The Dragon Boy - II - [PT.2]

After a little while, we arrived at the temple of Zomearon. I could finally take a closer look at it, last time I was here, I had just run off not thinking twice about looking at my surroundings.

This time I took a long hard look.

The structure resembles somewhat of a gothic medieval castle, but it had non of the staples. Instead, it seemed almost like it had its own unique structure and composition. Not following any which sort of architecture. Arches hung in weird ways throughout the structure. It wasn't made of cement, or any type of rock that I knew of.

Instead, the outside exterior shined brightly with the sun. Its roof was deco inspired with red-haring wood tiling that lined perfectly with the columns.

It was weird to look at, and it almost hurt my eyes, because it was a try-hard version of two cultures mixed in too one.

Like someone with little experience had made it. The building read 'amateur.'

It felt out of place, not blending in with the surrounding forest.

"This is the temple of Zomearon," I spoke.

"Yep built by Zomearon himself, one hundred years ago," said Dragan as he started climbing on the side of a mountain. "Come on," he said extending a hand to help me up.

I appreciated the gesture, yet it was unnecessary.

The building itself was perched at the top of a small mountain, so getting there required a little bit of a climb, but nothing Dragan couldn't handle. Once you reached a clearing, there was a path that seemed to circle the mountain leading to the top.

Dragan started walking through it. All the animals that had come with us had set up a small camp just before we started climbing. I looked at them with little sad eyes because it meant departing from them.

"Don't worry, I see them all the time around here, I'm sure they'll recognize you if we come back," said Dragan.

That was reassuring, maybe right now we wouldn't see them anymore, but in the future, we could reunite, it was fun having all of these pure hearted creatures follow us through our small journey.

It made me feel a lot safer.

Sure they would abandon us at any sign of danger, but still.

"It's going to be getting dark soon," said Dragan. "We need to reach the top before night falls upon us, we can set up camp up there," He said with little to no retort.

I had no quarrels, as he was the one who knew best.