Those Who Sabatoged Me

I stepped outside of the palace and I saw a human that had on a dark hood standing right in front of me.

"This is a letter for you from King Richard himself. This is personal information and should not be shared with anyone that you do not truly trust". He said discreetly to me as he handed me a letter that had the Kings still on it which was a stamp with an eagle in the center.

Then I walked back over to lean against one of The columns of the palace and started to talk to Gilltrude who was to my right.

"so when are you planning on leaving on your journey to meet with the race that the elves would not even mention?" I asked Gilltrude as I stood outside of the dwarven royal palace that was made out of a rare type of metal that I had not seen before.

"I mean I will be going to the location after a bit of time so that I can get myself the rations and supplies that I need for it.

It probably will not take me more than an hour or two to get ready with the help from one of my man servants". I heard him say to me as he picked around one of the support columns of the palace.

"I hope that you do well on your journey in represent your house well. Well I think I am going to my way into the forest by White Falls so that I can get done with this meeting because I have more experiments that I want to do when I make it back to my lab". I said as I waved goodbye to him.

"Yeah and please tell me how the first test of the railway goes since that could mean getting closer to the lifestyle that we once both had on Earth" Gilltrude whispered to me as a group of young humans started to walk up the stairs of the Dwarven castle.

"I will send you a letter about that when I make it back to my lab".

When I finished talking to him I quickly made it to the city stables.

On my way to the city teleporting pad I saw a very few amount of people in the city after Commander Zog's wife had given the proposition of restored and eternal youth. It seemed that most of the members of the city; as well as most of the guests who had come for the event of celebrating our active peace among most of the dominant races of this world.

Due to the temptation of the offer that she had given it seemed that only a handful of families had stayed behind .

It did not take me very long to get to the stables due to the fact that the streets were almost completely bare and lifeless. I hoped that the human cities were not as bare as the dwarven cities seem to be at this time.

The teleporting structure was completely bare since it seemed that all the elves that were running it had chosen to leave the city with Commander Zog's wife.

Since I couldn't no longer use the teleportation circles to return home I had to make my way to the stables and borrow a horse.

When I made it there the stable boy instantly gave me a horse without even asking since he recognized me due to what I had helped achieve just five months ago.

I then mounted the horse that he offered me and wrote it out of the city so that I could make my way back to the forest out of my howntown as soon as possible.

It only took me a few hours to make it home but it was night time when I made it to the forest so I prepared a temporary camp set up for myself so that I had somewhere to crash for the night; and continue the journey come tomorrow morning.

After I had set up camp I then gathered herbs that were in the forest around me and mix them to make a potion that I could drink to fulfill my hunger and thirst.

While the potion worked as I intended it to it was definitely not as satisfying as getting normal food as it was running through my system. Then I chose to open the letter that the king had sent me as I leaned up against a large oak tree that was a little bit away from the main road.

The letter red colon

Dear Robert; The Imperial Alchemist.

I have discovered who it was that originally sabotaged your work in trying to create this technology of transportation that you called a train.

It turns out that your invention had caught the eyes of the noble house of Star Wolf. They had considered your advancements to be both an insult to our customs as well as the work of a demon.

Since both myself and previously my father before his murder both agreed with your plan to create this invention as a means of paying you back for your services to our house as well as one of your rewards for bringing this world into another era of peace.

After I discovered who it was that sabotaged your work they refused to back down; so I ordered my assassination squad to kill the entire family as a means of punishment.

While you might think that it is extreme to do that; I must make it very clear to other future enemies that they cannot touch anything that you create without intense punishment following their crimes.

Sincerely, King Frederick.

"Well I guess that he has taken care of that for me; which means that I can focus almost entirely on this future meeting that I will be having with the blood elves.

I quickly passed out due to the fact that I had become exhausted because of all of the annoying and petty people that were in the meeting that I had to sit through today.

It did not take me long to be woken up by the sound of branches that were somewhat moving as well as leaves that were falling from them around me.

Before I was able to react to what I could hear around me I was surrounded by beings that looked like elves but they were mostly white skinned and their eyes were a dark blood red. They had a variety of different weapons pointed at me and ready to strike me.

"What are you doing in our forest?" The white elf that was clearly the leader of the group asked me has she approached me with metal claws on both of her wrists.

"I am here to speak with your current leader if you are a member of the blood elf species". I said very slowly since she seemed to approach me with every word I spoke to her.

They did not respond to what I said with words instead I was suddenly hit really hard on the back of the head with the butt of a sword and it knocked me unconscious.