The Dragon Boy - II - [PT.6]

We walked the Forest and it was nice, except for insects, birds, deer, monkeys, foxes, wolves - or should I say dogs.

Dragan was exceptionally good at dealing with the animals surrounding us - me on the other hand had a little bit more of a harder time. But nothing to worry about, all of them seemed rather friendly.

There wasn't anything other to worry about, insects didn't come near me my body acted a sort of repellent for them, so Dragan was more than happy for me to perch on his shoulder and or head.

It seemed my slime body had more than one use.

It was nice, beautiful even, with no pollution to speak of, I had never seen such a beautiful night sky before.

Thanks to the perfect veil that covered the forest we were fine, against the rather harsh sun, it seemed the force field also acted as some kind of weather regulator.

Dragan had explained at a point that the force field acted as Thermosphere. His exact words were not mine, I was a cardiac surgeon, not an astrophysicist.

With that, we could breathe, the trees did their thing and made air, or whatever that chemical fusion was called - that allowed humans to breath.

I'm not sure how it works either way. So I couldn't tell you, but he warned me of an upcoming passage that would provide traitorous if we weren't careful.

I wasn't sure if slime's needed to breathe or not, I could inhale air just fine, or maybe that was my brain making me think I could inhale air. My body seemed to be made of water, one hundred percent of water, I didn't have lungs, but I could also be breathing through the water.

I didn't know.