Fusion Practice - IV - [PT.5]

Our training continues, after morning practice, Dragan would practice a routine that was more akin to something I would refer to as calisthenics. He used his body to break up a sweat and push his muscles to their limit.

During this session, weights would be involved.

I found ways to move my body into different pieces and different shapes. At first, I thought I should be as light as possible to not burden Dragan. He was taking this little training very seriously, but I on the other hand was just along for the ride.

So I came up with a plan to be useful. I would make weights, from my body, Dragan wasn't against the idea at all. He took to it immediately. I would fill my body up with water and become bigger and in turn heavier and Dragan would use me to pull weights and do deadlifts and stuff.

He loved it.

After 40 minutes he was completely beat, so we took a little break after that.

We would munch on some food and drink some water, It was around 30 minutes or so of relaxing.

He would wind down with some stretches and after he had calmed down, we would go for a walk, or help out around the village.

Dragan was the odds man job, if a pipe needed fixing he would be the guy you would ask, this had gotten to a point where he went door to door, villager to villager asking if anyone needed help.

This prompted introductions, Dragan knew everyone by name. He was great with children too, he let his quirky and childlike attitude shine and they would take a liking to it very quickly.

It made me smile he was such a goofball, and they all loved him.

Then around midday, we would eat lunch and after that we would, or more like him, would do another series of stretches to warm up his body, and now it was time for fight practice.