Tarragon Village - III - [PT.5]

Sooner rather than later, I regained my composure and was holding onto Dragan once more.

The stairs just seemed to go on forever, we were defiantly going down into the mountain.

"So what's at the bottom of the cave systems," I asked Dragan.

"All I know, and remember, is that this was a crucial part of the soul-bonding process, we need to do this little one!"

"All right, all right, hold your horses," I said. "I'm not against the idea, I just wanted to fight some monsters."

"We will get to do that, in due time, but now we need this bond to be sealed, you and me, we're a team remember?" he said like it was nothing.

I blushed a little.

"I guess you're right," I said like a giddy little boy.

We continued walking until we suddenly reached a flat room. It was a circular cave, with inscriptions and drawings from ancient times. They were well made and painted with delicacy and care.

"What's all this?" I asked.

"Inscriptions, left by Zomearon himself, they must be important," said Dragan and instantly started to look through them. A man on a throne, light rays extending from behind him.

"Is that Zomearon?" I asked.

"Probably, rumors say he always thought of himself as the one true king of old," said Dragan.

"Was he?" I asked

"Well, he was a very powerful caster, that's for sure, but the best, far from it," Dragan said with no hesitation.

So there are more powerful casters out there.

Then we moved on to a painting that seemed to depict the spirit of Zomearon and a spirit-bound human.

"Is that us?" I asked.

"And old representation, but yeah, in a way that's us," then we moved on to another picture this time it showed only the human.

"Where did the spirit go?" I asked.

"Bound within him," said Dragan.

"Like a fusion or something?" I asked.

"Yeah, just like that," he said still looking at the drawings on the wall. There was more, but the wall was broken, and we couldn't continue looking.

"I'm guessing that's one of the things we came here to figure out," he said and moved the light to show the exit.

"Come on, it's up ahead," he said and moved towards the exit.

The room corkscrewed into a series of long hallways, with each step Dragan took I felt we were going deeper and deeper into the cave.

Then finally some light, a cave clearing with a ceiling light, we had little light left from what I could tell, but enough that I could still see the inside of the cave.

At the far end of the cave clearing. There was a small forest, almost like an encapsulated Bombay tree. It was beautiful well preserved and immaculate. It was a little slice of paradise.

"This is incredible! I shouted and zipped around the room.

My human form lagged behind me as I moved with speed.

Dragan put on a smile.

"Told you it was worth it," he said a little bit proud.

I was taken aback by the beauty of it all, I forgot to look in the middle of the room.

A pool of water, crystal clear, it was boiling too. Was it some kind of natural spring?

As I explored the little forest, I came across a force field, just like the one before exiting the wasteland. I crashed into it.

Then I looked at the ceiling and it was also there, this is where the wall ends, going through it would mean exiting into the wasteland.

I could see why the micro forest was so well kept, outside of the field, only dirt and rock.

When I looked back, Dragan was getting undressed.

"WHY ARE YOU GETTING NAKED!" I asked turning my face so my back gave him some privacy.

"We need to get into the hot spring, is part of the ritual," he said.

"The elders explained to me how it worked beforehand, you know before I went into the forest," he said.

"So were bathing, together?" I asked, my voice a little shaky. The white robe Dragan had given me was lost during our first wasteland trip, I had managed to unconsciously reproduce the clothes - only now figuring it out.

It seemed as I did my brain caught up with me, I wasn't actually wearing anything - just my slime body had projected the clothes.

They dissipated as I realized this. Leaving me naked as well.

I covered myself.

"Eager are we?" said Dragan as I heard him getting into the hot spring.

I sighed. I just have to get over myself, I was born with a western coming up of the world, and I was aware people of the east took the liberty to bathe together, between families, rules around being naked were laxer. Our body's are only natural of course.

It depends on family to family, and on the situation, but I guess I just had to get over myself.

"Fine," I said turning around, Dragan was completely naked now, spreading his arms across the hot side of the hot spring, he looked relaxed, letting out a big sigh as the the water purified his body.

I got a good appreciation of his body now, he was massive, his shoulders were big and strong, and clearly, he trained every day. His pecks were almost ready for a contest, he had a tiny waist and his abs screamed power. His legs were well-trained too.

I could see them through the crystal clear water.

I could also see how massive it was.

Well let's just say I got a little scared, it wasn't even hard and already it was massive. More than 7 inches that's for sure. I wasn't sure if I was ready for it.

Finally he locked eyes with me, his expression changed, his eyes read trouble.

I had to get my mind out of the gutter.

"Come on, it's pipping hot," he said. You can say that again.

I walked and place myself inside the hot spring as fast as I could.

The water reacted to my touch, it cooled down as I entered my feet first, holding my crotch with me other hand, you know for privacy.

He glared me up and down. His honey dew yellow eyes piercing my very essence.

My human form in this world was significantly different from my human form on earth.

The reflection on the water showed me.

I had a small waist no abs, and little muscle in my arms shoulders sand legs. I was more slender, and feminine.

A twink.

"See that wasn't so bad," he said with a smile now.

Where did all that confidence come from, and why was all of mine gone?

It was quite refreshing, Dragan had his arms around the rock that surrounded the spring, open wide. I swam across, much to his surprise.

I know you're not supposed to swim, but it was more like floating, my body was light, even in my human form, and even more right because we were surrounded by water. The spring was surprisingly deep.

The water became warm as I spread across it.

We were both naked now.

I sat in the rock he was sitting on, closing the gap between us, there was just enough room between us both. I could see his face getting red, a deep kind of red, maybe it was the hot spring, or maybe it was me, I did not know.

"So?" I asked.

"What are we supposed to do here, to finish closing the soul bond?" I asked.

I was starting to feel hot. Not just because of the water, but because of him.

"This spring holds natural male salts and pheromones, it's supposed to heighten the experience, for the female," he said, it started to make sense.

"But I guess it's affecting us both," he said also trying to hold it back.

I was getting a hard-on, and my body was becoming heavy, I was full-on ready.

I looked at him, he was also heavy breathing, and looking at me like he was ready to pounce,

I knew what was coming, and I couldn't have asked for a better situation than this. We were all alone, it was finally time, my reincarnation dream, why I choose to be here in the first place.

It was finally coming true.

We slowly close our faces towards each other, his lower lips were thick and full, while his upper one was thin.

He grabbed my face and put his hands against my cheek. In between breaths, he said.

"I never thought this day would come," he said putting on a smile, our bodies were asking for it, both he and I.

He too had a hard one, and I swear it grew two inches.

I didn't care, I wanted to please him.

"Neither did I," I said, and we locked lips.

His tender lips mushed against mine, we kissed, then started making out, and slowly put surely the situation escalated.

Then the spring started glowing, from underneath us the spring shone light. The night was gaining on us, and the moon was shining right above us.

The water shined white like the moon had cast a spell.

I realized.

"It's part of the ritual," he said.

But the necessity to kiss him was stronger, I went in for it. He accepted it, although it pushed him back.

"Let's take this slow," he said, I switched to his neck.

He moaned. A deep treble.

"I want to enjoy this," he said in between our kisses.

But I was already full in.