One Final Choice - IX - [PT.2]

The void felt almost like it was suffocating me, there was a sort of pungent smell that permeated through this space, I couldn't get over it, I couldn't make it go away. 

"It's your turn Sors, active that spell,"

Zomearon's 'Sibyl' was named Sors, fitting for his whole speech earlier. 

>Yes Master

I could hear its voice loud and clear, like Sibyl it was a woman in nature, but Sors had a much deeper tone and would address Zomearon as master; sort of creepy if you ask me. 

>Accumulating enough mana resources 


>Frenzy High State will be active on _Unkown_ 

>He's about to cast a high-level frenzy spell on you! 

Sibyl spoke over what Sors was saying. 

"What can we do?" 

>I'll try and block it 


>All magic defense shields have been successfully lowered

>Hi Frenzy ready to cast 

"This, right here," started Zomearon "This is how you experience exactly what the void has to offer, let's see if you can get out of this one," he spoke with malice in his voice. He extended his hand towards me. "Now Sors, let's show this little human exactly what it means to truly go insane!" he said that last part with a little bit too much enthusiasm, a wicked smile on his face, he was looking forward to this. 


Space started warping, time started to feel janky. It felt like everything was moving in slow motion, colors and shapes were deforming out of existence, I looked at Dragan, hidden away in the ice, his face didn't look normal, it wasn't Dragan anymore, instead it only looked like the husk of him. His eyes are completely black and his mouth gaping wide. 

I don't remember his face being like that. 

I'm hallucinating, that's what happening.

Then out of the darkness, dark entities started swarming around me. 

This isn't real.

Even though magic existed in this world, this wasn't real. I felt it. 

There was something wrong with my body, I could feel my skin prickle and my nonexistent hairs stand on end. 

The energy they were taking, felt real enough. 

"Sibyl!!!!" I shouted. 

>It seems you've been infected with some type of hallucinogen

"Get rid of it!" I said gritting my teeth, Sibyl too was getting distorted, every time she spoke her hologram thumped with the rhythm of her voice. 

It had never done that, was the drug already taking effect?

>I'm afraid I can't, Sors has locked out all under-privileges, so I'm unable to connect to the server at this time. 

"Great, so I'm all alone in this one," my breathing was getting heavier, and my skin started dripping like before, except my slime color, which was usually a steady baby blue, was flashing every single in the rainbow. 

Zomearon just looked at me, as entities started dripping from the darkness behind him. The creatures were dark, I could barely make out their shape, they almost looked like insects, straight out of a horror game. 

"Can you tell me exactly what type of drug he made me take?" 

>It seems it's a drug commonly found in mushrooms, Psilocybin, commonly referred to in your world as "magic mushrooms".

The creatures were approaching rapidly towards me rapidly, I was ready to fight them, but as soon as one of them touched me, they just disappeared into a cloud of smoke, they weren't real, their screams and shrills were real enough for me. 

I could feel the effects of the drug gaining up on me, it seemed Zomearon only wanted to up the dose. 

>Insanity has taken hold. 

"Brilliant," said Zomearon, extending his arm towards me. In that instance I felt it, the madness going through my skin, like thousands of bugs attacking me at the same time. My skin was still melting into multicolored slime. 

What was real, and what was fake, I had no clue, under the effects of the drug, there was no making sure. 

"Can you make the drug disappear, make my slime body consume it?" I shouted to Sibyl. 


>Success; all traces of the drug have been removed from your system.

I saw Zomearon grimace. 

With one giant heap of air, I regained my composure, my body wasn't melting anymore, in fact, it probably never was, and there were no bugs anymore. 

But suddenly I heard a loud gong and I saw waves distorting through the void space, hitting me like a sack of bricks. The push was so hard it threw me in the air and pushed me back. 

It didn't take long for me to be able to look up again, but this time, it was different, I didn't feel it like I had felt the drug, this was different. 



I couldn't understand what they were saying, it was like language was escaping me.

"Now I can finally show you the truth," said Zomearon, even though he spoke, it was like I couldn't understand him like he was speaking gibberish.

>Error; translation program malfunctioning. 

Was that what was happening? Sibyl had been using an instant translation program this whole time. With insanity flowing through my world instance, I guess it was affecting some of the functions that had been present, and I had given up for granted. 

The void suddenly opened up, space all around us, stars shining brightly, we were literally in our space. 

Black all around me, suns and planets in the distance. Zomearon pulled forward and I was taken with him, like he had me with some type of invisible cord attached to him. We traveled at light speed, stars flashing by my sides, it felt like we were traveling faster than that. 

Then we arrived, at the center of the galaxy, a supermassive black hole surrounding it. I knew this much, galaxies spun around a massive black hole like a sun spins the planets. 

Zomearon flew around and placed himself next to me. 

"Now, you'll see the truth," he whispered in my ears. 

From inside the black hole, something inhuman started crawling out, a monster, with thousands of eyes, no discernible form, just blobs of flesh attached, tentacles for arms, it defied all laws of physics.

How was it situated inside the black hole, it made no sense. The more it pushed itself up, the more I saw of it, the more my mind tried to push it back. 

So many questions started flowing in my mind, yet there was no time to ask them or even think of them. 

Suddenly all of its eyes were on me.

I felt a chill go down my spine, I was scared, what did it want with me? 

Zomearon only held me tight by the shoulders, he held another hand up to my head, he was using magic to make me unable to move, and my eyes as well, as much as I tried to close them, Zomearon made sure I wouldn't be able to look away. 

I just heard his laughter, from a small chuckle, until his laughter was so evil, so sinister. But why show me this truth? 

What divine purpose would this hold? 

My eyes started to burn, it hurt, it hurt so much. 

Finally, I broke free from his grasp and was able to arch my back, I let out a scream, an incredible hound deep from within my soul. 

Now I could finally feel the insanity. It was like my consciousness was pushed back, and I was just an observer of my perspective.

I wasn't there anymore, not inside my brain at least. 

Then that's when it happened. I saw it like I was playing a video game in the third person. 

With fire in my eyes, I started attacking Zomearon, my arm turned into a water blade, and I jumped thousands of feet into the air. 

I was going berserk, and there was nothing I could do about it. 

Zomearon evaded my attacks with swift precision, he was expecting this. 

"That's all you can do?" he said despondently. 

The husk of myself screamed and took in more mana, at first I saw it green, but the more he took, the more void mana it consumed. 

"That's right, consume more my little Hesperus," he smirked and laughed. "Become the little glutton you were always meant to be, you'll be my vessel, no, you are the perfect vessel!" 

The husk was no longer human, its skin was getting darker by the moment, its chest got translucent, and I could see the miasma lingering stronger inside of it. 

"Stop this," I said watching this scene unfold, my voice null, slow and tiny, almost a whisper. 

The husk launched an attack on Zomearon, it moved so fast, punching swiftly like a cat, that it had taken all four limbs to the floor. 

Zomearon started teleporting around the space at a rapid pace as well, if I wasn't floating where I was, this battle would be hard to keep track of.

Both bodies were moving sporadically an in a million directions, with no sense of purpose or place. 

Zomearon was fueled by his desire to fulfill this plan, which had become incredibly obvious now. 

One thing I didn't notice, my stats were going crazy, my whole build was out of proportion, and numbers were being added on the fly. Like my stat card was having a hard time keeping up with this berserk mode. 

I looked down, and my stomach dropped. 

Taboo - lv. 1576.

This was completely insane. 

"More! More! More!" Zomearon shouted as he evaded my husk's attacks, his laugh was wicked.

Out of nowhere, they froze, completely in time. Just there, unable to move. 

12 stone tablets rose from the ground, mana pouring from them like water, like a black liquid.

On them was a symbol like a circle with pointy edges and horns but it also had wings. 

Zomearon could only move his eyes and mouth. 

"I thought you said you wouldn't interfere!" he shouted from his frozen position. 

"Things have changed," spoke a choir of voices, some female some male, all at the same time, as they did the stone tablets chimed with colored light. There was some echo so they spoke slowly. "We've taken an interest; in the slime" they spoke.

"You said he would be mine!" he shouted.

"You're hurting him, it goes against our natural law. The taboo level is critical, he won't be able to sustain much longer, his soul is already outside his body," they all spoke like one voice. 

They lowered Zomearon slowly, putting his feet on the ground. 

"No! No! No!" he shouted like a child having a tantrum. "We've agreed!" 

"Not like this, Clause 32; Article 57, we agreed you'd keep his taboo level under a thousand, as of now, _unknown user_ contains a taboo level of 1576 and rising, server admins have been notified of your actions," 

"You're reporting me!?" said Zomearon like he was throwing a tantrum again. 

"Correct; However this server contains limitations to which we cannot disavow too; we hope for your understanding," spoke the choir of mods. There was a big silence. They moved my body now completely consumed by the void, and made it float in the middle of the circle of the tablets. "Initiating Purification Ritual," spoke the choir of mods.


Suddenly from the center of where all the tablets had gathered, a small circle started to appear, beneath, as it opened, I could see clear crystal waters, it got bigger and bigger rather quickly, and I was forced back into my body. I could open my eyes once again. I could see it in first person again. 

With a bright of light, they summoned an orb, that they placed inside of me the orb purified the miasma inside me in an instant. 

Then like a tidal wave, I could feel the void sweeping into me. 

>User Privileges are once again accessible.

All of the miasma the void had, was being consumed inside of me, into the orb, it was being purified. 

"No! You're taking it all away! Please!" said Zomearon. The mods didn't listen and continued. Zomearon fought against it trying to keep the mana inside the void. 

He instantly strained. It was so much mana, I could feel like some kind of heavy water. He succumbed to his feet, but it was still going. 

He pushed back, he pushed back so much, his body started deforming, his bones broke, but he persisted still. 

"Please stop, you're hurting him!" I shouted. 

The tidal wave of mana suddenly stopped, and Zomearon gave a sharp exhale. 

"You'd rather have him alive?" the mods asked with a despondent attitude. "We have permission to kill," they said. "The crystal orb currently inside of you holds the power to do so, void magic only comes from the sleeping primordial, we believe you saw it, yes?" 

So that's what that vision was. 

"Void magic is more like a dream, made of illusions and trickery, it survives thanks only to the fools who seek a way to find great amounts of power in a short amount of time, but the void has one fatal flaw, it uses you back, do you still wish to see such an atrocity being free to wonder the halls of Cronus; You can have your slow life, you'd only need to this for us," they said, more quickly than I would have liked. 

This is wrong! 

They must have some type of agenda. Aren't they working with Zomearon? Why betray him like this now? Only after he was able to move me into a state of frenzy. Is that it? They wanted to test the waters? 

"Isn't there a way to find a peaceful resolution?! Something that works for all of us?" 

"We're afraid not, you understand what Zomeraon wants to do with you, right?" they stopped for a second. "He wants to use you, are you okay with that?" 

"Of course not, not against my consent, but can't we work together to tame this power?" I asked, Zomeraon was devastated, seemingly his plan was up in smoke. 

"That timeline has been branched off to a checkpoint currently inaccessible to you in your current state," spoke the mods. 

The fuck?! 

Suddenly Zomearon got up and launched another attack towards me, but the mods put up a wall around themselves and me, blocking the spell, it was like a lightning bolt, green in nature, almost vile. It shot back to Zomearon, making him fall to the ground, I looked at him for a moment, it seemed like he wasn't breathing. 

"We'll take care of him," said the mods, and just like that with sparks and everything Zomearon was teleported out of the void. "He's in our care now," the mods were one singular voice, even though I could hear many different voices underneath, I could have sworn even one of them was robotic. 

Just like that, the final boss battle was over.