The Rescue


Lina's heart raced as she, Jin, and Leon made their way through the sea of undead. The relentless horde pressed in from all sides, their moans and snarls filling the air with a cacophony of menace.

Lina's grip tightened around the blade that Jin gave her as she slashed through the grotesque figures that lunged at her.

"Keep moving! We can't afford to get overwhelmed!" Jin called out. His voice was always calm, even shouting amidst the things that were happening around them.

Lina could feel the weight of fear gripping her limbs, the knowledge that their lives depended on their ability to fend off the relentless onslaught.

But every time she heard Jin's voice, she felt a strange energy cursing through her veins, propelling her to move forward even though the heat was burning her lungs, making her struggle to suck in air and move.

Jin was firing rounds into the writhing mass of flesh. The gunshots reverberated through the air, momentarily drowning out the chorus of growls and cries.

Lina's eyes flicked to Jin, admiring his unwavering aim and composure amidst the chaos. But she didn't know how many bullets he had left to keep that up.

Leon wielded a humble dustpan handle with surprising strength. With each swing and push, he managed to create a barrier between them and the encroaching horde while Jin reloaded his gun.

Lina was at least grateful to him. Even though Leon always found the world a joke, he was a trusted friend and reliable classmate.

Though she would really appreciate it if he could kill the undead with the dustpan handle, she guessed that was asking too much from Leon. It was a miracle that he was still breathing and moving despite his shaking.

The scene unfolded like a desperate dance, a ballet of survival in the face of overwhelming odds. Lina's movements were fluid yet precise, her blade slicing through decaying flesh with grim efficiency. The adrenaline coursing through her veins fueled her every action, heightening her senses and sharpening her focus.

Amidst the chaos, the trio pushed forward, their collective efforts creating a path through the undead. Lina could hear the grunts of exertion and the groans of the zombies as they met their demise.

The scent of decay and the metallic tang of blood filled the air, but Lina pushed aside the overpowering sensory assault; her mind was only focused on reaching the car.

As they neared Teacher Bernadette's SUV, their lifeline amidst the chaos, Lina's heart soared with a glimmer of hope. With each step, the realization that they were one step closer to safety fueled her resolve.

"Keep going! We're almost there!" she encouraged, her voice carrying a mixture of urgency and relief.

With the car keys in hand, Jin swiftly unlocked the vehicle, causing it to illuminate in response. Their desperate escape had left little room for strategic positioning, and in their haste, they had taken their seats without a second thought.

Leon, driven by fear, hastily occupied the driver's seat, his hands trembling as he fumbled with the door handle. Lina scrambled into the passenger seat beside him, her eyes scanning their surroundings for any sign of danger.

Before Jin could secure his side in the backseat of the car, a decaying arm burst through the opening, its rotting fingers clawing desperately at the air.

Lina's breath caught in her throat as the grotesque appendage threatened to breach their fragile sanctuary. Panic surged through her veins, a mix of terror and desperation intertwining within her.

In a split-second response, Jin sprang into action. He forcefully pushed the car door open, causing the undead arm to lose its grip and stumble into the opposite side of the vehicle.

Lina's eyes widened as she witnessed the horror of their relentless pursuers up close, the stench of decay invading her nostrils.

Time seemed to stand still as a single, well-aimed bullet pierced through the undead creature's head. Lina's heart skipped a beat, a surge of relief washing over her as the lifeless body slumped to the ground.

Jin swiftly closed the door, sealing off their access to the outside world once again.

In the chaos and urgency of the moment, Jin tossed the car keys to Leon, his voice filled with urgency when he spoke.


The engine roared to life as Leon, his hands now steadier, found his focus. Lina tightened her grip on the seat, her heart pounding in her ears as the vehicle lurched forward. The sound of tires screeching against the asphalt mingled with the cacophony of growls and cries from the pursuing horde.

As they sped away from the impending danger, Lina stole a glance at Jin in the rearview mirror. Gratitude and awe welled up within her, appreciating his quick reflexes and decisive actions that had saved them from certain doom time and time again.

When he found her gaze, she pulled away.

"G-guys . . . w-where are we going?" Leon asked, breathing short and fast, face white as a sheet of paper.

Lina and Jin exchanged glances, and there was a shared understanding between them without the need for words . . . they didn't know.

Jin pulled out the map that Eva had given him. "Can you follow this road?"

Leon squinted his eyes at the tiny streets and lamented. "I don't even know where we are on that map. It's too small!"

Jin clicked his tongue, and Lina uttered, uncertainty thick in her voice, "We have to get Meryl."

"And George and the others," Leon chimed in.

When their eyes steadied on their driver, Leon shrunk on his seat and stuttered, "I-I mean . . . they're our classmates, after all. A-and George is my friend."

Lina was about to open her mouth when Jin spoke.

Just as Lina was about to voice her thoughts, Jin's voice cut through the tense silence, his tone was on edge. "We can't risk it," he stated firmly. "We don't have the luxury to bring in anyone who might weigh us down. We have to prioritize our own survival."

There was a hardness in his voice that Lina didn't found there before. Despite saving them multiple times, Jin wasn't a pushover, and he definitely wasn't a nice guy or a hero. He would surely have had enough of constantly putting his life on the line for others, and in the end, those who he had helped couldn't even wait for him to get down from the rope.

Lina bit her lips when she had nothing to say against Jin's words, for deep inside, she felt the same.

It pained her to admit it. The world had changed, and survival required tough choices. Lina's gaze shifted to Leon, who had shrunk in his seat, his own realization settling heavily upon him.

"But . . . don't we have a chance to survive if there's more of us?" Leon reasoned.

"Only if they're useful," Jin cut short the argument. His expression tightened, his frustration palpable as he clicked his tongue in disapproval.

She understood his perspective. Survival was paramount, and they couldn't afford to carry unnecessary burdens that could potentially jeopardize their own chances of staying alive.

Meryl, George, and the others were their classmates, their friends, but under these dire circumstances, sentimentality could prove to be a dangerous liability.

Lina understood Leon's plea, however, the innate sense of loyalty and camaraderie that still clung to him amidst the chaos. He was a nice guy in and out. It was both his weakness and strength.

Lina swallowed hard, grappling with conflicting emotions. Pity and her conscience tugged at her heart, but the cruel reality of their circumstances demanded sacrifice and self-preservation.

At that moment, Lina made a difficult choice. She met Leon's gaze. Her voice was soft but resolute. "Leon, I understand your concern, but Jin is right. Our priority is to stay alive and ensure our own safety. It hurts, but we can't risk bringing along the whole class."

Leon's shoulders slumped. "Could we make an exception? Just this once. George, Ben, and Ethan are pretty useful. They're men. Their strength could help us with the undead and gather supplies and provisions and–"

"What's that?!"

Leon's stutter halted when Lina pointed at the bus that was pummeled by zombies.

"Not good. Meryl is probably inside that bus. I saw them atop it while we were running towards the car," she said.

Lina's heart sank as she realized Meryl might still be trapped inside the bus. She vividly remembered seeing their classmates atop the bus as they desperately made their way towards the SUV.

Jin was quick to say, "Leon, hit the bus!" he ordered without hesitation.

Leon's immediate response was one of disbelief and protest. "H-hit the bus?! Don't be unreasonable!" he cried out, his voice tinged with a mixture of fear and frustration.

Jin's tone brooked no argument as he reiterated his command. "If you want to save the others, do as I say! Hit the side of the car against the bus!"

Leon's teeth clenched, his internal struggle evident. The weight of the situation bore down on him, the fear of consequences gnawing at his resolve. "Don't blame me if we get into trouble!" he shouted back, a mix of defiance and apprehension in his voice.

Lina braced herself, gripping the handle tightly, preparing for the impending impact. The tension in the air was palpable, and in a split second, the car collided with the side of the bus. The force of the impact reverberated through the vehicle, rattling Lina's teeth and sending shockwaves through her body.

The loud bang echoed in her ears, shaking her to the core. The jolt shook her brain inside her skull, momentarily disorienting her. But amidst the chaos, she clung to the hope that their daring plan would free the others from the clutches of danger.

When the car stopped, and Lina had somehow recovered, she heard Jin shouting.

"Meryl! Get in the car!"

It was soon followed by Leon's voice. "George! Ethan! Jumped inside!"

It was only when Lina found that the ceiling of the SUV was opened and the horde of zombies was flung away from the impact of the vehicle against the bus, momentarily giving them a space to catch their breath.

Her side was the one that hit the bus, and the impact on her was still ringing in her head. Still, she gulped down her headache and shouted with the others.


Due to her position, she couldn't see her side of the window because of the bus. Her window also broke from the impact so that's another thing for her to worry about. She could only strain her neck over the ceiling for any sign of the others.

And when she saw a shadow jumping inside, she was shocked to see that it wasn't Meryl but her boyfriend.

Right . . . she has a boyfriend. She almost forgot about that fact.

"Who are you?" Leon asked, stunned.

"Edward." Lina gasped.

Edward was shocked to see her too and uttered, "Lina."

Jin was confused, but his frown was more prominent.

And before anybody could react, there were clamors on top of the SUV, and students raced to get inside the car.

"Hey! Stop pushing!"

"Shut up!"

"Let me in!"



The hole in the ceiling of the SUV wasn't big. It could only fit a single person, and right now, it was plug by students who were trying to get inside.

"All of you get out!" Jin shouted, but no one paid him any mind.

"Edward! Help me!"

The piercing sound of a girl's voice drew their attention to the ceiling.

Edward was quick to push the other students out from the hole of the SUV. He was a mixed martial arts practitioner, and his strength was definitely above the rest.

Those students who were pushed slid from the roof and fell to the asphalt while the undead was marching on them fast.

Some ran while some pounded the widow of the car, pleading to get in.

Lina was momentarily distracted with the students outside and the zombies gaining in on them that she was surprised to see a girl with golden hair clamber inside, which she knew was Amber, and not too soon, she was followed by Lucas.

"H-hey! W-who are you?!" Leon stuttered.

But the newcomers didn't pay anyone any mind, and Edward was quick to push the button, closing the ceiling of the SUV.

Meryl! Lina panicked, but her words got stuck in her throat when Jin aimed the gun at Edward's head.

"Get out."