Ancient Yggdra - I - [PT.3]

After a little bit of time, and some handling on their part, they took me into their temple.

They had placed me inside a bucket and were carrying me on their heads.

"Huh, wait a second, where are you taking me?!" I exclaimed regaining some of my body's gelatin firmness.

"Oh right, they don't understand me," I sighed a little annoyed and mellowed back down into the bucket.

"Isn't there some type of translator that can help me learn their language?"


>875MB download required

Download? How was that going to work?

My stats opened up and a new section emerged. A bar barley filled up showed up with what looked like storage for a hard drive.

Somewhere unbeknownst to me was this storage.

It didn't make sense.

The slime's were still pushing me deeper into their temple, through a long hallway, with wall paintings and lit torches. Their bodies made a cute sound when they moved, and they were all bringing me in caravan.

Was this storage some type of cloud drive or something like that, it's the only way I could make sense of it.

>Negative, local storage only.

>Extra cloud storage can be requested via a support ticket.

"So my brain?" I thought.


Oh man, that's interesting, so this was some type of brain storage or something like that.

Made me wonder, how big of a server the mods have to run to keep the universe going.

Anyway, no time to think about that.

"Oh by the way, how should I call you?" I asked the heavens, a smaller version of the magic circle appeared next to the bucket, I manage to perk a little to see it.

>My current status is Sibyl

Like the Roman Oracles huh?

>You can use that name if you like.

My cheeks flushed. Was she getting more and more human the more I talked to her, and why was she sounding more and more female?

"So Sibyl, about this download?"

>When downloading new software, I will be unable to run in parallel and will instead enter stasis mode, you will be unable to access my services during this time.

"Oh, okay, sounds logical."

"How long will the translator download take?"

>Approximately 35 minutes, should I go ahead with the download?

"Yes please!"


>Requesting Ticket

It started thinking again.

>There is a brief delay between accepting a ticket and starting a download. You can use this time to back out if need be.

"Okay -" I said thinking of how food delivery apps had a very similar feature in case you order to a wrong address.

>Ticket accepted.

>Starting Download.

She went silent then, a countdown timer appeared in her magic circle. I brushed it away and it closed on itself.

I looked at my stats and slowly the local storage bar started filling up, I had a total of a petabyte and a half.

It does make sense since that's about all the amount of information brains can store at one time.

What was 800 megs?

Child's play!

Plus I had to make sure I only used it for important stuff that would help me get around better; like this translator.

I wanted to ask more about this mods stuff, and did she just basically confirm we were running on some Quantum 4th-dimensional super server?

Are the mods gods?

I'll have to make sure to ask Sibyl later.

She was currently sleeping, downloading away in stasis mode.

Then the slime's who were carrying me dropped me on the ground, I was shaken a bit but managed to peek outside.

All of them were here.

I forced a smile.

Surrounding the bucket, like moths to a light.

"Heeey girls, what's up?" I said awkwardly. Did they hate me, they probably hated me.

They forced me out of the bucket and took my hand, saying words I didn't understand, taking me deeper into a large open chamber.

It was starting to look like mines now, with embedded color crystals on the walls, more and more fantasy elements were starting to make themselves known.

What were the crystals for? And who mined them exactly and for what purpose?

My brain was reeling with questions, so many I could barely keep track.

Finally, we arrived.

In front of us was a statue of a man I did not know, it looked old and the iron worn out.

He was like a hero standing proudly and boldly.

Next to him, was a lion, there was trust in those eyes.

Why was this statue at the bottom of the temple?

At the bottom of this mine?

And was this more like a dungeon? I hadn't seen any monsters coming down.

Wait - where we the monsters?!

Maybe then, we're just a bunch of slime's, they could have just ignored us.

"Sa, Sa…" the female slime's kept pushing me to read the inscribed plate. It was weird letters I did not understand.

But strangely, as I tried to read them, they changed to English.

Was the translator already working?

I don't think so - the letters moved and translated themselves into English.

I noticed a slime behind me also looked at it - the letters changed back to a language I did not understand.

But when I looked at it turned to English.

Was this some type of incantation?

Zomearon - Primordial of Chaos - Soul bound of Gilgamesh; Lions of the 3rd Order - Second Zeal of Death - Soul taker of mortals and gods alike; Gae Bolga.

Then beneath that, it read.

All those who are born within this forest are children of Zomearon and shall inherit his will.

I looked at one of the female slime's that was next to me, she was waiting patiently for me to finish.

"So does that mean, I too am one of the children of Zomearon?" I asked.

She nodded.