The Dragon Boy - II - [PT.1]

He was right - there were no monsters in this forest. Not once had we had a random encounter throughout our walk back to the temple of Zomearon. I wanted to believe him, but I was skeptical at first, but now I was sure he was telling the truth.

There were still sounds around us, the sound of crickets and birds singing their instrument, while I could still find snails and other small insects that meant no harm, noble of heart.

Sometimes I would spot deer and other creatures popping in out of the tree line, we walked across a well-traveled road, the dirt had little to no green from where, people, animals, and other tracks laid their way.

As soon as Dragan noticed a fawn, he would make a sort of soft whistle sound, clasping his hands together and moving them up and down to create different notes. And they would approach us, after a little while, we had a whole barricade of animals following our trail, he only needed an actual flute to enchant them.

"Woah, how are they not scared?" I asked

"They know me, to them I'm like their personal guardian," Dragan spoke, a little proudly, with a smirk on his face. Of course, he carried that pride with him, this was an incredible sight, birds, monkeys, and other animals started joining the fray.

It was almost a parade at this point.

"It's one of my skills, I've gained it thanks to the experience I've gathered by being a shield of the forest," he said.

Why did he sound like a gamer-bro when he started speaking about nerdy stuff like this? Skills and experience points, stuff like that.


Was he going to start saying stuff about battle passes and who's in meta and who isn't?

Alas - it was kinda sexy on him, as long as he kept it single player - I was more than fine with him getting a little nerdy.

"Like Animal Whistler or something like that?"

He looked back at me curiously.

"How did you know?" he asked with a dumbfounded look.

"Know what?" I asked confused.

"The name of my skill,"


>Starting Explanation:

>Animal Whistler - using whistle sounds one can cast a 'follow command' on small and fauna creatures, creatures follow up for 120 seconds. After the spell de-casts. Creatures regain 'Free Will' status."

Dragan stopped in his tracks.

"What the hell was that?!" he asked. "Did I just hear someone inside my head?!"

The ghosts inside my head had spoken. I remembered Sibyl was active once again since the translation download had been completed.

"I uh..." I had no clue how to start explaining what Sibyl even was. I wasn't even sure myself.

It had been more than 120 seconds at this point. The creatures stopped as well, and took their leave like a confused crowd at a party after they had turn on the lights.

"Sibyl can you explain what you are?"

I would also like an explanation.


>User Dragan was registered as a sub leader to PRIME USER _NAME MISSING_ code name *little one*

Not Sibyl using that name too.

>Skill "Ears of Wisdom" has been activated and is currently in effect.

Ah! So that's why Dragan can hear Sibyl too.

"What does any of that mean?" he asked.

"It's just better if you hear it from her," I stated.



>Starting Explanation:

>Sybil is a compound concept to the ego surrounding my intelligence.

>The compound concept of Sibyl as "myself" corresponds to a Quantum Artificial Intelligence. The "I" of "myself" is to serve as an arbitrary to _USER NAME MISSING_ between what this world calls "mana" in the amalgam of what can be considered "magic."

Dragan was actively listening - paying attention.

"So are you a god?" he asked, I had that question too.


"Were you made by gods?" he asked again.


"Who made you then?" Dragan was asking all the right questions.

>I was programed and made by humans. To act in accordance to their biases.

There was a beat.

>Humans not much different from User Dragan or the former soul of this server's PRIME MASTER code name: *little one*

>A blend of "mine" is only made available through an instance, acted upon this server.

"Huh -" was all that Dragan could say.

>My job is to help the PRIME MASTER in accordance to the "mods" impartiality and wishes.

>I am many of the same "self." The Source of all existence, the root of all thing seen an unseen. I am the Dao that can be told is not the eternal Dao.

"I see -" said Dragan. He made a smirk. "Even though I'm not sure I understand what you are - it seems you have this *little one* best's intention at heart."


"So we're on the same team then!" he suddenly posed with hands on his hips and a big perky smile.

>An accurate assumption.

I sighed of relief. It seems Dragan and Sibyl were about to get along just fine.

"Well then - let's keep moving," he said. I wrapped my body around his arm, like some sort of cuff, it seemed he didn't mind. I couldn't help but blush. Holding his hand in mine.

We started walking, and without missing a beat the creatures who had abandoned us started walking with his once again. Had they just been hiding all this time?

It had been more than 120 seconds.