Tarragon Village - III - [PT.4]

We climbed the mountain at the far end of Tarragon, Dragan didn't have any trouble climbing the steep hill.

While the Elder just sat by and let her magic do all the work.

Dragan house was even more up the top of the mountain. I wonder if he did this every day?

He must go back down to the village to buy food in the market, how was he doing this without losing his breath? Did he do a lot of cardio?

In the wasteland, he did lose his composure, but nothing to be ashamed of, that trek was one of the most difficult things I have ever experienced, he was knee-deep in sand, and the drag of the wind pulled on him. So this was nothing compared to that.

This was a breezy walk in the park.

When we arrived at the sanctuary, it came in full view, dilapidated walls, that seemed like they were about to crash, overgrown foliage that seemed to be needed of some pruning, and most importantly people gathering below the ruins, they were ganging up in groups, sharing what seemed like scraps.

I took my human form as to seem more normal.

"Who are these people?" I asked not thinking twice about my question.

"These are immigrants from the north," said Dragan in a low whisper, trying not to catch the attention of the lot of them.

"They were abandoned by their homeland, and made a trek through the wasteland, seeking refuge in the city of Edorough, but they were cast out, then they asked Veldoran, but no luck, some of them died, and the rest ended up here," he said still in a whisper.

I got a little sad for them, that must have been horrible for them.

An old lady locked eyes with me, her skin wrinkly, she managed a smile at me, a friendly smile no less, with no teeth, only a couple left, and they were already skimming black. I bowed in respect, it only felt natural.

I grabbed unto Dragan, first his wrist, he reciprocated and grabbed my hand. He must have noticed my distress.

There were paramedics and local church goers. Some people showed out with food and water, it was little, but I guess that's the only thing the village could spare.

We continued walking and entered the building, it was gloomy dark, and sort of damp. Inside it was empty.

"We use the outside for the refugees, and give them camp in here during the night," said Elder Kamika.

"But right now, it's all yours," said the Elder, pointing towards a door at the end of the big open room.

Strange symbols I could not read adorned the door.

As we approached, steam crossed the floor, then a a blue light illuminated upon the room, people outside were getting curious. Water poured into a canal, and circularly filled the room.

"What's all this?" I asked.

"It's resonating, the power inside, accepts you, both of you," said Elder Kamika surprised. Dragan and I were still holding hands.

"This is the first time this has happened with Dragan and a spirit of Zomearon, you best be prepared," she said with a small giggle.

The door opened, and slowly it poured down into the floor, leaving only a black entrance that lead underground into the mountain.

"Are we supposed to go in there?" I asked.

"We are," said Dragan, and grabbed me by the shoulder all of a sudden putting my face close to his chest. The Elder lit a torch with the blue light that rang through the door, the torch shone blue as well.

At this level I could easily see the height difference between us. Dragan could easily be around 1.85, while I was around 1.70. A little bit of height difference but just the right amount.

"This is the sacred fire Zomearon implemented millennia ago, it only responds to bonds that are unique and true," said the elder. "You're are to explore this dungeon and find what you're looking for."

"A dungeon?!" I finally said.

"We're only here to explore," said Dragan. "Don't get your hopes up,"

"But - What if a monster jumps out at us, we have to fight it, right? Goblins, or any low-level monster, right?!" I said getting a little too excited still in Dragan arms.

"Sorry to say, but this cave system has been clear for almost 50 years, no monsters want to lay nest in it," said Elder Kamika.

I made a disappointed sound.

This was the start of my new life, I should have fought some monsters by now.

But I guess not.

"You ready?!" she said, pushing us to go forward. Dragan nodded, I kinda just lost interest. He took the first steps and entered through.

Just a couple of steps in and the doors closed behind us, leaving us trapped with no way out!

I kinda expected that.

Dragan looked back with surprise, but let it be, and continued forward.

That's right - he wouldn't remember.