Tarragon Village - III - [PT.7]

After Dragan had finished the ritual with me, by instinct, I turned back into my slime form, my skin turned dark blue and transparent, you could still see the massive amounts of seed he had ejected into me, they were floating inside of me.

Slowly I absorbed it until it was completely gone.

Then I felt his power being pulled into me, a piece of him had been eaten up away into me and changed something.

I could feel my powers getting stronger, and in consequence, he got stronger too. It was like I was receiving, but at the same I was giving some of it to him.

The spring had turned blue because of the liquids my body exceeded during our intercourse.

But that only made this sensation more much powerful.

My eyes turned white, it felt like I was possessed.

But the feeling absorbed me, it felt good, it was like I was getting a power-up, and so it confirmed it.

>Bond Level Up

>Level 2

Said the voice inside my head, Dragan heard it too.

>Fusion Skill enabled, contract finalized

A sort of lock sound and image appeared inside both of our minds.

"This is part of the ritual," said Dragan. "As our bond increases, we gain new power, the ritual needed to be finished for us to gain the ability to fuse into one body," explained Dragan, still in between breaths.

This all sounded very complicated, and I wasn't sure if I was understanding it all. But I went along with it anyway.

That was probably the best sex I've ever had since forever, since I can remember.

Dragan had treated me like no one had ever, he had made sure I was enjoying it too.

I didn't know what to say now, it felt so awkward, but at the same time, I knew I wanted it to happen again, not right away of course, but maybe sometime in the future.

His passion for me was unrivaled.

"I never know what to say after these things," I said, Dragan had already positioned himself in a comfortable open position.

My human formed showed up again.

I rested my head against his shoulder. He started playing with my hair.

I couldn't have asked for more.

"I don't really either -" I exclaimed, following up on his comment.

The stillness of the cave came rushing forward - the silence was deafening. The trickle of the water because of the dampness, the temperature of the air and how cool it was even though outside the sun felt hard and hot. The warm water surrounding us, slowly tiding up and down like a current.

I closed my eyes and just appreciated how much I could stay like this - stay like this forever. I never wanted this embrace to end.

"This, just enjoy the moment, and let the world be still little one," he said in a whisper.

And so I did, I closed my eyes and fell asleep, almost instantly. Like a knee jerk reaction.

>Evolution Imminent,

>Skill Points Maximum

The voice of the worlds inside my head said.

"Huh!" I just fell asleep right next to Dragan, in this perfect moment. "And you spring this on me now!?" I shouted in my sleep. Weirdly I was still conscious, but I knew my body was resting.

>Evolution starting in 10... said the voice.

>Please make sure you're safe for the next 25 minutes.

iIt cautioned, but it seemed, more like an order.


It counted down until it reached zero. I couldn't do anything, I was fast asleep. Suddenly it was like I was a ghost above the scene. Like my soul had left my body and I was astral projecting.

>Evolution commencing,

>Executing Program,


iIt said. I could see the whole ordeal from above. My whole body started to shine, extruding light from all around, Dragan just held me tight, holding me from my head, and pushing him against his shoulders. A dubious grin showed on his face. He looked so dumb like he was proud.

This just felt like a stupid graduation ceremony was it really necessary?

After 25 minutes, my body stopped glowing, and I returned inside of it, why had my spirit been projected outside my body, was the evolution done only to the body and not the spirit?

I woke up with a jolt.

"You evolved!" said Dragan. I looked at myself in the mirror, or the water reflection, my long hair was now holographic, shining with the light from the moon. My skin had become even more shiny, I felt beautiful.

"What happens when you evolve?" I asked.

"Well most monsters evolve after reaching a certain skill level cap," started Dragan. "Humans can only equip better items though," he said. "You should pull up your skill commands," he said.

"How do I do that?" I asked.

"Just ask the administrator," he said like it was nothing.

"System!" I said as it had always been part of my knowledge. A screen showed up in front of my field view, like a small menu at a restaurant. It displayed all of my stats.

LEVEL: 20 [UP]








How was I already level 20, we hadn't even done anything, and not a single monster had been slain, was it all just because we increased our bond so high already? And my bond with Dragan was 'Epic [Red] Strong' I didn't exactly know what it meant, but I'll take it as a good sign.

"Nice!" said Dragan. "Our bond's already in the color red, guess we match huh?" he said pointing at his hair.

"I have no idea what that means," I said overwhelmed.

"Bonds are based on color, the higher the hue the better the bond, the more it approaches dark, the less powerful the bond. It only affects our fusion, though, so don't worry too much about it," he said explaining.

So the further to white, the better?

"Well I'm getting out," he said pushing against the rock and getting out of the hot spring.

"Yeah, I guess me too," I said and also exited the spring.

We got dressed and headed back through the way we came from.