Tarragon Village - III - [PT.3]

The situation deescalated and now we were talking like we were old friends. We were walking towards the sanctuary just below Dragan's house in a small presence of the mountain.

The sanctuary looked well-kept, it was an old building - but birds and other animals still perched along the roof and scaffolding of the dilapidated bricks. It was the only building made of cement here. Everything else was made of wood, something I was just noticing.

There was silence between the three of us. It felt so weird, maybe she had such a strong reaction because she saw Dragan with a male slime this time around.

Oh god, did I just make a fool of myself?

"I know it's unprecedented if that's what you're thinking slime," she said still looking forward.

"I know there hasn't been a single male slime in 100 years among the Zomearon race, I know things are not going to be normal in the ritual tonight, but I do know one thing," she said looking back at us.

A vine came out of her crystal and carried her, I was taken back.

This was the second time I saw magic.

"Was - that magic?" I said worrying.

"Elder Kamika is a great earth elementai," said Dragan. "One of the bests of the village, she keeps our crops in order each year,"

"Among other things," she said sounding mysterious and smirking with her mouth. The vine and cane had turned into two legs that were now pushing her forward.

I just remembered, Dragan also cast fire magic while making the campfire. And 'elementai' what was that all about?

"Come let's get this ceremony started," she said, the sun was starting to go down and the night was about to show.

Then something incredible started happening, the shadow the temple cast started moving on its own, and the light made it move, but just as the sun hit the right spot in an opening on top of the building, it started casting a warm ray of light that shone down on the entire village.

"This is how he thanks us, God Sun of Cronus," the crops started moving upwards, making a leafy type sound. It scared me at first because I'd never heard anything like it, but the flowers started blooming.

Dragan opened his arms, and wounds I had yet not noticed in his arm, but mere scars, started healing, and a sort of steam evaporated from his skin. The elder accepted the sun by putting on her cloak and kneeling, covering her whole body.

Her mantle started to glow.

"It only lasts a couple of minutes," she said. The whole village was taking this moment to bask in its god's light. Elderly men and women were walking as quickly as they could out of their houses, some old men in the market also accepted the gods light. Their skin started rejuvenating.

This is something we should ask the lady person who speaks in our minds. I wanna know more about this!

"You only need to say 'system'," said Dragan. Then the lady's voice showed up again.

So it wasn't listening all of the time, only when called upon, that was interesting to know.

"What's going on here?" I asked the system lady. AKA Sybil.

>Answer: The Sun God of Tarragon Village, every day at exactly this hour, the sun shines through a magic gate in the Tarragon Sanctuary, shining curative and restorative light upon its citizens, this has been going on for thousands of years,"

"Who is the Sun God anyway," I asked naively.




>Er-ErROrrOOR -

It suddenly sounded glitchy.

>Unauthorized level of entry.

>Entry Level 4 Restricted.

>Access Denied.

The Sun God was beginning to way.

"That can happen too," said Dragan. "You asked a question they don't want you to know the answer to, and they'll censor Sybil - this is divine information after all," said Dragan.

Elder Kamika was in full-on prayer mode.

I was starting to feel hot and dizzy.

I didn't feel okay.

"Dragan I don't feel -" I said, I felt my body collapsing to the ground. Dragan didn't even flinch it was like he was in some kind of trance.

I was flinching like my cells were epileptic.

I saw Dragan eye's turn white.

He closed his eyes and said a prayer

I could not hear.

My body was hurting.

I felt like I was going to throw up and at the same time like thousands of electric volts rang through me.

Then the whole of reality changed, from underneath me, a circle appeared, then it spread outwards until it covered the whole force field. The whole of Tarragon Village.

I was now in some kind of alter dimension, where everything was red, and up in flames. In the tower, a single eye, menacing in nature, then I heard a voice echo through.

"YoUoouuU!" It snarled, and flared, looking directly at me.

What the hell was that thing?

I was getting scared, I couldn't move my body, then just as the dimension had appeared it closed in on itself. And I was back to normal, I took a breath and I could finally move. I looked at the tower, the sun was below the end of the circle, and shining behind the tower.

What the hell just happened!? I screamed inside my mind. Dragan suddenly moved with a jerk.

"You were possessed just now, and I was, that thing, it's evil!" I shouted. I sounded like a madman.

Dragan picked me up and put his hand against my mouth.

His biceps prevented me from escaping.

"You're crazy for saying that, pointing at The Sun God and saying it's evil, if Elder Kamika had heard you, we would have been in big trouble," he said in a whisper, I was flinching trying to get out of his grasp.

"But I saw it," I said in between mumbles.

"We will speak about this later, we have a ritual to attend right now," he said and pushed forward. This was too much to take in all of at once. My mind was going haywire.

I got a really bad feeling about this Sun God figure. I felt it, I felt it in my nonexistent bones, It shocked me to my core, and one word just shouted inside my being.

This thing was evil, no doubt.

But I guess we had more important things to do right now.

And all of this was starting to feel suspiciously cult-ish.