The One who holds the Gun      


Even in the aftermath of the outbreak, he remained unchanged. Yet, there was a crucial distinction between him and those who didn't make it — a factor that compelled him to clench his teeth and persevere through every trial. That factor was his unwavering drive for life, an indomitable force that propelled him forward despite the hardships he faced.

For his goal to preserve his existence, he would do anything, even if it was using those around him. Emma was a goner, so he used her as a shield to get Teacher Bernadette's keys.

She was dead anyway. She broke before the undead could even get to her.

He did her a favor by shortening her anguish.

And at that moment, these three strangers became an unwelcome burden. They occupied valuable space within the vehicle, a potential source of trouble looming on the horizon.

Their presence promised to complicate matters further down the line, a weight that Jin couldn't afford to bear. They were nothing more than an inconvenience, an unwanted addition to an already precarious situation.

This was not a game about individual heroes going on suicide missions but about a collective. Jin knew that. He could not survive alone. That's why he decided to rescue Lina in the first place.

She was useful. The others who survived were just collaterals.

Leon was useful too. But for how long . . . the man had to decide that for himself.

However, having a large number wasn't ideal. They must navigate the complexities of the human condition: envy, hate, secrets, love, and everything in between.

There would be conflicts, and sometimes those conflicts were more dangerous than what lurked beyond the vile of their facades.

"Get out!"

Jin didn't know who these guys were, but Lina seemed to know one of them. Still, just barging inside the car like they owned it got on his nerves, and he wasn't really a very patient guy, to begin with, neither was he kind and nice.

The three were stunned by the gun pointing at Edward's head at point blank.

"Jin . . ."

He heard Lina say, but his hold on the gun didn't waver.

"I don't like to repeat myself a second time . . . GET. OUT." Jin wasn't playing games. The undead could close in on them at any moment. He must get Meryl and get the hell away from here.

"Heh . . . Why do we need to get out?" the girl with golden hair sneered. "Do you think your little threat scares us more than the zombies outside?"

The girl seemed to think this was hilarious.

Jin raised the gun and aimed between Edward's eyes.

Edward's voice rang out, filled with a mixture of confidence and warning. "Think about it . . . if you pull that trigger, the dead will swarm this car in a matter of seconds. Are you truly prepared to be trapped in here, with no escape, no food, and no shelter? I highly doubt it."

"You thought wrong." Jin cock the hammer.

"Wait!" Lina's voice pierced the tension. "Jin, Edward is a mixed martial arts practitioner. He could come in handy."

Jin didn't spare Lina a glance. He was aware that she was saving the man. If he wanted Lina on board and in debted to him, then he needed to compromise.

What's more a martial arts practitioner was indeed a useful skill to have during this times.

"You can stay," he said and flicked the gun on the others. "Those two better get off, or I'll drag your corpses out from the car. Your choice."

There was rising tension in the air before Leon's voice rang in their ears.

"J-Jin . . ."


"We might want to save Meryl first. Those undead are gaining on us. If they circled us with their numbers, this car wouldn't be able to get out."

". . ."

Jin's heart skipped a beat as he processed Leon's words. He turned his gaze towards the window, and his eyes narrowed at the sight of the relentless horde of undead closing in on them.

The students who slip from the roof became cannon fodder, stalling the undead but it would only be a matter of time before their attention went back to this car.

His grip tightened on his gun, his knuckles turning white. The urgency of their situation was undeniable. They couldn't afford to waste any more time. Meryl's safety hung in the balance, and their chances of escaping unscathed were rapidly dwindling.

Jin's mind raced, considering their options. His instincts told him to prioritize their own survival, to drive away and leave the undead behind.

But Meryl was the key to finding this mansion. Without her, they could be lost out there without a destination for days – out in the open together with the zombies.

Damn it!

Taking a deep breath, Jin made up his mind. "You three. Go in the back."

"Do as he said. He's not joking," Lina seconded, face serious, eyes at Edward.

Jin saw the silent exchange of their gazes, but he didn't mind them. With a flick of his wrist, he pushed the button, opening the ceiling of the vehicle.

A surge of adrenaline coursed through his veins as he pressed himself up and into the roof of the car.

Before he did, he heard the girl with golden hair click his tongue. "He's only brave because he has a gun."

The boy with her hissed. "Shush. You'll get us into trouble with your mouth. That's Jin. Don't you know how infamous he is?"

Jin ignored them and called for Meryl on the bus. "Meryl!"

His heart pounded in his chest as chaos erupted around him. The desperate students, driven by fear and survival instinct, clamored to escape the confines of the bus and find refuge within the limited space of the car.

With stern resolve, Jin met their desperate attempts with fierce resistance. His fists and kicks became swift and relentless. There was no room for hesitation or mercy. He couldn't afford to let morality cloud his judgment, or they'd be dead.

The students, ill-prepared for Jin's relentless onslaught, were swiftly overpowered. One by one, they fell from the sides of the car, their bodies serving as mere distractions for the encroaching horde of undead. Their desperate pleas and agonized screams pierced the air, a painful symphony that tugged at his conscience.

But hardened by the harsh reality of their predicament, Jin remained resolute. The bitter truth echoed in his mind like a mantra – it was either them or him. He couldn't allow sentimentality to cloud his judgment. Every ounce of his being was focused on survival for himself and the select few he deemed useful.

As the students' pleas faded into the background, Jin's gaze remained fixed on the approaching undead. Their hungry moans and outstretched arms became his sole concern. He knew that every second counted and that their escape relied on minimizing any potential distractions or risks.


When he looked over, it was Ben who got out of the bus, followed by George.

Ben was about to jump into the car when Jin barged his way.

"Where's Meryl?"


Climbing out of the bus window were George and Meryl, followed by Charlotte.

Counting, if he let everyone inside the car, that would be ten people. That's over the maximum capacity that the SUV could carry!

Jin was going to discard Ben and Charlotte to the side when Leon's voice rang in urgency.

"Jin! Hurry! They're here!"

Jin's heart raced as he surveyed the dire situation around him. Undead creatures surrounded the car, their insatiable hunger evident in their grotesque movements. Their bloodshot eyes locked onto the vehicle, their decaying hands clawing at the windows and relentlessly scratching the metal frame, desperate to reach the living within.

Time was running out, and Jin knew they had to act swiftly. With a sense of urgency, he urged the others to quickly board the car, their safety relying on a hasty retreat. This was no time to argue with them or they'd be all trapped in here.

As they scrambled inside, Jin's eyes darted around, searching for any possible means of creating a path through the encroaching horde.

With grim determination, Jin's hand reached into his pocket and retrieved his last grenade. Its weight felt heavy beneath his fingers. He knew that sacrificing it meant severing their only means of defense, but it was a necessary sacrifice to ensure their escape.

Without a moment's hesitation, Jin hurled the explosive device into the heart of the advancing undead. The grenade sailed through the air. And then, with a resounding explosion, the world around him shook. The blast tore through the horde, scattering limbs and torsos in its wake, creating a temporary path of chaos and destruction.

Jin seized the opportunity. He leaped into the car as he landed inside, he felt a wave of relief wash over him.

The car's engine roared to life, and Jin's eyes locked on the road ahead. The chaos of the undead faded into the background as the vehicle sped away, leaving behind carnage and destruction. He didn't even noticed the cramped space.

Meryl was beside Lina. Both girls were thin, so they fit on a single chair. In contrast, he was sandwiched between Charlotte and George.

Ben was in the back together with Edward and the other two. The back and trunk were wider than the middle seat, so the four of them fit in that space.

Jin didn't have time to be uncomfortable and question their current position and numbers when Leon asked.

"Where's Ethan and Lily?"

There was silence for a moment and Jin already knew the answer.

". . . They didn't make it," George replied, pain evident on his face and voice.

"It's because of Meryl!" Ben gnashed his teeth. "If it weren't for her saying those things, Lily might still be alive."

Meryl frowned with a stubborn pout on her face. "It's not my fault that she took the easy way out."

Leon's knuckles turned white as he gripped the steering wheel, his focus locked on the path ahead. "Ethan . . ."

The vehicle surged forward, its engine roaring with a desperate urgency.

The undead seemed to multiply, their grotesque forms filling every inch of the campus grounds. There was no time for hesitation or sympathy as Leon skillfully maneuvered the car.

All of them knew how to drive. That was for sure. But at that pressing time, they didn't have the luxury of choosing their roles. It was fine that way; both he and Lina had their hands free in case something came up.

The sickening thuds and bone-crushing impacts resonated through the vehicle as the undead bodies were crushed beneath the tires. The cries of anguish and the sickening crunch of bones echoed in Jin's ears, threatening to drown out his thoughts.

The scenes unfolding outside the car's windows were a surreal nightmare, a grotesque ballet of death and destruction.

Leon's skilled driving navigated them through the chaos, dodging the grasping hands and gnashing teeth that reached out for them.

The vehicle surged forward, leaving a trail of crushed bodies in its wake. The gate stood before them like a beacon of hope, a tangible symbol of escape from the nightmarish scene they were leaving behind.

With a final burst of speed, the car charged towards the gate, its metal frame groaning under strain. The undead clamored around the gate, their relentless pursuit evident in their empty, lifeless eyes.

Leon flinched as he plowed through the mass of bodies, his face white and chest heaving from exertion.

He probably hadn't killed anyone in his life before. Jin thought, and his eyes went to his companions. In fact, maybe none of them did. This would be the first time.

The impact was bone-jarring as the car burst through the gate, the metal screeching in protest. Jin's breath caught in his throat as they broke free from the confines of the campus, leaving behind the suffocating grip of the undead.

The sight of an open road stretched out before them, but all he saw were destructions and undead trying to chase their car.

"Meryl. Which way," Leon asked.

Meryl flinched, and it seemed that it was only when her brain returned to her head. "W-what?"

Leon's eyes briefly went to her. "Which way to the mansion?"

Meryl pursed her lips, realization dawned on her, and she said in determination. "I am not going to that mansion. I'm going to the north. To the military camp."

Leon's uneasiness was evident on his face in the rearview mirror. His gaze shifted between Meryl and Jin.

"I don't think you have a choice here." At Jin's voice, the silence in the car became thick and heavy.

Meryl swallowed. Her smile was tight. "What are you going to do? Push me out?"

Jin grimaced. Why does everyone feel like this was a joke?

Wasn't his face already serious enough?

"Meryl . . ." Lina warned, but she herself didn't know how to convince her.

Jin knew. "I think you misunderstood the situation you're in. You have no choice here. Either you point us in the right direction, or I'll kick you out right here, right now."

Meryl was appalled when she found his eyes. "You wouldn't do that. I'm your only chance to finding that mansion. And besides, we should all go to the Military camp. They have soldiers and food there. Our safety will be guaranteed."

Jin knew what she was doing. She was trying to convince the others to take her side again and rally everyone against him. This was the reason why he hated a large group.

Jin's eyes bore into Meryl's, cold and unyielding. He watched as her face contorted with shock and disbelief, her words hanging in the air between them. Her desperation was palpable, a last-ditch effort to sway him from finding the mansion.

A smirk tugged at the corner of his lips as he leaned in closer, his voice dripping with an unsettling truth. "You're right, Meryl. We may need your knowledge to find that mansion but don't mistake that as a position of power. We will reach our destination, one way or another, with or without your presence. It's your choice whether you want to be a liability or an asset."

Meryl's eyes widened, searching for any sign of empathy or understanding in Jin's gaze, but she found none. She turned to the others, hoping for some semblance of support, but they remained silent, their expressions unreadable.

Edward, unable to contain his confusion, interjected, attempting to make sense of the situation. "Hold on, what's going on here? What mansion? What military camp?"

Jin's patience waned, and he snapped at Edward, his voice laced with irritation. "Shut up!"

His attention swiftly returned to Meryl, his tone sharp and impatience. "You still believe in democracy, don't you? Thinking that rallying people behind you will give you the power to dictate our course of action? Well, I hate to break it to you, but that world doesn't exist anymore. The one who wields authority now is the one who holds the Gun. And, Meryl, I happen to be that guy."

Meryl's face paled.

"Do as he said, Meryl," urged Lina.

"He is not joking," Leon seconded, eyes shifting on the road and at the gun on Jin's hand, face sweating with nervousness.

Meryl's lips pursed, chin trembling before she finally gave in.

"Turn right. We'll go via Cypress Highway."




Hey guys,

Chapter 31 and future chapters will be lock. Since one chapter is more than 2k words, then chapter 31 is like chapter 61 🤣 The usual chapter that I lock.

By going premium, this novel will have regular updates of 1 to 2 chapters per day.

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I know that all of you don't like the multiple POVs, so pass chapter 40 I will only concentrate on Jin since he's the main protagonist. Chapter length will also be cut short to 1k words or more per chapter.

Chapters will resume on August