The Bus


"Now what, genius?!" Ben's voice dripped with sarcasm as he stood defiantly atop the bus, his life hanging in the balance.

The undead swarmed below, their relentless attempts to reach them filling the air with a sense of impending doom. The tension was palpable, thick with blame and frustration.

Meryl, her face etched with worry, stood beside Ben, the weight of their collective anger focused squarely on her shoulders. George, Ethan, Lily, and Charlotte, their expressions mirroring a mix of fear and frustration, formed a huddled group nearby. Accusations hung in the air, fingers pointed in her direction, as they sought someone to bear the blame for their perilous predicament.

Meryl's eyes flashed with a mixture of guilt and defiance, her voice tinged with frustration as she fired back, "Oh, yeah, because it's all my fault, right? Like I planned for us to end up on top of a freaking bus with a horde of undead at our heels!"

Ben scoffed, his voice laced with scorn, "Well, someone had to lead us into this mess, didn't they? You're the one who suggested going here! And now we're trapped!"

"I didn't mean for us to be trapped here! Why didn't any of you get the keys?!"

"Why didn't you?!"

George stepped forward, his voice filled with frustration and a touch of desperation, "Enough, you two! Arguing won't get us out of this. We need to focus on finding a way to get those keys in the admin room!"

Ethan nodded in agreement, his voice tinged with urgency, "George is right. Let's figure out a plan. Meryl, any ideas?"

Any ideas? Meryl wanted to spit on his face. After that they accused her of trapping them on top of the bus because of her idea. And now they were asking for her help again?

Could their faces be any thicker than this?

Why didn't they suggest any ideas of their own and stop asking her and blame her for it later on.

Meryl wanted to retort and bite back, but instead, she took a deep breath, swallowing her pride, and nodded, her voice filled with a little guilt, "Lina and Leon are still back there. Maybe . . . they went to the admin and got the keys."

Meryl saw the others' faces shift from fear to guilt, and some avoided her gaze entirely. And she knew why they reacted that way. It was because they had run away as soon as they heard the gunshot, leaving her and Lina on the makeshift rope.

Not to mention Mia . . .

At the memory, Meryl almost passed out. She closed her eyes and steadied her breath to calm her nerves when all she wanted to do was shout and cry in frustration and helplessness.

She wasn't blaming them, though. She would probably have done the same. She already did it to Mia. In that fit of chaos, the others had sprinted into the bus, probably because of what she said about escaping using the bus.

Lily scoffed while keeping a wary eye on Charlotte. "I doubt it. They're probably dead by now, and we're trapped here with her, who was about to turn into a zombie anytime."

"What do you mean turn into a zombie?" Charlotte scowled. "I was not bitten. I was only scratched."

"It's still the same!" Lily screamed.

"Enough!" Meryl shouted and blurted, "We're all going to turn into zombies whether we like it or not. Olivia turned, and she wasn't bitten. We know she wasn't,' but she still turned! These blisters are proof that we're all going to be zombies!"

There was a moment of silence before Ben shook his head and sneered. "You always know how to beat people even when they're down, do you know that?"

Meryl looked at the others, and she was eaten with guilt when she saw their faces shift to one of despair. But her pride wouldn't let her acknowledge her faults. "Oh, come on! I know you already know it! It's no use of denying the obvious!"

Another round of silence enveloped the group. The weight of despair hung heavy in the air, each of them grappling with their own fears and regrets.

But then, a sound broke through the suffocating silence - Lily's chuckle. It started softly, almost innocently, but quickly morphed into a peal of laughter that echoed with madness.

The hairs on the back of Meryl's neck stood on end as she watched Lily. Her heart pounded in her chest, a mix of dread and panic coursing through her veins. She opened her mouth to call out, to stop Lily from whatever she was about to do, but the words caught in her throat.

Before anyone could react, before Meryl could fully comprehend the gravity of what her words could do in these times, Lily's body lurched forward, hurling toward the writhing mass of undead with reckless abandon.

Time seemed to slow as Meryl's voice caught in a strangled gasp.


Meryl's desperate cry echoed together with the others, filled with a mixture of disbelief and fear. Her outstretched hand reached towards her as if trying to grasp hold of the fleeting threads of sanity that were slipping away.

But it was too late. Lily disappeared into the clutches of the relentless horde, swallowed by a sea of decaying limbs and gnashing teeth. The haunting laughter that had filled the air now transformed into anguished cries, as if Lily's soul recognized the irreversible choice she had made.

Meryl's heart sank, her chest tightening with a mixture of sorrow, guilt, and an overwhelming sense of powerlessness. She stood frozen at that moment, her mind racing with a flood of emotions. Regret gnawed at her conscience, intensifying the weight of responsibility that rested heavily upon her shoulders.

The sight of Lily willingly diving into the zombie's embrace etched itself into Meryl's memory, a haunting image that would forever haunt her nightmares. The suicide, born out of twisted desperation and a fractured spirit, served as a grim reminder of the depths to which the human soul could descend in this merciless world.

The group remained rooted in shock and disbelief; their eyes fixated on the frenzied horde consuming Lily's body. The silence that followed was punctuated only by the guttural growls and gruesome sounds of the undead feasting upon their fallen classmate.

Meryl's legs trembled beneath her, threatening to give way as the harrowing scene unfolded before her. Her gaze remained fixed on the spot where Lily had disappeared into the clutches of the undead, unable to tear her eyes away from the haunting image etched into her memory.

Beside her, Charlotte stood as if in a daze, her eyes wide with shock and disbelief. The life seemed to have drained from her, leaving behind a vacant expression that mirrored the void of emotions swirling within Meryl's own soul.

The sound of Ethan's choked voice broke through the heavy silence, his words a pained cry that echoed their collective grief. "L-Lily . . ."

George, unable to bear the weight of the moment, stumbled backward, his knees giving way as he scrambled away from the scene. His retreat mirrored the desperate instinct to distance himself from the horrors that had unfolded before their eyes.

Ben, however, did not let the opportunity pass to hurl accusations at Meryl, his words sharp and filled with anger. "See what you've done? You killed her!"

Meryl's heart constricted within her chest, a surge of pain coursing through her as Ben's words pierced her already burdened conscience. The weight of guilt pressed down upon her, suffocating her with its unbearable intensity.

"I . . . I didn't," she stammered, her voice trembling. "S-she . . . she just jumped on her own!"

The truth of her words rang hollow in the face of the tragedy that had unfolded. Meryl's mind raced, desperately trying to comprehend the enormity of what had transpired. She hadn't intended for Lily to take such drastic action. The thought that her words, spoken impulsively, had contributed to such a devastating outcome threatened to overwhelm her.

As Meryl's eyes shifted from the point where Lily had disappeared, she noticed a flicker of movement from the corner of her vision. Her senses sharpened, her body surging with a mix of curiosity and trepidation. Despite the weight of grief and guilt that clung to her, she couldn't ignore the glimmer of hope that sparked within her.

Battling waves of nausea and faintness, Meryl forced herself to focus on the source of her newfound hope. Her gaze locked onto an incoming group of survivors.


Relief washed over her as she recognized Leon, Jin, and Lina hurrying towards them, their presence a glimmer of hope amidst the encroaching horde of undead.

"Leon!" George shouted in glee and he recovered some of his spirits back.

The once ravenous zombies seemed to sense the new arrivals and redirected their attention, their vacant eyes now fixed on the approaching group.

Meryl's mind raced, contemplating their next move. She had assumed that Leon, Jin, and Lina were heading towards the safety of the bus, but to her surprise, they abruptly altered their course, veering towards the opposite side of the parking lot. Confusion gnawed at her thoughts as she questioned their intentions.

"Where are they going?" Meryl voiced her bewilderment, her gaze fixed on the disappearing figures.

"What are they doing?" George mirrored her concern.

Ben's sneering remark cut through the tension, dismissing the significance of the others' departure. "Who cares?" he scoffed. "Now's our chance to get inside the bus!"

Meryl's heart pounded within her chest as the weight of the decision pressed upon her. While her instinct urged her to follow Leon, Jin, and Lina, the opportunity to seek refuge inside the bus beckoned.

With the undead momentarily distracted by the presence of Lina and the others, Meryl knew that this might be their only chance to escape the impending swarm.

Without hesitation, Meryl made a swift choice, her determination bolstered by the urgent need for survival. She turned her back on the vanishing figures and, along with George and the rest of their group, swiftly made their way towards the open window of the bus, squeezing themselves inside its narrow slit.

Since they didn't have the key, the bus's doors were closed, but its window was open to avoid the heating of the bus.

The adrenaline surged through Meryl's veins as she clambered through the narrow opening, her body instinctively seeking the relative safety that awaited them within. The sound of shuffling footsteps and guttural moans grew closer, reminding her of the ever-present danger lurking just outside.

With a mixture of relief and trepidation, Meryl found herself inside the confines of the bus. She glanced back, silently hoping that Leon, Jin, and Lina had found a path to safety.

As Meryl took in her surroundings on the vehicle, a sense of relief was cut short by the unsettling realization that they were not alone. In the corner, huddled together on their knees, was a familiar man, accompanied by another group of students from a different class.

Her heart sank as she recognized the face of the man – Edward, Lina's boyfriend.

The air caught in Meryl's throat as she attempted to speak, her voice barely a whisper. "You . . ." Her words trailed off, drowned out by the sudden eruption of Ethan's howls, reverberating through the cramped space. Her eyes darted toward the source of the commotion, only to witness a horrifying sight.

Ethan, trapped in the narrow gap in the window, was struggling desperately. Meryl's heart raced as she watched George and the others rush to his aid.

But her breath caught in her throat as she saw the hands of the undead tightening their grip around Ethan's legs. The realization dawned on her with devastating clarity – there was no saving him.

A gasp escaped Meryl's lips as she recoiled in shock. The scene unfolded before her eyes in a macabre display of horror. Ethan's flesh tore under the relentless assault of the undead, and his screams echoed through the bus, a desperate plea for help that would go unanswered.

Her mind whirled in a whirlwind of confusion and despair as George turned to her, tears streaming down his face, his voice pleading for assistance. But Meryl knew, deep down, that there was nothing they could do.

Ethan's body convulsed in agony, blood pouring from his mouth. Before she could react, a forceful push jolted Meryl to the side, and she watched in shock as Edward struck George with a powerful blow.

The impact sent George stumbling backward, his grip on Ethan's hand loosening. In that tragic moment, Ethan's weakened body was forcibly pushed back through the window with Edward's kicks, sealing his fate before the latter quickly closed the window shut.

Edward towered over them, his presence looming like a dark cloud of authority. Meryl's eyes widened as she took in his stern expression, his words cutting through the chaos that engulfed them. "You," he sneered, his voice laced with accusation. "Don't get us into trouble!"

Meryl couldn't utter one word of reproach. She was still to shock to process anything.

In just one night, they had lost more than their group. Olivia, Emma, Noah, Mia, Lily and now Ethan.

Struggling to process the harrowing events that had unfolded before her, Meryl found herself grappling with a complex mix of emotions – grief, guilt, and a lingering sense of helplessness. Ethan's anguished screams still echoed in her ears.

Amidst the turmoil, a hissing voice pierced through the haze, drawing Meryl's attention.

"Go away!" a girl with golden hair said. "This is our hiding spot. Go and find your own."

Her gaze settled on a girl with striking golden hair, whose sharp words resonated with a sense of ownership and hostility. Meryl couldn't help but feel a pang of confusion. Who was this girl, and why did she claim this hiding spot as her own?

As the fog of uncertainty slowly lifted, Meryl's thoughts clarified, revealing the identities of the other group. The girl with the golden hair was Amber, a classmate of Edward's, and standing beside her was Lucas, Edward's closest friend.

They were a popular group, but at that moment, Meryl's mind couldn't entertain the frivolities of their social standing. Survival took precedence over everything else.

Meryl's attention shifted to the other students who had taken refuge on the bus. They were now strangers to her, mere faces in the midst of turmoil.

"Thanks to you for bringing all the undead here. We're all in danger," Lucas lashed out, his accusatory words stinging Meryl's consciousness. The weight of his blame settled upon her like a heavy burden, magnifying her feelings of guilt and helplessness.

Why was it always her fault?

Her sanity was slipping within her grasp with the relentless pounding of the undead against the windows, threatening to breach their fragile sanctuary.

She wanted to respond, to defend herself, but the words escaped her lips before she could find her voice.

Ben was by George's aid, helping him to his feet.

Charlotte was trembling with fear, her fragile form shaking under the onslaught of the zombies outside the window.

"Edward, let them out," Amber repeated.

Meryl's heart skipped a beat as Amber's demanding voice cut through the air, laced with an unmistakable edge. Her words carried a chilling implication, one that she struggled to comprehend.

"Let's use them as a distraction to get the key to the bus."

As the words echoed through the cramped space, Meryl couldn't identify who had voiced the sinister suggestion. The realization sent shivers down her spine. It was as if the darkness that had permeated their world had seeped into the souls of those around her, tainting them with a ruthless instinct for self-preservation.

Meryl thought that they were finally safe inside the confines of the bus, but she was wrong . . . the people they were in were more savage than the undead outside.

The chilling truth slowly unfolded before Meryl's eyes. The sense of security she had felt within the confines of the bus was shattered, replaced by a growing awareness that the true danger lay not in the ravenous undead outside but in the very people they found themselves trapped with.

The contrast was jarring – the zombies, driven by primal instinct, were predictable in their aggression, but the humans they had once known were now consumed by savage desperation, willing to sacrifice others for their own gain.

Her gaze flickered from one face to another, searching for a glimpse of the friends and acquaintances she once knew. The bonds that had once connected them now seemed frayed as their shared struggle twisted their interactions into a battlefield of competing self-interests.

At that moment, the bus that had once seemed like a sanctuary transformed into a stifling prison, trapping them with an enemy more formidable than the undead.

"Kick them out!"

"Kick them out!"

As the shouting intensified, so were the zombies that were attracted by the noise.

Meryl covered her ears, and the next thing she knew was a loud explosion and Jin's familiar voice that she didn't expect would rekindle the dying hope within her.

"Get IN!"