Ancient Yggdra - I - [PT.4]

After that misunderstanding, they took me under their wing. They were quite nice to me, it was almost like a welcoming party of sorts.

I wish I could ask them more of what was going on, or get more information on some nearby village or something that could point me in the right direction.

But alas Sibyl was still asleep.

15 more minutes to go.

Thankfully - these slime's of Zomearon were all quite nice.

We had snacks, what does even a slime eat for a snack?

I guess cookies and cake.

The cake was delicious! I could eat in one bite, but notice it dissolved as it entered my stomach.

The cake dissolved into it's different ingredients, until only the sugar was left. As it infused with my body I felt a rush of energy. It took the longest to dissolve.

They served tea as well and gave me a fork for the cake.

The tea mixed with my body made of water.

It was refreshing.

I didn't feel full - but neither did I feel hungry. It was a weird feeling.

Now that I was having a better look around I could see this was their communal living space, and they all lived here in harmony.

I thought this could never work with a male present. Too many egos would get in the way.

Girls can live in harmony together - meanwhile boys would be trashing the place.

Thank god I'm gay.

They must have seen through my bottom ass or something because I was sort of the guest of honor.

Girls do make the world go round.

One of them gave the grand tour, they had a bath where they took - well - communal baths, I guess it was okay since they were all female.

They took me across their living quarters with small beds tight enough to fit a slime, they had running water and farmland underneath the dungeon. They were growing all kinds of crops, how exactly did they manage to keep it running?

Ah I see, it was some type of underground water farm. The cave did have openings big enough for sunlight, and the river ran through the lands, it was like the floating Mayan islands.

This was insanely interesting to be given a behind-the-scenes look at how they all lived.

Finally, we sat for some milk and cookies and they went into a conversation.

I just sat there listening to their language. It almost sounded like a Celtic or maybe Latin- it was definitely a romance language.

5 more minutes to go.

I went towards the entrance of the cave - they looked at me like they wanted me to stay.

I gave my thanks and bowed to them, thinking this was the easiest way to express my thanks, I had no stuff with me when I came in so I had no stuff to take when I went out.

"Thank you so much for all you've done for me and you all have my thanks, but I must go explore outside, I must find my way and become my own, I hope we can see each other again someday!" I shouted as I stood at the entrance of the cave.

They look at me like I was mad.

I guess they still don't get anything that I was saying.

I bowed again.

And turn back to go to the forest.

I couldn't stay here forever and it wouldn't feel right to stay since I was a guy after all.

But somehow in their eyes, I felt like they were already taken kin to me as family. I couldn't be sure unless I talked to them with the translator. They smiled at me and waved, knowing I was saying goodbye for now. It wasn't forever, I was sure to come back someday.

However, it had already been an hour and the 5 minutes were not going down.

Was the download stuck? I needed that translator ASAP!