They Hate All Humans

when I woke up from my sleep I noticed that both of my hands were tied to the front of a pole while my feet were tied to the bottom and that I was unable to move freely.

I must have been captured while I was asleep. this made me feel quite stupid since despite my intelligence I was so tired that I forgot to set up defensive measures and now I am captured because of my urge to get rest.

the first thing that I noticed about the people that had captured me was that they looked like elves. yet despite that they looked like a type of elf that I had never seen before.

they had on full sets of black metal body armor. the weapons that they carried either on their backs or on their hilts varied as well from bows, a large variety of different types of swords, as well as magic staffs.

their skin was almost a pale white which threw me off since no type of elf that I had seen looked that way they almost looked like the blood elves of legend that I had only read about in the Imperial records when I made it to this world and; I was gathering data about those around me since to me knowledge is power.

at first I thought that I must be dreaming since no one had seen a single blood elf and almost one thousand years according to Imperial records.

after a bit of time I had finally left the forest where I was originally captured and I noticed that I was being carried through a field.

the next thing that I noticed was that these elves that had captured me must have been part of an army since they all seemed to move in unison at the beat of a drum that I could hear beating from the rear of this group of elves.

the final area that I was dragged to before I was dropped onto the ground was a mountain.

after we made it into a cave that was inside of the mountain they dropped me without mercy and I felt quite a bit of quick pain as my back came into contact with the rocky ground.

the elves untied me from the pole and most of them left me alone.

"why have you captured me?" I asked one of the two guards that I noticed was around me.

truthfully I knew that I would have to talk my way out of this or possibly by my time since there were way too many elves that I did not know what kind of skills they possessed in between myself and my escape.

"we are here to take you to our leader she wishes to speak with you" the guard that was to my left said to me.

I chose to rise to my feet and follow them to this female leader of theirs since I had none of the potions that I had made last night or anything that I could use to escape yet it seemed to be the only option that was available to me.

"follow us to our leader and do not try any kind of tricks you filthy human" the guard said to me as he pointed his spear towards my neck.

they both then ordered me to walk in front of them and with the first guards spear in my back I would not dare to try any kind of tricks.

as I made my way deeper into this labyrinth of tunnels I noticed that these elves had actually made a decently organized society inside of this mountain.

everyone seemed quite excited until they saw me. at the side of me I noticed that all of the children began to hide behind their parents and all of the parents either looked away or tried to stone me.

they were throwing stones at me I normally would have tried to dodge them but I was unsure how the guards would react if I chose to not take this form of punishment.

most of these rocks inflicted small amounts of pain on my chest but a few of them hit me in the lower area of both of my legs which caused me to wobble and lose balance until I fell on my face.

"go back to where you came from. your kind is not welcome here!" one elven citizen yelled at me.

"all humans are disgusting; they could not be trusted three hundred years ago so they cannot be trusted now". another one of the elf citizens said to me as they threw a stone to my face.

the elves continued to stone me even when I fell on the ground. the hatred that they possessed towards humans must have been felt very deeply throughout their entire society.

I knew that before I left these elves I wanted to know exactly why they had such a hatred for my race.

the two guards that were behind me lifted me up off the ground after they had finished stoning me.

"keep moving forward your final judgment has yet to come; you filthy human" they said as they swiftly lifted me up.

when I finally made my way out of the area where most of the common ranked elves lived we made it into a vast open area that looked a lot nicer than the rest of this place that these elves called home.

they had built houses out of the mountain side and decorated it with different colored gems to showcase there wealth and craftsmanship skills.

I was guided to the very rear of this wealthy district where I saw a massive home that had three different floors unlike the rest of the city that was mostly only consisted of one story buildings. the size difference showed this elf's status and wealth among her kind.

when I entered the building I noticed that every guard that I passed walked behind the two that were pushing me forward.

this home was not very complexly designed like I had become accustomed to when visiting Elvin cities but it still had a lot of art and fancy designed furniture throughout the entirety of the building.

as I walked into the last room of the first floor I noticed that it was quite massive and had a chandelier that was made out of antlers. then I noticed that at the back of the room there was a female elf that had on armor just like the rest of these soldiers but she did not carry any kind of weapon; and on both of her sides I saw a large variety of different elves crawling all over her and smiling as they kissed her all over her body.

"what have you brought to me that you find important enough to interrupt me in the middle of my fun time?" she asked the two guards that were behind me as I saw a deadly look of seriousness across her face.

"I am sorry ma'am to interrupt you but this involves one of the heroes that defeated Commander Zog. we have captured him and we believed that you wanted to pass judgment upon him for his deeds as well as the fact that he is a human as well". the guard said as he walked in front of me and bowed completely face down on the ground to her.

"if he is one of the heroes that defeated Commander Zog then he is definitely worth my time. after all he could not possibly stand up against the queen of the blood elves that trained Commander Zog when he was a little orc". then she throws from her chair causing the females that were showing love to her to step aside.

"so you are someone who is above commanderzog in power. this will be a truly interesting encounter; but unlike the other two heros I am not much of a fighter". I told her as I walked forward so that she knew that I was her intended target.

even though I knew that it was quite reckless of me it was most likely the fastest way to understand exactly why these elves felt a strong hatred towards the human race.

the only thing that I knew was that this encounter could possibly be my last if I did not play my cards correctly if she truly is one of the people who trained Commander Zog.