Ancient Yggdra - I - [PT.1]

"Okay - Okay, don't panic," I said to myself. At least I could still speak English. I wondered if the people of this planet spoke another language - that was not my own.

I'll have to deal with that when it comes up.

The forest was luscious, it was well-kept. I was in the middle of a large opening, trees surrounding me - nature was all around.

The wind gushed and the birds flocked, the animals shimmered along the floor and got away from me in fear.

It was almost serene.

From all angles animals started swarming around me, curious as to what had happened.

I had bounced off a cliff and into the clearing.

Made a big noise and a splash.

There was a small pool of water in a short distance.

I tried to move my legs, but I didn't have any.

Right, I was just a slime!

I skidded across the forest floor, I could move surprisingly fast. I reached the pool of water and used it to look at my reflection.

I was surprised but calmed down pretty quickly.

This new body was indeed - a slime.

I punched myself softly, my body wobbled back and forth, like gelatin. They weren't lying.

Why a slime though?

Suddenly I heard sounds coming from the top of the hill I had fallen through.

Weird sounds I couldn't recognize.

I moved towards the hill and started to climb, but the incline made me fall back down.

"Dammit," I said.

Then seemingly out of the blue, as the sun started to hit just in the right space, a bunch of other slime's started floating from the top of the hill.

They jumped and used their body like parachutes to glide down.

They were almost dancing through the wind.

Their skin shimmered coral and pinks.

They were all my brothers and sisters? Right? - They had to be.

But - there were so many. They were all giggling and frolicking around.

If they could fly, or at least float, then so could I, right?

I thought about it, somehow magic must be involved, I was just reincarnated a couple of seconds ago, and now I was expected to use magic to conquer this hill.

I visualized myself flying, I thought about how it felt to free-fall from space into here.

Without warning, I was flying.

As I realized, I screamed, but then quickly got the hang of it, it was quite the adrenaline rush.

I was flying, I was flying.

I pushed winds against the bottom of my body and used them to jump up with a boost. I quickly passed the slime's that were falling down.

They did the same.

Where they trying to reach me?

What I found up top was a scene like no other.

What looked like ruins in the background, but as far as I could see, slime's, and more slime's, all mingling together. In the middle of the ruins was a giant one, it was so big, it towered almost five feet in the air. And its body was ginormous.

Then out of its side, another slime came out of its body.

Was this how slime's got made?

More importantly, I quickly realized an important fact, as everyone started looking at me like I was some kind of weirdo. Everyone was looking at me with concern.

Silence fell upon them. Like thunder ran through the grassy field.

I felt like that kid at the back of the class who gets stared down by a whole class of bullies.

"Huh, what's going on?" I said, I felt like I was starting to sweat.

All of the slime's started screaming, high-pitched scarring screams, I instinctively covered my ears, yet I had none. Then all of them rapidly started to combine, into one single slime.

My eyes popped out of my head, I couldn't believe what was I seeing. It was getting bigger and bigger, and its face wasn't exactly reassuring that it wanted to be friends.

"Umm… We can talk this out, if there's some type of misunderstanding, maybe we could come to some sort of agreement," I said trying to calm it down as best as I could.

Yet it wasn't working.

Of course - they didn't speak English!

The giant blob let out a piercing dark scream and charged at me, clearly, it's intent to kill.