Fusion Practice - IV - [PT.6]

Elder Kamika was ruthless. As hippie, as this woman looked, she had a way with a sword that was similar to playing an instrument.

It was like she could cover a whole room full of snow in the middle of summer. Or, she could create music with her blade.

Of course, they didn't use the real thing, but wooden swords instead.

Dragan would evade as much as he could, but eventually, Kamika would overpower him and break his guard.

"Again!" she would shout as Dragan looked at the woman from the floor.

The scene was almost comical.

Dragan a big hunk of a man, was overpowered by this petite woman, who dressed like a hippie, and claimed to have magical powers.

Out of context, it sounds bizarre.

But here it was a real thing that was happening before my eyes.

Dragan would have no choice but to stand up and face her again.

This would go on for a while, more or less about 4 hours each day, Dragan started to get better, I could see him developing his sword technique right before my eyes.

During this week he became really serious.

At night he would sit by the porch of his house on the hillside with a hot tea in hand, and look at the stars until eventually, he'd fall asleep from exhaustion.

I would sit with him until he woke up, I would bring out a blanket to cover him up, nights got pretty chilly.

This boy was made of steel, I worried he might get a cold or something. Which he actually did.

On day 5 he got a cold from sleeping outside - but pushed through it during morning practice, I think his body removed the cold virus because of the exercise.

I wasn't sure, but I had a feeling if we fused I could destroy the cold out of his body, but we hadn't practice fusing since that last time. And now I worried it might be because he's afraid of the pain.

The days went by pretty normal - with so much things to do, there was hardly any time to sit still.

Still they were fun.

I wondered for a moment if the 4th dimensional gods I had met at the begging, were still watching over me. The story surrounding me and Dragan, was picking up or so it seems.

I was getting suspicious, was the Victorian woman, the business man and the futuristic man still watching over me from somewhere, keeping tabs on me and giving me skills they deemed necessary?

Where exactly does Sybil come from? And who decides on what skill to assist me with?

It was certainly suspicious, but thinking too hard about it would only gave me a headache.