Controlled Mixture

The street was dimly lit by the low-grade lamps that were hanging off of each of the buildings which made it look as though it was a bright area along the night sky and it was very hard to make out what was in front of me you to all of the people that were running up and down the street in a haste as if they were rushing to get a new item that was a most important or something that was very limited in quantity.

I could smell the sharp scent of chemicals being mixed as I was waiting down a side road with hey sign that had the symbol of alchemy on it.

I was walking down this side road I was feeling as if I was in a place where I belonged. This area was an area where active alchemists and scientists could experiment to their heart's content without getting controlled by the government unless it involved torture or murder.

I was surprised that the queen of the blood elves left me alone to explore her town since I was a newcomer to this way of life.

Even though I was new to the experience myself the body that I was inhabiting knew where to go as though it had been here for hundreds of years.

"Get out of my shop! If you ever come back to disgrace my practice again I will register for a restraining order on you and have you thrown in prison for over a week!" I heard an elderly man voice yell as a young man was running out of the building to my right and I saw a glass vial being thrown at him.

There was something about this man that made him stand out compared to the rest of his kind. He had a very old and torn lab coat on and on the sides of his clothes he had pouches to hold all of the different potions that shined a variety of different colors which meant that he was a very creative alchemist and if I wanted to learn the difference between human alchemy and elven alchemy I would only learn from someone is creative as him.

I walked into his store which looked chaotic and unorganized but as they always said when I was on Earth brilliant men are always messy so this meant that I was most likely in the right area to enhance my skills.

"Leave me alone I do not care who you are. You are going to be just like the rest a disappointment, a failure, and a waste of my time." He says he turned around looked at me and then turned back around to go back to work as if he was disappointed and what he had seen.

"Hey since you have lost an apprentice would it be possible that you could teach me your craft I am already a skilled alchemist I just want to take my skills to an entirely different level.

I honestly believe none of these peons has the skill to advance a mind as unconventional as mine so I followed the rumor mill around town and it led me here to you sir". I told him as my body did a light bow on his own as if that was the appropriate thing to do so that I could convince him to allow me to join him.

"You are definitely a persistent one. I can respect persistence which means that you are definitely better than most since you have passed my first test."

"I knew it I knew that you were testing me it became so obvious to me that only a brilliant man would test someone as the first phase to see if they were truly wanting to join him". I said in response to what he had said to me.

"Well at least you have proven to me that you are smarter than most of the peons in this world. Your final test is that I want you to make a potion that would blow me away and you only have 24 hours to do it. If you want to pass this test you will not be allowed to buy the ingredients. you must either find them or use the ones that I have laying around in the shop.

As soon as he said those words I showed a giant grin on my face from ear to year because I was truly about to enjoy working with this guy if I was able to create something that would blow his mind away. What kind of route would I take when I go The alchemist route of what I had learned as a human alchemist or what I take something from the page from when I was on Earth as a chemist and physicist that would blow his mind away with the wonders of another world.

"Well let me see what you have first so that I can see what I have available to me without spending too much of my time searching for new items." I said to him as he walked me through his store into a room that was on the left side where he had made a miniature greenhouse as well as a pile of junk.

"You will have all of this at your disposal as long as you don't obliterate all of my plants. If you blow my mind away more than anyone who has ever tried to learn from me then I will teach you a trade secret that I was going to reserve for my son but I never ended up getting married so my secrets have remained untold until I find a worthy successor".

After he spoke he shut the door and I then looked through his pile of junk first because I thought I would embrace my scientist side to amaze him first and then follow it with some alchemy which made me come up with an idea where I would not need very many parts even some simple metal and glass would do which this primitive world had plenty of.

After grabbing a few items from the pile of junk I used an old abandoned furnace so that I could mailed the metal pieces into a brace that I needed so that I could hold my potion container as well as the tubes that we're going to be used in the mixing process.

I had picked up some basic blacksmithing techniques from Gilltrude during our time of peace which made the process much more efficient and much faster.

Then I had made glass tubes and then all float in together into the larger container at the base and put in stoppers every twenty percent of the tube so that I can control the mixture.

After I was done molding everything I then combined it all together to make a device that would blow his mind away.

As soon as I finally finished putting it all together I went over to his shop and it had taken me almost a day to get it done with the project.

"Well you barely made it within a day. What piece of garbage are you calling science that you are going to send my way as proof of your genius". I entered with my weird device in my hand.

"In order to show this to you sir I'm going to need some paste to mix together." I said to him.

"Hear these two items are the items that we need in order to make a cure disease potion". Said is he handed me liquid forms of what looked to be like herbs one of them white and one blue.

I then placed the blue paste in the left tube and the white paste in the right tube.

Then I placed in my stoppers at every 20% and the cork at the bottom so that it would not mix yet.

"With this device that I have made you can control the mixture by twenty percent at a time so that you can get almost exactly what you're after when making potions." I said to him as I pulled both of the stoppers in the lower and middle area of the left side and then pulled off three together on the right side which made them mixture to be almost exactly what you normally would need. Then I used a spoon to mix it together and poured it into a vial that glowed a bright blue color.

He then took the vial and examined it and compared it to the typical vial that he made for this type of potion.

After that he put the potions on the table and shook my hand out of excitement.

"You are hired in the past we had to always memorize the exact formula and you have made a way to simplify the mixing process so that even a simpleton can do it as long as they can do some basic mathematics. The ruler of our land will definitely enjoy this invention."

I had finally joined a scientist that was able to enhance my scientific experience in the means of elven knowledge. The thought of what I would be able to accomplish possessing both elven and human knowledge believe in my own mind away the true journey that I was about to embark on would shape my destiny forever.