The Dragon Boy - II - [PT.4]

When morning finally came I realized I was still cuddling by Dragan's feet. My whole body weight against him, he must have endured it all night, but he looked peacefully asleep, his mouth wide open, a little drool on his cheek.

It was almost cute.

I took myself off him, thinking his legs must have fallen asleep, he must have endured for me, there was no other logical explanation.

I had no way of telling. So I made myself into a ball, pushing against him, but not pushing my weight down on him.

He grunted a little, but then moved so he big spooned me, he instantly went back to sleep, his arm now lying across my chest. His heart softly beat against my back. And his breath rose and fell ever so gently. The fire had been put out, but his body warmth protected me against the icy forest morning.

Some plants had frozen overnight and were now unfreezing with the first rays of the morning due.

Plus the lonely entrance to the temple carried some warmth as well.

But this, right here, was it.

I don't think it can get any better than this.

A guy I immediately liked from the get-go, was reciprocating my feelings and going along with my flirts.

In this life, I didn't care anymore, and the right move at the right time had paid off incredibly well.

I was happy in his embrace.

We slept for a little while longer, until finally, the rays of the sun were hard enough to ignore.

Just a little longer sun.

I thought.

Let me just stay like this a little longer, please.