Tarragon Village - III - [PT.8]

After we were done with all of that, we went upstairs, outside the temple, night had already fallen, and the refugees were all fast asleep. Dragan and I tiptoed around them trying to not make noise. I took my slime form because I was a little worried people might see me in my human one. We managed to not wake up anyway and started the second upward climb towards his house.

We entered a dense forest, but the trees were densely packed in a farm-like way, the trees produced fruits for the village.

When we cleared the vineyard, we finally came across Dragan's house.

I started to hyperventilate because the climb was so big, Dragan offered me his shoulder and I took it. He didn't even break a sweat.

His house was tiny, and placed in the middle of the hill itself, this high up you could see the force field with little to no trouble. However, the house looked almost homey.

It started raining.

The force field kept the water outside, yet the sound was strong, like a storm had suddenly started, you could see it clearly from here, a heavy dull raining sound came from it. Inside the dome night was clear, it was such a weird feeling, it was like having two skies.

A firmament above us, that you could see with the naked eye.

"You'll get used to it," said Dragan as I looked at it in wonder.

His house was rustic, made out of wood, with an almost English aesthetic to it. It was a very beautiful house. Almost one where a woodworker would stay.

"Home sweet home," said Dragan pointing north toward his house. "I built he' myself," he said.

He put his hand against his mouth.

"What, was wrong?"

"I just let slip my accent," he said, I noticed. This new tone he had was new put it soothed my ears. It was perfect for him.

"Are you self-conscious about it or something," I asked bluntly. He nodded, his expression said he was embarrassed.

"Look, if we're going to make this work, we have to learn to let each other be ourselves, you can speak however you want D, I don't mind,"

He relaxed.

"Good, because once I let bo' slip, I can't claim it back,"

Bo' was that the accent's name?

"No worries, I want you to be yourself around me, so we can have the trust to speak about anything, besides it's not like we can hide stuff from each other, Sybil knows all our secrets." I grinned obtusely

Dragan laughed awkwardly.

We reached the house, it was just as beautiful as it was from the outside on the inside.