Petty Customs and Traditions

"I wonder if you guys know about the state of the world around you?" I asked the other members of the elven council.

"Why do you think we should involve ourselves with the affairs of humans and much less the affairs of dwarves. We have to put the survival of our own race above all others". The sun elf representative said to me.

"Did you know that Commander Zog's wife actually took some Elves along with her in an attempt to offer them to having their youth restored? if you still do not believe me because I am a woman then you can always have someone scan my mind using your elven magic to see if I am telling the truth." I offered the elves so that they would have no reason not to believe what I had told them.

The Sun out for representative snapped his fingers and one of the guards that was with him came over to me and he cast a spell on me after saying "mind reading manipulation about what has occurred recently involving Commander Zog's wife"

As soon as he spoke I was able to see a bubble that surrounded me and showed my variety of different thoughts.

I first saw the arena where we were celebrating the piece between the three Superior races of this world. After that I saw that Commander sugg's wife was there posing as an elven mage with gravity magic.

The final thing that was shown was her transformation into her true orc form and the thing that she offered every one at the arena even when she the age someone in front of them is proof.

"Well then how are we going to solve this if this is true?" The wood elf representative said as the images from the spell disappeared from my site.

All of the other Representatives except for the sun elf began to murmur back and forth about what they were going to do for the sake of their people and how they are leader would want them to stand in this situation.

"Is it not obvious what you must do". I said to try to catch their attention but they still ignored me which irritated me because these men were so sexist that they did not want to recognize me as the representative of my people despite all the deeds that I had done in my past.

After everyone stop arguing and discussing what they were going to do the sea elf representative started to speak. "Since our moon elf representative has defeated commandez Zogs wife once before I think that she should be part of the plan to take down her again in her next evil plot that is currently unfolding".

"I will never listen to the words of a woman women are just alive so that we can procreate and have children they serve no function in society. It does not matter how long we live males will always be the superior sex". The wood elf said angrily as he looked at the sea elf as if he had crossed a boundary by suggesting such a thing.

Then every one of the elves began to agree with the wood elf and what he was saying about traditions and me being a female and my attempt to try to step out of the boundaries that they have thrown my gender into.

"If you guys will not help solve this problem I will do it myself; and after all I know that the humans can be reasoned with then you are they will not be so gender-specific on the things that they want us to do because they know that if it wasn't for me and my group of friends Commander Zog would have taken over the world and it would you have meant the end of their ways of life". I said as I turned around and stormed out of the chapel.

When Iwas about to make it outside of the cathedral I was stopped by the golems that were guarding the entrance.

"I am sorry but you will not be allowed to leave and tell the humans or even the dwarves about what you have learned here today. All of our elven secrets must be kept within our race and our race alone". The elf that I had to pass by to enter into the cathedral said to me.

"Do you really want to make the mistake of fighting me?" I asked him as I opened my grimoire and the tips my fingers begin to chill due to the ice spells that I was about to create.

"Come on do you think you scare us. Each one of us is equal to a hundred of our people in power that is why we have been brought here as a representative because we are among the elites.

Correct me if I'm wrong but no one has even heard of you up until about a year ago there was no proof of your birth in this world there is no record of your family so your power must be very limited". The wood elf representative said to me from behind me.

I was finally at the end of my patients with these stubborn elves; so I chose to allow my past deeds and my current actions to speak volumes to them since they will either have to listen to my words or allow me to leave so that I can find those who will listen.

"If you think you can take me on then be my guest but remember I have achieved great things in my life that will forever bring me down in history as one of the great heroes that have saved this world; and I am a woman so you can take your chauvinism and shove it right up your fucking ass!". I yelled at the guard as I waved my hand and I sent an ice pillar towards him without even saying any kind of phrases since my ice magic head evolved a lot in these five months of peace.

He was not able to move at all after my eyes had made contact with his body. Ice that I shot at him froze at his feet and started to rise up until it made it to his armpits to where only his arms as well as his head we're able to move around freely.

"You impotent little woman!" The what else said as he shot a barrage of arrows at me as soon as he saw what I had done to the guard at the cathedrals entrance.

"Black ice wall" I said as I noticed the arrows were starting to approach me and a wall of black ice generated in front of me blocking his arrows.

"Did you honestly believe that something so minuscule would defeat a Great female hero like me like me." Then after that I spoke another spell after the pages of my grimoire turned to a different spell. "Ice mine times two!!!" I said as I pointed at all of the Representatives except for the sun elf and the sea elf who were both nice and kind to me despite how chauvinistic everyone else was being.

After I activated my spell they were all covered in the same kind of spell as the guard when they took a step on the magic ice circles that I had placed in front of them.

"Do you think that this will stop us?" The dark elf asked.

"You are a disgrace to all elf kind. The fact that you will let your personal motives outweigh the ancient customs of our people shows that you are a very young and petty elf." The guard at the door said from behind me after the dark elf had spoken.

"This fighting will stop right now!!!!" The sun elf yelled which caused everyone to go silent. "She has the freedom to leave but if she does she will lose her right to be a representative in this council".

"That is fine with me I believe that I will get more done cooperating with the humans and dwarves that I will with all of your petty people that allow customs and traditions to get in the way of the survival of your own species" I said to him as I walk out of the cathedral and decided to kick over the guard that I had turned into a statue made mostly of ice.

Then a circle showed up in front of me full of warp energy and I stepped into it and I teleported back to my home instantly.

"How did it go mistress?" My head butler asked me as soon as I stepped out of the portal of warp magic.

"It did not go well at all they were very Petty and upset at the fact that I was representing my race as a woman. I cannot believe that they allowed Petty customs and traditions to get in the way of this world survival!" I yelled angrily trying to refrain from breaking anything around me.

"If they will not listen what will you do mistress?" He asked me.

"I will need to use another warp spell so that I can get to the dwarf capital city and meet with Prince Gilltrude. With his help I will convince the Dwarven royal family to help me where the elves were clearly too petty to do so". I said to him.

"Yes mistress I will prepare your warp mage by giving him the details of what you will be doing and where you will be going".

"Remember do not tell too many people because the more people that know this the more likely the elven council will react. Also this city May no longer be a part of the elven alliance so I might have to make some political arrangements with the dwarves or possibly even the humans that rule over this world". I told him as I made it to my room and decided to pass out so that I could get my much-needed rest because I was tired due to all of the bickering that I had to handle during the meeting.

The only thing that I did not know was if I was going to be able to get the trust of the dwarves or if I would have to rely on the humans. My future was very uncertain not knowing what the world is going to throw at me next.