The Dragon Boy - II - [PT.5]

The sun came and everything was fine, I had no regrets.

When I woke Dragan was already up, he had revitalized the fire, and it was crackling in its soft tender glow. Bouncing on Dragan's face, through my sleepy fog, I could finally take a good look at his factions. His eyes had this sort of fierce tenderness to them, his amber iris honey-like color reflected passionately against the embers of the open flame. His hair was down for the first time since we had met. He had taken off his hat.

Yes, the snap-back did look good on him, but seeing him without it brought forth a new Dragan I did not yet know. It was fairly similar to the one that you could find on Earth. But this one, in particular, had an orange glow that accented his hair.

I wanted to ask him about it, how did he get it. I pushed it to the back of my mind, for now.

I moved and I made a slush sound with my body. I had turned back into the tiny slime form, just a blob, that could float through the air.

I guess this was normal now, I thought about my human form, and without much effort, I turned back into it with relative ease.

Dragan looked at me.

"Good - " he stopped dead in his track. I was naked again, wasn't I? "-Morning," he said swallowing a big gulp.

"Yeah, Yeah, get used to it," I said picking up the white robe from the ground, taking extra long to put it on just to mess with Dragan.

Why did I suddenly feel so comfortable around him? Was it because we had cuddled?

I could see that he couldn't look away, a devilish smile came on my face. Finally, I put it on, I pushed out my hair from underneath the fabric. It swooshed into the air, all the way down to my knees.

I noticed.

"Has my hair always been this long?" I asked.

"No - But I like it, it looks good on you," said Dragan a little embarrassed. I too blushed at the compliment.

"T-Thanks," I said looking away. As long as it made him happy, I was more than willing to oblige.

I guess my human form could change at will, depending on what my mood dictated.

My human body was feminine, and now even more so.

Dragan had grabbed a bucket of water - I used it to look at my reflection.

I didn't mind looking this way, it made me feel pretty, but people might mistake me for a girl, my skin was marble smooth, not a single hair anywhere. I guess I was bound to take as many feminine characteristics as possible since I'm the first male in a long line of females.

I guess it makes sense.

I took my walk and sat down facing forward, I slouched a little. He looked at me, and I looked at him breaking eye contact several times.

Oh, I don't think I can take this. I said burring my face, my cheeks steaming. He was giving me his full undivided attention. He was gazing at me for sure. He was just gawking.

"Dragan, I can hear your every thought, you know," I said covering my mouth with my hand.

He suddenly started steaming, had he forgotten about that fact?

The contract allowed for a very small form of telepathy, unless one or the other decided to lock down our thought pattern.

How did I know that, though?

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to think that, I was just -"


"Yeah, I didn't mean to,"

"It's called morning wood,"

"Right -" he said. Then he stood up, perched the fire, and grabbed our things. He finally put on his snap-back. His hair just naturally spoofed like that in the front.

God, he was perfect!

We started walking towards the forest again, towards the village.

"Can I ask you something?" I said, he carried all of our things.

"That hat, it just seems rather out of place to me," we stopped in our tracks.

The sun above us shines its first rays.

"Why?" he asked.

"Sorry," I took a step back. Did I hit a nerv, or was it because it was a sentimental item for him?

"It's just - it resembles hats that you would see a lot in my world,"

"Oh really," he said flipping it around and touching the sun visor.

"You'll find them easily if you look through the corpses in the wasteland,"

What did he just say?

"Come on…" he continued. "Walking keeps my mind clear, we need to keep moving," he said and trailed off towards the forest once more.

Corpses - in the wasteland? What does that mean?

"Can you tell me more about the wastelands?" I asked moving along to catch up to him.

"Can't tell you much about it, as I don't know myself, that was over 500 years ago," he said his focus trailing away on the road.

I feel this was a hidden story side quest.

My curiosity peaked, and I needed to investigate more.

I pushed it back to ask the elders at a later date.