One Final Choice - IX - [PT.3]

"There's one more thing you need to do," they spoke again. 

"What's that?" 

"Purify this void, use the crystal orb we gave you, it's our gift,"

"Use the orb huh?" I said. 

>Initiating Scan


>_Magical Orb_ is a level 5 star item; Full Name - Hopeless Lantern 

That's a weird name for a purification item

I closed my eyes. 

"Concentrate on the lantern, make it shine bright, its name represents despair as it can funnel miasma created from mana; However its name also represents a wish, even in the darkest of places, there will always be light guided by the lantern, there will always be hope," they said in unison.

I guess they were right. 

I extended my arms and let the mana do its thing, I connected to an earth vein, and suddenly

I could see the Yggdra, but the place I was in was full of mud and hard to walk on. This trance-like meditation state lets me see visions created by the mana. 

>Initiating Purification Ritual

The mana I had sucked in earlier, had been transformed into earth mana, it disperse through the void, just like last time a circle opened just below my feet and spread out throughout the space, until it reached the top, and closed in on itself. 

"Wonderful, you've completed your job admirably," said the mods. The void was no longer dark or smelled like a damp cave, instead, it was fresh like a patch of spring, the water beneath me was crystal clear, and the sky was setting on a new dawn. Small clouds littered the sky in the most romantic way possible, with tiny hints of orange and soft red. 

A new dawn was cresting.

"We must take our leave, we'll arrange transport for you outside of this instance," they said, the stone tablets went back down just the way they had come in. 

"Wait, what about Dragan?!" 

"We are unable to do anything for him at this time, but he'll be safe, now that you've purified this void instance, this place is your's now, use it however you like, and come back whenever you like, it's just a thought away," they said as they submerged under water. 

Before they were fully submerged, a ring-shaped light appeared beneath me and shined brightly to my height. My HUD appeared in front of me and asked me if I was ready to leave this dungeon.

"You'll be safe here, is what they said," I told Dragan. A counter on the screen said there were 115 seconds before I was ejected by the system.

"I'll come back I promise," I said and clicked YES on my screen. The teleported started, and in the blink of an eye, I was back outside, just outside the Grimalkin village. Looking out towards the rocks, standing on a cliff. 

I couldn't do much but start to cry.