Tarragon Village - III - [PT.2]

The hustle and bustle of the market made it seem busy, everyone had something to do, something to sell.

Some people recognized Dragan, but he just waved at them. Was he some kind of superstar among the people of Tarragon? I wasn't cool with the spotlight being on me. I bear with it, but it still made me uncomfortable.

One weird thing - why was no one acknowledging me? It felt so weird, not wanting the spotlight, but at the same time, it felt like I was this super rare monster that Dragan had bonded with.

Shouldn't there be a little bit more wonder?

Were the people all too accustomed?

Maybe it hasn't been that long since his last spirit-bound ex left. And people are just assuming nothing changed.

It was bothering me more than it should.

Suddenly in the distance, we heard a loud shout.

"Draaaaaaaggaaaaaaaaan!!!" someone was shouting in the distance. It was a small person, wearing a purple robe covered in holes, underneath a white robe, the person had a cane that looked almost magical. Made of wood with crystal in between the top part.

"Oh no, that's Elder Kamika!" he said. Now more in focus a tiny person was walking - no - the person was running with the utmost haste, gaining speed.

Then the person stopped just inches from Dragan, he was un-moving.

"Where HAVE YOU BEEN BOY!" Elder Kamika shouted.

"Just in the Forest Kami, can we go somewhere else, people are staring," and they were, they were looking at Dragan and the small woman.

"Who is she?" I asked Dragan.

"She's one of the Elders, remember, I told you," he said in a small voice in between teeth.

This tiny person was one of the Elders?

"Be - nice," he said in a whisper.

My extroverted side suddenly burst open, I jumped at the chance and got real close to her face.

"Hi Elder Kamika, it's very nice to meet you, I'm a spirit of Zomearon," she stopped in her tracks, had I said something wrong?

"Shut up, I'm talking to Dragan!" she shouted, and used her cane to send me flying, I picked up speed and crashed into one of the vendors, not before the seller could jump out of harm's way. My eyes went in circles.

"Little one!" he said concerned, a small yip-like sound came from him.

"I don't care about the slime! You've been gone for 5 whole weeks, disappeared, out of thin air, what happened? BUT NOW?! You decide to show up in the Village," Elder Kamika was one hell of a personality. I regained consciousness. The shopkeeper asked me if I was okay.

I apologized for messing up their wares.

A lot of emotions suddenly rang through me. I got mad, and when I get mad, the sassy side of me comes out.

"EXCUUUSEE ME!? I shouted, I'll have you know I'm the Zomearon officially contracted under the soul bound with Dragan, and you just DISRESPECTED me like that? How are you gonna do a bro like that? Huh," I said just letting the spit flow.

"Well bro-" she retorted back. "You're boyfriend here -" she used that word.

Dragan turned red.

"Had been gone inside the forest for five whole weeks, mourning the loss of his last spirit mind if I say so myself," she said.

"And to top it all off, you're a boy, we haven't seen a boy Zomearon in over 300 years, this complicates things," she said suddenly getting very quiet.

I thought Dragan had said 100 years?

"Dragan here is gonna have such a hard time," she said pouting her face, Dragan laughed an awkward laugh.

"You know what the say Obaba, two guys are than one, right - little one?"

"Um - Uh, yeah, right!" I said not sure what the hell was going on.

Suddenly Dragan burst out laughing.

"HAHA! You worry too much Obaba, lighten up a little bit,"

"I AM LIGHT, I'm the lightest one around here," she said almost despicably.

What the hell was she on about?

"Besides it's not like you could keep a single female spirit anyway," she retorted with a snout.

"He doesn't need to know Kami!" said Dragan pointing at me. Although I already knew that, I guess it was like putting salt in the wound.

"It's not like you can keep a hot guy like Dragan tied down anyway," I said crossing my arms.

"Hot, because of my fire affinity right?!" he said. Suddenly made a very cute face, and his eyes read like that of a puppy.

"Sure, right, if that makes you happy," I said worried but sarcastic. I continued looking at Elder Kamika

"I'm the soul-bound spirit now, so past relationships don't matter," I said turning my head.

"Oi, Oi," said Dragan trying to calm down the situation. It wasn't working.

Kamika then got serious.

"You do care-" she started. What was she talking about?

"You do care you care so much, you're willing to go to great lengths to hide it," she said in a matter-of-fact voice.

She was right.

What was this woman on?

I was starting to hate her. And loving her at the same time. It was a weird feeling.

She was such a character, and now she was spitting truth bombs like it was nothing. She was reading right past me like an open book.

I got real mad, but couldn't say anything back, until.

"Fine, you're right!" I said. "I do care a little bit, but I know I shouldn't, just let it go already," I said.

Suddenly a long silence between the three of us. Elder Kamika got serious and hung tightly to her staff.

"You two have to come with me, we need to finish the soul-bounding ritual, this process will allow you to become even stronger," she said not a hint of prejudice in her voice.

What the hell was going on?!

I looked at Dragan like this bitch was crazy!

He put his hand up like a sword to his mouth and winked one eye. He meant he was sorry, and I should just put up with this crazy old lady.

I guess there was no way around it.