Chapter 37: Every Flood Starts With a Drop

The crowd was seeing a spectacle unfold in front of them a newcomer they have seen for the first time is dominating the arena

he was using two different weapons on both hands fighting against a well known fighter but that itself isn't a big deal as there are many warriors who use more than one weapon and are dual handed fighters too but what's surprising is this newcomer had switched weapons multiple times each time skillfully using different type of weapons ranging from axe, swords, whip, club, spear, shield etc. showcasing his mastery over a dozen different weapons, this is something they have never seen before.

Not just the audiance the dark elf elder who was looking at Alex's performance was also stunned she only saw Alex as a brat with good potential but now she has to reconsider his evaluation

Alex on the other hand was having an extremely hard time not because his opponent was too powerful on the contrary he was weak Alex had to do everything he could to ensure his opponent doesn't get defeated quickly as he needs a test dummy to practice his new martial arts

"haha what is the point of using multiple weapons when you can't even properly use one see i'm still standing even after you used dozen of your weapons "

he was a popular fighter in this arena but today Alex was stealing all the glory he has to undermine his ability else how can he keep his image

"sigh* you would have been a good test dummy if not for your annoying mouth" Alex shook his head in regret

"YOU! " the opponent became furious

"anyways I'm already getting tired of you..... let's finish this! "

saying so Alex immediately disappeared before his opponent could even react a club was hit on his face breaking his nose and teeth as he flew outside the ground unconscious

{ the winner is once again arvin! } as announcement came

the crowd started erupting with cheers Alex not minding any of this focused on his growth

[Comprehension of divine cultivation method (first part) - 63%]

[Comprehension of infinite weapon demon art (first part) - 59%] (+5%)

[Comprehension of celestial footwork technique (first part) - 61%] (+4%)

both my martial arts and footwork has increased slightly from this experiment he concluded that the more he used his technique the more refined his skills become but this is too slow the main problem is his opponents are too weak to gain any proper experience

'maybe I should have choosen death match instead? '

he was sure fighting stronger opponents there could drastically increase his comprehension speed

but Alex immediately shook his head as the saying goes

'never use your leg to measure the depth of the shallow water'

there are too many unknown variables he couldn't even fully utilize his powers properly, fighting a higher realm cultivator to a death match will be dangerous for now

'there should be some ways to efficiently train while being safe.... '

wait why should I look for a stronger opponent when I can reduce my own power

"system can you restrict my power output during the next fight? "

[yes how much should I reduce host? ]

"let's see... restrict it to only 75% of my power"

[power suppression... completed]

[current output : 75%]


the ringing sound came along with his next opponent

{now the next opponent arvin will be facing is a kunlun slave he's also a new comer but has been easily defeating his previous opponents with sheer strength will arvin able to win against such opponent! } the announcer introduced both parties

this time the opponent was a slave who literally looked like a brown version of hulk he was over 6 feet tall and had a muscular body strong enough to intimidated others just by standing nearby

"master. punishment. fail" the giant slave talked something incomprehensible

"he seems to be the strongest opponent I have faced in the arena so far"

Alex judged as the match started this time Alex took the initiative he summoned a sphere and pierced it towards the giant slave

the opponent instantly grabbed the spear instantly crushing it he sees to be fast for his size but Alex didn't panic he let go of his spear and instantly summoned two shot swords a pierced one of them towards his neck the slave tried to block it but already predicting it Alex kicked his legs shaking his balance as he jumped and twisted his body to aim for the giant slave's arm but some thing surprising happened the blade shattered on impact

"wow this guys skin is quite tough" Alex was slightly surprised

"Taiho.pain.hate" the slave roared as he sent a punch towards Alex who was I mid air

Alex immediately summoned a shield to block the attack he doesn't have to as his diamond body is extremely durable but Alex is trying to increase his martial arts techniques comprehension rate

as the fist collided with shield it instantly broke and sent Alex flying as he used his hands as spring to push the ground and stabilized his body

"intresting that was a strong punch" Alex said as he dusted off his body

despite seeing his opponent's strength Alex was still relaxed he was happy that he could increase his battle experience with this kind of opponent Alex was certain of his victory as he hasn't used any of his Trump cards not to mention he was only using 75% of his powers 'but that said this guy's strength is abnormal too'

Alex checked his status window and got his answer

[ Name: Taiho

Cultivation: martial master ( initial level )

Bloodline: giant descendant ]

I see so he has a giant bloodline huh that explains his strength and durability

"well it changes nothing he just become a better punching bag that's all"

he summoned a metal staff and activated his footwork technique

[celestial footwork : lighting dash]

lighting started to appear around his legs with creaking sound

sensing danger the taiho took the initiative to quickly subdue Alex he jumped high up and pressed his foot towards Alex his body was faintly trying to affect gravity arround him


the entire arena shook from the impact there was a huge crater beneath his feet but Alex was nowhere to be found taiho instinctively turned to the right sensing danger but he was little slow as a metal staff smashed his face

"ahhhhh!. puny. die. human! "

taiho roared in anger and tried to hit alex but he immediately disappeared as another impact was felt by taiho behind his back then his legs then his head and stomach

Alex continued to dominate the battle with his superior speed he found the right time when taiho was distracted at his one leg at full force before pulling it making him go off balance

but taiho seems more experienced than he thought as taiho forcefully pressed his foot into the ground stabilizing himself and he raised his both hands wide cladded with mana and clapped his both hands with full force creating shockwave arround him creating extremely powerful shockwaves everything around him was pushed away including Alex

as Alex tried to reduce his impact by spinning the staff an implanting it into the ground hen he used a different footwork technique

[celestial footwork: wind slash]

wind pressed started to create below his feet as he tried to circulate wind in a specific director to counter the shockwaves and it worked then he lifted his stall above his head and released his skill

[infinite weapon demon art: heaven split]

he swung the staff down with pressure enough to slash through the shockwaves and create a path in fact the impact even reached taiho and pushed him several feet back

Alex created air pocket with high pressure below his feet to propel him forward at high speed he reached above taiho in an instant he let go of his staff and activated a new skill

[infinite weapon demon art: invincible human weapon]

both his hands started to glow with mana this part of his martial technique that turns his own body into a weapon by making his body insanely flexible allowing him to move inhumanly combine it with his diamond body and strong physique and celestial footwork then you get this worlds version of - "hulk buster"

his fist hit taiho's head making him dizzy he roared and thrown a fist at Alex before his punch could hit him his body disappeared with an insane flexibility and lighting speed Alex continued to bully him hit after hit landed on taiho's body there were occasional clashes where both their fist collided the shoke waves created by their collusion was enough to shake the defensive artifacts around the arena

with these collusions Alex figured out his strength itself is slightly inferior to taiho's well that's a given as giants and titans were said to has the strongest physical strength in the world but in terms of durability Alex far surpassed him thanks to his diamond body physique

whith his speed he could easily dodge all of taiho's attack but Alex went for a contest of strength because he was trying to replicate dark alex's teachings

"if you're weak use your opponent's strength against themselves"

"analyze your opponents every micro muscle movement and predict his future "

one by one he recalled his advice and started implementing in the battle Alex could also send some kind of invisible chains trying to hold him after some inspection he figured out it was gravity affecting him

'I heard gaints can control gravity so it's true huh but this guys don't have much control over it..... still he has quiet the potential if possible I want to turn him into my subordinate' Alex thought

he was able to easily counter the gravity restrictions using his lighting slash footwork and continued to assault taiho wound after wound started to appear on taiho's body after few minutes several of his bones were broken and blood was leaking allover his injured body but he still stood tall trying to fight Alex it's as if he was afraid of losing the match


he whispered in an almost unconscious state Alex somewhat understood his situation in this world slaves aren't treated like humans just objects that follow the owner's will

the owner of this taiho might have tortured him to the poin of creating a trauma

realizing this Alex instantly became angry not because he sympathised with taiho but because the owner of this guy had mismanaged a rare high quality product - a fucking giant's descendant, do you have any idea how rare this product is!?

if he had taiho he would have groomed him to be an excellent subordinate he might be an ace in the sleeve for Alex even when he becomes strong in the future

while Alex was thinking about how to steal taiho from this stupid owner the giant slave slowly moved towards Alex in an almost unconscious state

sigh* Alex didn't move instead he simply lifted his hand and activated a technique he hasn't used for quiet a while his only innate ability he got when he came to this world his ability to influence people

this technique has lot of restrictions mainly it takes lot of time to have a desirable influence this is what he used to influence rose now he's going to use it to gain a new subordinate on top of that this ability is directly proportional to his strength he influenced rose when he had no cultivation now he's 100 times stronger compared to that time

[influence of target is progressing.... ]

[target has low iq and is broken resulting in easier process of influencing]

[influencing.....97% 98% ... 100%]

[target has been influenced slightly current likability - 35%]

this shood be enough

"taiho it ok everything over you can rest now "

his simple words carried a magical power in taiho's ears as he knelt down

" taiho. no. punishment? " he asked tilting his head

"yes no one will hurt you again now take a nap big guy"

taiho didn't know why but he felt assured when hearing alex's words as he fell on the ground and closed his eyes

"it's finally over huh? " Alex relaxed

the crowd watching this cheered him but unlike before Alex felt a sense of accomplishment he defeated a giant's descendant with only 75% of his powers not to mention he hasn't used all his Trump cards but the best part is he found a subordinate with very high potential then Alex looked at his comprehension rate

[celestial footwork - 71%] (+10)

[infinite weapon demon art - 69%] (+10)

wow both his technique's comprehension has increased by 10 hahaha

when Alex was feeling proud of his accomplishments a sudden shout came

"You Fucking Useless Bastard!"

a wealthy looking noble jumped out of the stadium and walked towards him and taiho with angry face

"I bet all my money on you How Dare You Lost to a Newcomer! "

he started kicking the unconscious taiho

"you useless motherfuk..... ahaaaa! "

suddenly he felt a hand gripping his neck from behind cold sweat was dripping from his body sensing the killing intent

"w... who are le..let me go now! "

he struggle to get free Alex lifted this arrogant noble in the air by his neck and said in a chilling voice

Alex was furious

'how dare this bastard damage his property! '

"if you don't behave yourself I'll rip your legs apart understand? "

from the icy tone the noble could only nod his head while shaking

Alex threw him to the side and said " I'll be buying this big guy"

the noble thought he heard him wrong

"a mere commoner wants to buy my slave? how arrogan...aha! "


Alex slapped him before he could continue

"state your price don't speak unnecessary things "

"you! do you know who I.... aha! "


"didn't I tell you not to speak unnecessarily? "

the noble gritted his teeth and said in a venomous tone

" what if don't want to sell him? "

" the match has yet to end atleast you interviewed before the judge made the announcement "

"so what? " the noble asked in confusion

Alex showed a devilish smile as he went near the un consciousness taiho and summoned a sword

"since the match still goes on I'll cut him down to claim my victory"

saying so he placed his sword near his neck

"stop bluffing this a non killing match do you think you can survive the ones backing the arena after breaking their rules hahaha"

the noble mocked but Alex continued in his casual tone

"not necessarily there are always accident happen during battle so according to the arena rules I just have to pay a fine of few thousand gold that's all"

he deliberately spoke in a high and mighty manner as if gold coins means nothing to him this is to create a bigger image of himself in this noble's mind it's a psychological trick he learned in his previous life and it worked

the noble for a second hesitated

'is he some young master from a big family hiding his identity? '

but he didn't immediately believe him to test the waters he spoke sarcastically

"hmph! a mere commoner can easily afford thousands of gold coins i bet you fought here because you don't even have enough money to live stop lying"


Alex smirked and waved his hand summoning several thousand gold coins on the floor the amount he summoned was three times more than the fine amount required by the arena for killing a person everyone including the audiance, dark elf manager and the noble were surprised it should be known that a normal family only requires 5 gold coins to survive a month

Alex took out nearly 9000 thousand gold coins as if flaunting his wealth

'so he really is a big shot huh? ' the noble thought

"sir, may I know who you are? "

"hmph! now you're asking" he showed a high noble batch of the Marquis family it's an identity tag only the sons of Marquis and his close aids can have

"I'm a personal guard under marchioness carena now tell me are you high enough to threaten me? "

Alex lied with a straight face he's not a fool to reveal his own identity instead he choose George's mother why? simple he wants to create a wreck between Isabella and George's mother carena once Isabella learns of a youngster as talanted as me is under carena she'll become wary of carena

the instant Alex found Tiago's master is a noble this was the plan he made to not only survive but also to use him as a pawn in his battle against Isabella

looking at the stunned noble Alex placed his sword against taiho's neck and said in a high and might manner

"look I'll give you two options either take these gold coins and leave or I'll kill your slave and give these coins to the arena management the things I don't get no one's allowed to have"

this arrogant and confident way of speaking along with the batch completely convinced the noble of alex's identity

while Alex in his heart was somewhat panicking it was gamble if he lost everything will go down in drain

but luckily this stupid noble believed his story

"young master arvin it seems I have been impolite before, you can take the slave although he's good his worth definitely don't exceed 9000 gold coins "

phew* Alex relaxed inside although Alex had spend almost all his money he got from his mom it's still a massive gain

'fool! a giant's decadent is only worth 9000 gold?'

in terms of quality it's not inferior to his Phoenix bloodline any kingdom wound spend a million gold to obtain him it seems this noble didn't know about his giant bloodline

after that the noble took the gold and left while the slave contract was transferd to alex as he became the new master of taiho

but that's not the end Alex was planning on getting one more subordinate from this arena

he looked at the spectators and saw a female swordsman looking at him without blinking yes, it's the same woman who lost to Alex in the second match she didn't show any hostility instead her eyes we're showing desire not towards Alex but towards his speed techniques

'hehe as long a one had desire it's easy to manipulate him/her'

although her potential is far lower than taiho she seems to be quiet experienced if Alex used the store products to slightly boost her growth she'll become useful

of course he'll only help her after making a contract

his gains in the arena was quite a lot there is still one more match Alex was looking forward to it

'it would be great if I could get one more subordinate '

in the same realm he was sure no one could beat him he was looking forward for the next punching bag

{due to some internal problems we have changed the final contestant the one who'll be facing arvin is Alfreda the dark reaper! }

a dark skin woman with gorgeous structure confidently walked towards the fighting ground half of her face was covered with a veil but just looking at her eyes one can say she's a otherworldly beauty

but what made Alex stunned was her status window

[ Name: Veronica

age: 200 years

Race: Dark elf

Cultivation: martial king (peak stage) Profession: Arena manager, Assassin

Title: Dark Elf Elder

Skills: lie detection, shadow manipulation

Status: Interested, wary ]

"..... "

thanks to his growth and gains in the past few days Alex forgot how shitty his luck was

'A Peak Stage Martial King! what nonsense is that even his mom and father who's considered the strongest in the estate are just initial stage martial kings! '

'Not to mention this is a match between just martial masters why are you even here? '

first Diana now another powerful expert is hiding in his estate Alex felt the urge to curse his fate

sigh* calming himself down Alex her other details like dark elf elder, arena manager and lie detector mainly came to his view

Alex recalled what he read about dark elf's one of the key information is they have been in war with holy kingdom for a long time combined with other information from his status and her emotion of being interested in him Alex concluded her motive

'is she here to recruit him for their war? but there's no need to personally come in this way right? '

since he wasn't 100% sure Alex decided to be prepared

seeing that Alex was intently staring at her the dark elf Veronica said in a seductive tone

"oh my~ am I that beautiful you're unable to take your eyes off me~? " she teased

"Isn't that obvious my lady I have never seen a beautiful and elegant lady like you"

Alex responded with a casual remark then he turned to the judge and asked

"excuse me it seems I have injured my leg during my previous battle can I get a medic to heal me"

"huh?weren't you good just a while ago? "

"well I might have forgotten trying to protect my opponent" Alex just sprouted nonsense currently he wasn't sure of the dark elf's motive so he decided to take precautions

"sure we'll get you a medic" the judge replied thinking highly of Alex selflessness but the dark elf Veronica rolled her eyes annoyed

others might not know but thanks to her lie detection ability she was well aware of Alex's bullshitting

this was also one of the reasons she came to test him herself both his cunning character and martial abilities attracted her so she decided to take him for herself and if she couldn't.....

'I'll destroy him so that a capable human like him own fall into their enemies hands'

her eyes narrowed sharply like a predator setting it's eyes on it's prey

alex went to the corner to be healed by a medic while the medic was analyzing his supposed broken leg while Alex was desperately searching for things that could save his life in the worst case scenario

'found it! '

Alex bought 2 items from the shop

[short distance teleportation seal(one time use) - user can select the location within 3-5km it activates automatically when host's life is in danger ]

he immediately took the coin size seal and set the cordinates to his mansion currently in the entire estate only Diana could handle this dark elf bitch even his mom and father are no match for Veronica

this should be enough to ensure his survival but Alex wanted another layer of safety as his opponent is a 200 year old assassin

he took the second item

[life retainer tatoo(single use) - it a symbiotic tattoo that creates an indestructible space barrier around user once it deems his life was in danger, useful only against opponents below martial saint realm]

he took the sticker and stick it in his chest then hide it with his clothes this much should be enough

"sir i don't see any injuries are you sure your leg is paining? "

the medic asked doubtfully

"do you thing I'm lying just cast some healing spell slowly ok? "

saying so he gave few gold coins to the medic

the medic understood Alex was just acting but still compiled with him as he got his payment

now that he's completely prepared for the worst case scenario now he wants to properly use this dark elf it's rare to get a fighting chance against a peak martial king even if she suppressed her cultivation to that of Alex's level with her experience and foundation it's impossible for Alex to win but improving his techniques using her is a different story Alex planned to throughly use her

he still has lot of CC as the things he initially brought are only one time use products they were only 300cc each now in order to properly fight her he needs a powerful weapon the cheap mortal weapons he bought on the way are of no use he saw the list of weapons there were all kinds of weapons it even has a hydrogen nuclear bomb but it costs a whooping 100000CC

well after searching he brought a short sword, an axe and a spear each costing 1000cc according to the system all of these weapons are heroic class just a level lower than legendary in comparison in the mansion even the Marquis has only one heroic grade weapon but now Alex has three

"hehe once this news spreads I'm sure Isabella will become more wary of George and his mother "

"alright you can stop now I'll go to the battle ground "

saying so he went to face his strongest opponent so far even the guard captain that defeated Alex is nothing but an insect before her

Veronica looked at Alex teasingly

"did you finish healing your injury? " knowing very well Alex had no injury at all

"yes thanks to your care" Alex said implying that he knew her real identity

Veronica narrowed her

'I was right this guy is too good '

"since you know my identity I'll be honestly this match is only to see how long you can survive if you satisfy my needs i'll give you a reward 50 times the original promised sum for the champion "

Alex eyes widened 50x the original 200 gold coin reward is fucking 100000 he was sure Veronica wasn't just testing him but is showing her sincere good will to win him over

well what he cared about most was money after buying taiho Alex was literally broke his mom had given him all her life savings before becoming Isabella's maid but now he's spend most of that money Veronica's offer was like a getting ice Water in the middle of the desert he immediately agreed

'system release all my power output'

as Alex decided to use all his trum cards Against this 200 year old assassin

{now let the match begin} the announcement came with a loud clash from both sides


I know this chapter was little too long but I want to try writing fight scenes give your opinion in comments also as I said before next few chapters will be r18 😉