experience it first hand to adopt itself ]

[ also even with all the upgrades to your body host still lacks one criteria to always win against higher realm cultivators that's...]

"battle instincts! " Alex interjected before the system could finish speaking

he still remember his fight with the guard captain his lack of experience was so evident he need to not only perceive his enemy but also predict his every move it requires lot of life and death battle experience

thinking about it Alex decided to go out today he remembered that this estate has a decently big battle arena where he can check his current growth and flaws also it's a good chance to study other fighters so far he had only seen the guard captain fight he want to know how strong others are compared to his new and improved self

he purchased a new face mask to hide his identity but was instantly surprised to see the amount of cuck coins he had

[ Name : Alex Campbell

Cuck coins : 4000CC ]

after his last expenditure to strengthen his foundation Alex was sure he was broke he even took a loan but in just five days his reserves has been half refilled

he felt both happy and bitter now tat he knew the ones backing Isabella are very powerful he needs as many CC as possible but thinking about how his women women are humiliated to get these CC he felt sad....


he slapped his cheeks

"I don't have time for this the main reason for all this problems is that i'm weak as long I became strong enough I can always repay and protect them "

"system any important news about my women other than them getting fucked? "

[ yes, host your girlfriend rose had regained her memories on top of awakening her bloodline powers ]

"surprisingly rose had a bloodline power huh?"

[Not just any bloodline she has awakened into a succubus princess a Royal bloodline]

Alex had read about this apparently every race has a pure royal bloodline these beings once awakened will become extraordinary experts in the future they can also control their species with lesser bloodline with mere thought

' succubus is a demon subspecies so i can use her to control other succubus? '

what a jackpot!!

[system if Royal bloodline is super strong how does it compare to my Phoenix bloodline? "

[there's no comparison Phoenix is a divine immortal being all Royal bloodline of lower species are inferior to you]

"luckily I didn't waste so much money buying stuff from the system for nothing"

Alex was quite satisfied but suddenly he thought of something

"wait! didn't Isabella put a curse mark on rose which will kill her if rose ever even though of betraying them! did her transformation break the curse?"

if so it's a huge problem! Isabella as a the caster will definitely know if the curse was broken then she'll obviously start scrutinize them and if she felt threatened...

'she could easily kill us all with her connection and backings'

as Alex was planning for the worst case scenario the system sounded

[ host no need to panic succubus are the rulers of illusion and lust ]

[ their illusions are powerful enough to partially trick reality itself on a very very small scale ]

[ this is especially true for rose who has a Royalty bloodline flowing through her she could make it so that curse seal never activate without breaking it by creating an illusion surrounding the curse seal, of course there are limits curses inflicted by an expert at martial God or higher realm cannot be tricked by mere illusions]


Alex sighed in relief there's no way Isabella can make a martial God level expert to make a curse seal for her even with all her wealth and connections why?

'because there are only 10 martial gods in the entire world each of them are overlords of an entire domain!'

well atleast that's what the library book said, asking such a being to put a curse on a mere maid

'hmph! good luck with that! '

"that said this illusion ability to partially trick reality is quite good depending on how one use this ability it can be super OP"

with a sly smile and rubbing both his hands Alex asked shamelessly

"hey system is it possible for me to buy this ability using cc? "

[.... ]

the silent treatment was Alex to understand it was impossible

"never mind, whatever my women have is mine too so it's not a loss "

saying so he took the new mask he purchased for 100cc and wore it, he also changed his clothes to that of a commoner with a muscular body and stern face he looked like a mercenary at his late 20s

"now let's go and visit the arena I also have to see Diana to check on the progress his work"

he covered his body with his invisible cloak and left the mansion

in the market place Alex went to a dark corner before removing the cloak and entered the bustling streets as he looked like your everyday mercenary no one paid any attention to him

he had been holed up in his room for several days so when sunlight and fresh air reached his body Alex suddenly felt alive he stretched his muscle cracking his bones and went towards the arena

the arena had a similar structure to that of roman Colosseum but the fighting ground was divided into three sections it also had a protective artifact around the fighting ground to protect the audience after all this is a world of cultivation where every cultivators are superhumans normal stage won't be able to hold them

after looking at the structure Alex saw a queue at the registration place all of them are warriors, mercenary or wealthy men who want to let their slave fight

Alex also joined the queue once his turn came he took the registration form and inquired the rules to the person incharge

" There are 3 levels of battle beginner, expert, death match each has it's own seperate section to fight and has different rewards for the winner "

beginner - this for noobies who's cultivation is only at 'core formation' to initial stage 'bone forging' stage there are restrictions on killing and the rewards are low only 30 gold for the champion

Expert - this level is for cultivators from mid stage 'bone forging' realm cultivator to initial stage 'martial master' again there are restrictions on killing but the rewards are decently good about 100 gold coins

Death match - it's a stage were anyone below peak level martial master can participate killing your opponent is allowed there are no rules aside from no external help, the rewards depend on whom you defeated to become champion if you defeat/kill someone with equal cultivation then the reward is 200 gold but if you became champion by defeating stronger opponents then the rewards are double that!

"hmm the expert level match seems to be the safe place to start gaining experience"

he wasn't a fool to quickly enter a death match although he had become stronger his actual cultivation didn't improve he's still in initial stage martial master realm fighting a higher realm opponent without knowing my current limits is foolish he had already learned that with his fight with the guard captain

he registered for the expert level and entered the arena the opponents were choosen with equal cultivation base in this level along with the no kill rule this the best place for many mercenaries and adventurers to gain experience so it's quite popular level for many cultivators

when Alex turn came he went to the fighting ground amid the cheers and shouts from the audience. Facing him was a middle aged man with similar cultivation he seems to be an experienced mercenary and judging from the cheers he seems like a regular here

'now I'll see how much I have improved' thinking so Alex went to his fighting stance awakening all his senses to the max

[let the battle begin]

when the announcement came his opponent jumped towards Alex in the blink of an eye the opponent closed the distance and struck out a punch and Alex flew back several meters

seeing this as the new comer couldn't even take single punch everyone in the audience was sure of the mercenary man's victory.....

except for the two people who were confused in the fighting ground for different reasons

one was the opponent mercenary he was looking at his fist in doubt he was certain his punch didn't land on Alex then why was he pushed several meters back?

'did I awake some kind of inate ability? that must be it! i'm a genius all along huh haha'

while the mercenary was praising himself Alex was cursing himself

'fuck I put too much power I feel like I'm completely weightless like a feather'

he just wanted to dodge the punch by slightly moving backwards but his body upgrades seems to be greater than he expected

while Alex was thinking his opponent made his next move he once again closed his distance instantly and threw another punch but for Alex his opponent seemed like moving slower than a tortoise as Alex casually dodged and did an upper cut to his jaw the mercenary man didn't even know what hit him as he was sent flying at a speed faster than he came at Alex his jaw was broken and he went unconscious

while the ground beneath Alex had formed a small crater and strong vortex of wind was forcefully pushed away from Alex creating a vaccum simply from recoil of his force the temperature of the surrounding was also slightly increased

everyone including the audience, judge and even Alex was shocked 🤯

that was a normal punch!! no ki or fancy martial technique but a simple punch!

'fuck I need to first control my body it's on a completely different level from before! '

he felt like his powers has raised by atleast 3-4 times and the best part is his cultivation hasn't increased at all how strong will he be after increasing his cultivation?

'wow am I invincible at the same realm!? '

Alex was in cloud nine when the system poured cold water on him

[ host with all the resources you used to improve your foundations even pigs can become stronger but there are others who are also favoured by other gods don't think you are the only special person]

Alex eyebrows twitched of course he knew this too the person he defeated was just a lowly mercenary with no background and resources defeating him doesn't mean he's invincible in same realm or anything but...

"hey system, do you really have to spoil the mood? I was just venting my frustration! "

the system completely ignored his complain

[and the winner of this match is the newcomer arvin!! ]

yes that's the fake name Alex created to hide his identity

'now it's time to check the durability of his diamond body physique'

then Alex went for his next opponent who held a katana like weapon she had a sharp eyes and slender body but the scarcs in his body told she's a veteran soldier she looked neither beautiful nor ugly just an average face

but she extruded a strong confidence

"you seem to have a strong physique but it doesn't matter if I cut you down with my super speed"

saying so she instantly vanished from her place and appeared behind Alex at a speed close to breaking sound barrier then she gripped her sword

[first form: wind slash! ]

she released her fastest move from the beginning as she saw Alex as a major threat but before the blade was about to hit him Alex simply lifted his hand to block her sword

"Fool my sword is an artifact made with mana steel it can easily cut through boulder say goodbye to your hand! "


unfortunately for the female swordsman her sword instantly shattered while Alex hand didn't even have a scratch

"impossible! are you wearing some kind of hidden defense artifact!? "

she couldn't believe what she saw even ogre's don't have such hard skin

Alex was more than satisfied with his diamond body physique now time to test his speed skills

"you were so proud of your speed earlier let me show you what true speed is "

[celestial footwork : instant movement]

sensing danger the swordsman immediately pulled herself away from Alex and summoned a new sword from her space ring but Alex was nowhere to be seen

then suddenly a casual voice came from behind her

"oi where are you looking? am I too fast for you to see? " Alex mocked

startled the swordsman rotated and swung his sword at Alex this time he was using feints to stop Alex from blocking but surprisingly Alex didn't even move he just stood there without a care

but the sword didn't cut him there was no blood or flesh cutting sound it just went through him like he was made of thin air before the image of Alex slowly disappeared

"what an illusion? " the swordsman was confused

"nah! I don't know any illusion, it's just I'm moving fast enough so your eyes could only see my afterimages"

again Alex voice sounded behind the swordsman she didn't even see Alex getting behind her

'what is this monstrous speed!?'

she has been refining her speed technique for several decades but compared to Alex her speed was nothing

although Alex was happy about his footwork's speed

'it's extremely hard to get control I feel like there is no air resistance or gravity that affects me '

although he had completely comprehended the celestial footwork it takes time to use it in real battle

'so this is why the comprehension rate was low I'll use this match to train my footwork'

"so miss swordsman are you interested in becoming my servant? " Alex asked with a smile

seeing Alex was just playing around with her the swordsman got angry and attacked him with full power

"Don't be too arrogant brat! "

a large amount of mana was released from her as she activated her most powerful technique

[final form: thousand slash]

multiple after imagines of swords appeared around Alex mesmerizing the audience

Alex tried to dodge all the swords but still got some wounds in his body well they are more like little scratches not to mention it heals instantly because of his Phoenix blood

"hmm not bad"

even Alex noded in approval this technique will be perfect to train his celestial footwork

[celestial footwork : 2nd form lighting dash]


lighting started cracking at Alex feet and his movements became even faster there were sonic boom whenever Alex moved it's only because of the protective barrier that the audience were safe after the dust cleared down the saw a spectacle

in an instant all his swords were shattered and the swordsman was defeated lying on the ground while Alex just stood there studying his body

cheers erupted from the crowd

[ the winner is arvin! it seems we have a new rising star ]

"arvin! arvin! arvin! arvin! " the audience were shouting his name and cheering him but Alex didn't care about any of this now he had tested his speed next is to check is his martial arts technique he learned 'infinite weapon demon art'

as he summoned a sword on his right hand and and axe on the other these are just normal weapons he bought from a store on the way

'there are still 3 more matches I'll thoroughly examine my current limits and increase my battle experience




inside the management area of the arena a beautiful dark elf woman was sitting and watching the ongoing battles she always had an indifferent expression seeing their battle as even the strongest fighters in the arena are jush children in her eyes in front of her was a fat man on his knees he's the owner of the arena or atleast everyone thinks so

but only he knew the woman in front of him is the true owner she's the elder of the dark elf tribe and her people has branches of such arena all across the continent their goal is to find strong warriors to fight their war

"this brat is interesting he has extraordinary potential but lacks experience to utilize his gifts "

she was currently looking at Alex fighting, her indifferent eyes for the first time showed intrest

"you! bring him to me after this battle I want to see if he's worthy of becoming my personal servant"

"yes mylady! " the fat man immediately nodded his head not daring to neglect the lady's order


hello guys, there will be one more action chapter before going into r18 chapters with margret and George's mom along with opening of prostitution bar

p.s - Powerstones and comment your opinion the more commet i get the more motivated I'll become and thus faster updates😅