Ancient Yggdra - I - [PT.2]

I'm going to die, I've just been reincarnated and I'm going to die!

I don't know the rules of this world, how do I attack - where's the tutorial?

I don't have a sword, let alone magic.

At least hard games are intuitive!

Where's the UI?

What was I supposed to do?

I closed my eyes and placed my hands forward, I could try and block as this slime hurdled towards me at stomping speeds.

But was that going to work?

A chime rang out in front of me, time stopped completely.

The birds, the trees and flowers, nothing was moving, there was no wind, and all sound had dropped, had reality been broken?

I opened my eyes with caution, only to find the giant slime in an attack position just inches from me, it had its mouth opened, with teeth made of blue, as if it had modified its own body to pierce mine.

It's face looked scary - unlike it's previous cute appearance. Ready to pounce at me - no questions asked.

"Ah!" I screamed and took two steps back.

Then in front of me, from the place of the chime, something out of this world started to happen.

Magic circles like you would see in late-night anime started to form, an intricate pattern formed around itself, until the magic circle was complete. Made of foreign symbols.

I was familiar with Chinese Characters - I didn't speak the language, but I at least had some notion of what they looked like.

This looked completely different. Like it wasn't from earth.

They looked completely alien.

It was like magic, both text and lines spread out in front of me, until finally, a massive presence could be felt, it was like god was presenting itself to me.

>Initiating Sequence Startup

A voice came from the magic circle, and in its center, a sound wave appeared as this voice spoke; It sounded robotic, almost like one of those old A.I. that didn't use Quantum Machine Learning. Almost primitive, but distinctly gender-less. There was only a single voice, but it echoed as it spoke. I swear I could have heard micro voices whispering in the in-between.

Was it going to speak again?

Had god made an A.I? Was this my accomplice?. I would presume it was made for me since space-time had stopped and everything.

>Boot Program Commencing

There it was again, those tiny voices louder now, almost like it was processing what it was about to say, or someone was guiding it from some unknown and unknowable place.


>User DNA confirmation complete

That took me by surprise when had it registered my DNA?!

>Please use your voice to register personalization details.

At that moment, two text boxes appeared in front of me.

FIRST & SECOND NAME : __________ | ___________

FIRST & LAST NAME : __________ | ___________

"Huh? What now?" I said in disbelief. It took a moment to register completely in my mind.

"OMG!" My excitement was palpable.

"This is JUST like an RPG! The tree meditating gods were basically like my character creation - where I choose my background and starting stats and location, and now - I get to register the name of the character.

"THIS IS SO COOL!" I shouted to no one, the A.I still blinking - awaiting my input.

But wait - wouldn't that be pretentious of me? Choosing my name for my new life. Isn't that usually given my new isekai mom and dad?

Do names hold some sort of significance in this world? I'll need to save this for later.

But can I?

Let's try talking with it.

"Hi! Sorry, I've decided to keep my name blank for now, would it be okay to register it later?" I said in a normal voice towards the floating text boxes and magic circle. The slime was still behind it.

I chuckled a little bit.

Nothing happened for a second, but then a little rainbow thinking bubble appeared in front of the text boxes.

It circled in on itself.

Was it processing? Or was it frozen?

The text boxes closed in on themselves and it was back to just the sound-wave in front of the circle. It spoke again.

> Notice!

> Failing to input a personal name registry will result in the basic de-personalization of the words of the world system.


Two boxes appeared.

Y / N

"Will I be able to change this at a later date?" I asked.

>Affirmative; Name registry can be accessed from the settings menu. Via local and admin privileges.

"Admin?!" I exclaimed.

>Access Denied, User 005762218 is only the local administrator. Please contact our support team for further details.

Of course, that was to be expected. I accidentally had called out the admin menu. I was only a guest after all.


Y / N

"Yes, let's go with a user number for now.

>Success! Name Registry complete!

>Accessing Manual Menu


">Hello USER 00576219," I took a seat, this might take a while.

"> I am an A.I. Created to guide you as part of the voice of the world system. I'm your new guide to your fantasy life!"

It almost sounded peppy now.

The thinking rainbow circle appeared again for a brief moment.

It went away just as quickly.

">Through me, you'll be able to cast spells, use special skills, and level up your stats, I'll be with you all the steps of the way!"

">I was activated because we felt hostile intent towards your life from an enemy creature."

">Are you currently under attack?"

"That's right," I said.

">Commencing Tutorial"

>Skill points are assigned at the start of your campaign using random number generators.

>Allocating skill points now.

"Okay, let's see here! Just like D&D. Nat 20 baby, Nat 20 come on!"

Three new text boxes appeared in front of me.

Vigor: ____

Magic: ____

Taboo: ____

The number flashed next to the boxes.

Vigor got 10+

Magic got 8, nice one there.

And Taboo got -5, I wonder what that means.


The text boxes disappeared and appeared next to me, like some UI that allowed me to see my stats at a glance. A box with an X at the top left corner, I touched it and the little UI went away.

>Searching Unique Skills

The rainbow circle was back.


>" Call of the Dragon".

>"One More Chance" and

>"Creative Mode"

Will be allocated into the system.

A startup sound.

">Congrats! That's all you need to know for now, we'll restart space-time in a bit, but first will you please help us better our service?! How would you rate this experience?"

5 empty stars appeared in front of me, what is this a Taxi? Or some kind of F2P game?!

I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"5 stars!"

The stars filled up with a little chime animation.

">Thank You! We hope you have a wonderful new fantasy life!"

>Restarting space time in 3…2…1…

The magic circle went away the same way it had made itself known.

Like a record being brought to life, time started to move again, slowly at first, like when a video game doesn't properly load the next level and it would have to inject new stuff into the RAM.

My vision was dropping frames.

Then finally time moved normal again.

The giant slime came screeching to a halt. Its fangs were gone and it was looking a lot more submissive now.

"Umm, what the hell?" I asked

Wait - was it looking at my stats?

Not only was it doing that, it was worried.

Was I somehow much more powerful than it?

Well, that's only natural of course, slimes are only starting mobs meant to get the player accustomed to the world and combat system.

"Look, I don't want to fight you or anything,"

It looked at me like I was speaking in another language. Was I speaking in another language?!


"Oh, man! If only I had known from the beginning.

"Me… No…Fight…You… Me…Peace…Okay?" I hated speaking to it like it was dumb, and I had to use big hand gestures to try and at least get through what I was trying to say.

It somehow seemed to understand, because the next thing it did was convert into all the little slime again, popping from the main body, like pimples having a hay day.

Finally, they were my size again. And a bunch of them at that.

I hate that I hadn't noticed this before, but all of their bodies were glowing with holographic colors. What was up with that? As the sun hit their bodies made of water, the caustics that shined on the floor, were of different rainbow colors.

In comparison to mine - which had none.



>First Click Results Indicate as follows.

>Female Zomearon slime exhibit multicolored rainbow caustics when hit by a certain type of light under certain types of shadows, while males do not.

"FEMALES?! All of this are slime girls!" I shouted.


My body filled with cringe.

I had walked into the girl's bathroom after we had finished a swim meet.

They must have taken me for a PERVERT.

My body was made liquid from the embarrassment.

"I want to die," I said - my voice making bubbles.