Twisted Intentions

The sky was pitch black that night there was no moon or starlight out so that I could not see clearly.

I was in a black cage that had a magical barrier around it so that I could not escape. I was captured and did not know where I was going to be taken.

I am a dragon that has the power over the element of fire and I was captured while on a routine border patrol. The entire group of dragons that I had command over were thrown into anri-magic cages to prevent us from using our different types of elemental magic to escape.

"You filthy dragons are going to fetch a high price if we offer your bodies to the dark sorcerer. I am definitely going to be Midas rich soon". An elderly bald man said that was wearing dark armor and had a crest of a blue falcon on his chest.

He then poked a halbert at the cage and started to laugh at me.

"Do you think that you have stopped us from resisting against him? If you think that you are as delusional I have been told that your species can get". I said to him as I snarled at him for his despicable deed of capturing us.

"Oh don't worry if capturing you was this easy then maybe I will capture your entire species so that you become extinct and I will be one of the richest men alive who is not a member of a royal household". He said as he continued to poke at me and laugh.

Every time he stabbed at me it felt as though I was losing some of the magic inside of me and his weapon started to glow brighter with every single cut that he made in my body.

"It does not matter what you say to me your faith will be sealed soon enough. In the end the only thing that matters is the weight of my purse." The elderly man laughed as he walked away from my cage.

When he left me alone I began to observe my surroundings so that I could see if there was a way to possibly get out in the future.

I was being carted over to a set of old ruins that was at the end of a forest.

At the end of the forest when we made it into the ruins I noticed that this looked like an ancient blood elf city that was destroyed in a previous war or natural disaster. The only structure that seem to be intact was an ancient Temple that had a black energy barrier around it.

The line of wagons stopped moving until I saw the barrier slowly dissipate that was about three wagons in front of me.

As the barrier deactivated we started to move forward and I was able to see the inside of the Temple which caused me to get a sudden sharp shiver throughout my body because there was something about this temple that just did not feel right to me.

The inside of the Temple had stone sculptures of all of the different types of elves that this world had on this Temple was made. I saw a statue of a sea elf, blood elf, and Sun elf on my left side. On my right side I saw a statue of a snow elf, Moon elf, and a Wood elf. This told me that this was some kind of elven Temple but it did not feel pure even in the slightest like the elven temples that I had read about during my research of other races when I was growing up and educating myself.

Then the wagon stopped moving and they started to move our cages one by one until we were all lined up as if we were put on display to be watched as if we were to be over or observed.

When my cage was put down I noticed that in total they had captured about ten dragons.

"See I told you that I could capture you some dragons for your army. Now about my payment I think that I deserve a great amount of payment for the effort that my men and I have gone through to capture something so rare for you". The bald man said as he walked over to a man that I could not see due to his robes that were covering his entire body.

"Let me examine the merchandise first and when I am done with that then I will determine what kind of reward you have earned based on the value and state of these dragons that you have captured for me. Just remember if you wasted my time by pulling me away from my work to look at things that are worthless to me then you will pay a price yourself". He said which caused the elderly man to back away at a fear.

"You know I would not do that I have heard stories of what you will do to those who cause you to waste your time dark mage".

Then I was able to finally see the person who had asked for us to get captured.

He was a blood elf that had no hair and he wore rings on each of his fingers that contained small vials that contained blood instead of having gems.

As he opened the first cage that was to my left the dragon started to rise and tried to attack him, but as when the dragon came close to him the ring that was on his right index finger shattered and the blood side of it acted as a barrier.

Then the blood elf grabbed a collar that he snapped around the dragon's neck. As the collar snapped aroundthe neck some elvish text on it started to pluse dark red.

The dragon suddenly stopped moving as of his mind had been wiped.

I wondered what kind of cruel things was this blood elf going to do to us that he needed us to be like a lifeless doll while he worked.

He then placed collar on each of us and as he put mine on me I was able feel as though something else had taken control of me which made it impossible to move or speak freely.

"Well as you can tell I've lived on my part of the bargain so how much money are you going to offer me in exchange for my services each of these dragons are worth at least five hundred gold a piece." The elderly bald man said.

"Yes I know I will give you the ultimate prize for your services to me today". The blood elf said as I noticed him walk behind the elderly human and stabbed him through the back with a spear that was by his table instead of giving him money.

"You said that you would give me the most valuable prize that I could have. You lied to me". He said as he started to cough up blood from his mouth and spilled blood all over the temple floor.

"Yes and I told you that you would get the ultimate prize. You have given your life to the cause and I will use your body to enhance my research after all humans rarely come here; so being able to study a human at all is a very rare opportunity." He said to the human as he was bleeding out in front of him with an evil grin on his face as if he had a more twisted plan of what he was going to do to the human and that it might possibly be worse than what he was going to be doing to us.

He then attacked and killed all of his bodyguards while evilly laughing.

Would I ever be able to get out of the situation or was I going to be unable to escape from this new version of hell that I had been carted off into.